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Teachers' Bistro! 3-14-2011

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Welcome to Monday!


What's for lunch today? Us: cracked pepper roast beef on oatmeal bread. Kids had a side of cherry tomatoes. DD and I may be stopping for a soda on the way to the library today. She has attention issues and caffeine actually seems to really help her. Me, I just need something to help me wake up! (and it's already after noon)! :tongue_smilie:


For us more seasoned moms ;) anyone have body parts complaining today? Me: my right knee for some reason.


What's fun for you this week? Us: today we're going to see a play, for FREE, at a local library. :auto:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Well, we're past lunch so I am deciding on dinner. Just DS and myself so I think it will be roasted brussel sprouts and a chef salad.


I know I am getting old, but geez, the pain in the shoulders today is a bit much. That's what I get for doing so much laundry yesterday because I let myself fall behind.


We have a fun week. Tomorrow DS is starring in the play "The Giant Rutabaga". On Thursday, we get to go the Center for Puppetry Arts and see the Dragon King. Friday and Saturday will be spent at the Southeast Homeschool Conference in Greenville, SC.


A busy week, but then aren't they all that way :tongue_smilie:

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Lunch was vegetable soup.


My left eye is bothering me. I think I scratched the cornea. I took out my contacts and am workin' the 4-year old glasses today :tongue_smilie: my kids keep laughing at me because I'm missing the peripheral vision and tripping all over the place.


Fun this week is spring cleaning. That involves a good cleaning of our family's graves, which are two states away :D so we're planning a 4 day mini-vacation, too.


Have fun at your play! I love our library, and make sure to tell them so as often as I can!

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Lunch was terrible from a diet standpoint. We split a big old fashioned chocolate milkshake 3 ways. I had a BBQ sandwich and fries and a couple of ds' onion rings.


Achy body parts - Nothing overwhelming. I am not going to count low grade aches which are chronic. The more I ignore those, the better.


Fun - We just got back from spending the morning with another homeschool family. We have such a nice laid back time there.:)

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Lunch for me: buffalo and sweet potatoes. I did get allergy free chocolate chips, and buffalo steak is fairly good. Buffalo burgers are not recommended. The base grocery store has started to stock buffalo steak, so I can afford to buy that over burger now. In the past, I alternated between burgers and steak.


Lunch for children: whole wheat noodles with parmesean cheese.


Left knee. I had surgery 7 years ago and it acts up on occasion. Normal food allergy problems, even with my crazy diet I still have some issues.


Fun: We did the first half of an egg drop construction thing at CC today and will do another with homeschool friends tomorrow. You cannot drop too many eggs, evidently!

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Lunch was terrible from a diet standpoint. We split a big old fashioned chocolate milkshake 3 ways. I had a BBQ sandwich and fries and a couple of ds' onion rings.


Achy body parts - Nothing overwhelming. I am not going to count low grade aches which are chronic. The more I ignore those, the better.


Fun - We just got back from spending the morning with another homeschool family. We have such a nice laid back time there.:)


:drool5::drool5::drool5: I gave up chocolate for Lent :svengo:

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Lunch - DS and I had leftovers and DD had a burrito.


Achiness - Left knee here, too. I screwed it up in a freak car accident a few years ago and today it was doing its clicking thing again. Meh.


Fun stuff - We're on Spring Break, so laissez les bon temps roulez!

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