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Any other Les Miserables (the musical) fans here?

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I'm watching the Blu-Ray of the 25th anniversary concert while doing laundry and decluttering the family room today. (I went to see the film of the 25th anniversary concert at a movie theatre a few months ago, and couldn't wait for the Blu-Ray version to come out.) And I'm looking forward to seeing the Broadway touring production when it comes to our area this summer. This will be my third time seeing it. I know for the 25th anniversary, they have made some changes to orchestration, etc. I can't wait to see it. Still deciding if we're going to take ds with us; he's not DYING to see it, and tickets are expensive. But the story is so wonderful, and I'd like him to read the novel sometime in the next couple of years.



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I'm watching the Blu-Ray of the 25th anniversary concert while doing laundry and decluttering the family room today. (I went to see the film of the 25th anniversary concert at a movie theatre a few months ago, and couldn't wait for the Blu-Ray version to come out.) And I'm looking forward to seeing the Broadway touring production when it comes to our area this summer. This will be my third time seeing it. I know for the 25th anniversary, they have made some changes to orchestration, etc. I can't wait to see it. Still deciding if we're going to take ds with us; he's not DYING to see it, and tickets are expensive. But the story is so wonderful, and I'd like him to read the novel sometime in the next couple of years.




Take him! I saw it the first time when I was 14, as well as Aida & Phantom on Broadway with a high school orchestra trip (3 shows & the NY Phil--the whole trip cost me $550 after fundraising, best value EVER)! Love, love, love!

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I *heart* Les Mis.:001_wub:


Other girls wanted to be doctors and teachers when they grew up...I wanted to be Eponine.:001_smile: "On My Own" was my favorite audition song as a teen. I can sing the entire musical from memory...every part. I had a musical buddy in high school and we would call each other push *play* at exactly the same moment - he'd sing all the guy parts, and I'd sing all the girl parts...more than I should share on the internet:blush:

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Huge fan! We watched the anniversary concert production on our local PBS station last night. It was dd's first time to see it. The musical is coming to our area in the fall. Dd wants to go see it. Well, really if she had her way, she'd be in it! I've seen it at the theatre 4 times and each time was like seeing it for the first time.

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I LOVE Les Mis. And my husband wanted to take me to the show in Detroit- it even coincides with our anniversary! BUT it would require an overnight trip and my 7 month old is NOT sleeping through the night so I can't ask G-ma to keep her overnight yet. I'm really bummed about it.

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I *heart* Les Mis.:001_wub:


Other girls wanted to be doctors and teachers when they grew up...I wanted to be Eponine.:001_smile: "On My Own" was my favorite audition song as a teen. :


Sorry, but I am Eponine. :D


"A little fall of rain, could hardly hurt me now."

Of course, now I would probably only be cast [if I ever were cast] as the innkeeper's wife. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by newlifemom
had to fix my bolding. :)
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I love it! I saw it on a choir trip to NYC when I was in 7th grade and thought it was amazing. My awesome MIL is taking my husband and me to see it when it comes through our area in 2 months. I'm so excited!


The book is one of the only books I've ever cried in.

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Still deciding if we're going to take ds with us; he's not DYING to see it, and tickets are expensive. But the story is so wonderful, and I'd like him to read the novel sometime in the next couple of years.




I've never seen Le Mis, but we're huge musical theatre fans around here. My daughter has the soundtrack and has made me listen to it a number of times.


I'm curious about why you would hesitate to take your son?

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Huge fan, tho I've only seen the anniversary shows on PBS--watched the 25th anni show just a couple of hours ago! I really like the first Jean guy better than the one in the 25th--actually all the cast in the, what was it, 10th? anni show.


Today my son asked if I was crying during Bring Him Home. Oh yeah, I was. He doesn't know I sang that song when he was in treatment and about cried out all my tears every time.

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I've never seen Le Mis, but we're huge musical theatre fans around here. My daughter has the soundtrack and has made me listen to it a number of times.


I'm curious about why you would hesitate to take your son?


Partly because the tickets are expensive! And partly because of some of the content ("Lovely Ladies", "Master of the House", etc.). Still mulling it over.



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LOVE IT! I've seen in from the audience 8 times (in various cities) and worked as a dresser in the touring production when I was in college. They came to the town where I went to college and needed 2 extra dressers (they had 2 who were sick) and contacted the theatre department. I was a theatrical design major and costume shop supervisor (in my senior year), so I JUMPED at the opportunity. A friend of mine (who also worked in the costume shop) took the other position and we worked 16 shows. It was sooooo much work, but we got to hear the music every night (and see a lot of the show from backstage) AND got paid for it.


I have the music on my ipod and Indy loves to listen to it. I don't know why they cut some of the songs from the American production though. Sadness.

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Dh got me tickets, and we took our 14 yo. "Let Him Live" seemed SO different a song, as a parent, than it did as a childless, unmarried 23 yo. I cried so hard...it was embarrassing. Maybe because my ds has been away for 6 months now, I don't know.


The biggest difference in the show itself was how they staged Javert's suicide-it was absolutely stunning the first time I saw it, also because I did not know the plot and it was unexpected, and this time, it was more "special effects"-cool, but not quite the same impact, IMO.

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I went to see it twice in LA live. For a few years the Ahmanson and Taper productions offered our school's staff $10 Sunday afternoon matinee tickets. I got all that I could! At that time they were $60-$80 tickets. Loved it!

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LOVE LE MIS!!!!! Saw it first at the Kennedy Center in 1988 as a newly wed. Both my dh and I were sniffing at the end - "To love another person is to see the face of God!" Got the original sound track and know the whole thing. Saw it again in 1990 as a new mom, cried more. Bought the 10th anniversary video. Saw a tour company in 1998 and loved it even more. Saw a student production in 2007 in the round and was moved even more, something about being so close to the cast. I went home and started reading the book, but could only make it to the part where Fantine sells her front teeth :crying: It was soooo sad! Just saw the 25th Anniversary Concert on PBS last weekend and my 16 yo dd watched with me. Every time I see it I find more to move me. The contrast of grace in Jean Valjean and legalism in Javert is so stark. Just found out it is coming to the Kennedy Center in the fall. We're there!!!


If you want your ds to see it, why don't you discuss the story (I'd suggest read, but it's a whopper!) beforehand and put it in context, listen to the soundtrack and then see it. It is such an amazing story and musical. The older I get the more meaningful it is to me. I find I am growing into it.



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I adore it! I've seen it twice, and my husband once.

We're taking our three to see it in May. They can sing any number of the songs, and the 6-year-old calls it "Jean ValJean"


I feel really lucky to be able to find "cheapish" seats through the business my husband works for. We save up for big things like this.

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Love it. My son played one of the students in a local theater production last year, and I saw it about twenty times. I never cried so much in my life. Gawd, it's so sad. :crying:


:iagree: I choke up within the first 8 bars every time! Just remembering how I felt the first time the stage lights started to rise the first time I saw it gives me chills!

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LOVE IT! I've seen in from the audience 8 times (in various cities) and worked as a dresser in the touring production when I was in college. They came to the town where I went to college and needed 2 extra dressers (they had 2 who were sick) and contacted the theatre department. I was a theatrical design major and costume shop supervisor (in my senior year), so I JUMPED at the opportunity. A friend of mine (who also worked in the costume shop) took the other position and we worked 16 shows. It was sooooo much work, but we got to hear the music every night (and see a lot of the show from backstage) AND got paid for it.


I have the music on my ipod and Indy loves to listen to it. I don't know why they cut some of the songs from the American production though. Sadness.



I did the same thing! DH and I both worked backstage at many, many shows, but Les Mis was definitely my favorite. The guys I dressed that week were fantastic as well - they gave dh and I comp tickets to go actually see the production in San Antonio at the Majestic (we had family there). That is probably one of my favorite memories.


ETA: The song "Bring Him Home" does me in though. I cannot listen to it without bawling like a baby. In fact, I'm tearing up just thinking about it. Too, too close to home sometimes.

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Love it here too. I've seen it 5 times I think, once in London, twice in DC, twice in Atlanta. I missed it when it was in Baltimore 2 weeks ago, because of how pregnant I am. I am debating seeing it when it comes to DC again in October, but since we are planning on going to Wicked in August, while it is in DC, I may have to skip Les Miserables, since tickets are so expensive for good seats and DH and I like good seats when we go.

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Sorry, but I am Eponine. :D


"A little fall of rain, could hardly hurt me now."

Of course, now I would probably only be cast [if I ever were cast] as the innkeeper's wife. :tongue_smilie:


:tongue_smilie: and :lol::lol::lol:


"I used to dream that I would meet a prince...." (That would be a fun part to play. It might give my dh a complex though.:lol:)



Now, I'm looking at ticket prices in my area...you guys are a bad influence.:001_smile:

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