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Do you find 'fun' stuff fun?

Do you find 'fun stuff' - see post - fun  

  1. 1. Do you find 'fun stuff' - see post - fun

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I dread the thought of "fun" stuff, so I voted no. But when we actually do them (and I usually have to drag my family), we have a GREAT time. I think it's because I've already expected it to be awful, and it never lives down to that expectation.


Sil/bil took us on vacation three years ago, to both Busch Gardens and Williamsburg. I looked forward to Wmsbg and wished I could stay in the hotel while everyone went to Busch Gardens. Busch Gardens was a blast, one of the best times we've ever had. I only went on one ride, and it was still that great just watching my kids have fun, enjoying the whole thing. Wmsbg, on the other hand, was awful, tedious, and left me wondering :confused:. Usually when I look forward to something, it doesn't turn out that badly.

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My dh does. :glare: We used to live where there was a festival for EVERYTHING. It was the same rides, same vendors, same people. Dh felt compelled to go EVERYTIME. He let up a little when he realized ds didn't share his enthusiasm. The same town had NO quality museums.


Ds does enjoy anything to do with water, including water parks. He doesn't get the purpose of parades and neither do I. Dh also thinks parades should be watched, like the Thanksgiving parade on TV.


I think dh enjoys those events as they contain happy childhood memories for him.


I find more joy in hiking or reading. I got giddy visiting a bookstore yesterday. If an event/place has a purpose I enjoy it more. Disney world was fun, but I dislike roller coasters. Water parks with lazy rivers are nice.

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I love amusement parks, specifically theme parks, I guess. And the one time we went to a major water park, we loved that, too.


I like being able to go somewhere with a family atmosphere, park once for the day, be able to walk around, be reasonably sure we'll all have a great time, know I'll be able to feed us, change diapers, and buy a change of clothes (or at least a shirt) if needed. We went to Legoland Deutschland last year and had a great time.


Maybe we're just shallow, lol . . .

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I do because my kids do. And I think a lot of that is also that we NEVER did things like that when I was a kid (because my oldest brother was too"difficult" in public) & I always wanted to, so seeing them really enjoying themselves & knowing I'm giving them something I didn't get to enjoy myself makes me enjoy it more.


DH hates crowds... so he's not generally a fan.

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I voted yes, but I have limits. I'm really allergic to crowds, so I have to do some of these things in moderation. My preference is for theme parks or pools, circuses and fairs. We seldom attend local festivals and will arrange our vacation or home life to avoid being in places when these are going on.


In general, I love National or State Parks in the shoulder seasons.


But theme parks, fairs and circuses are fun in moderation.

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I voted 'other'. Overall, I'm not a fan of any kind of festival, fair, or amusement park. There is one glaring exception. Walt Disney World. I love that place! I figured out what the attraction is for me. It's one place where everyone in my family enjoys themselves equally. My son is on the spectrum, so unless a family outing involves one of his interests (Lego, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Halo) he loses interest quickly and turns inward to think about his interests. WDW manages to keep him engaged, which means he interacts with us!

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I voted 'other'. Overall, I'm not a fan of any kind of festival, fair, or amusement park. There is one glaring exception. Walt Disney World. I love that place!


Same here, well, for the most part. I also like the occasional Renaissance fair and well done artisan festivals. I love WDW.

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I voted 'other'


I don't find rides and stuff fun anymore (I don't know why, but between Fair 2009--which was a blast--and Fair 2010, I get nauseous alot more now and I just lost interest.)


I have never liked circuses much, and I think dread all that other 'fun' stuff. The first time I went to Disney I was 18~19yo. It wasn't very magical too me...

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For me, it depends. I don't like overly crowded places, or things where you have to line up for a long time, and wouldn't enjoy any of it much with, say, a gaggle of toddlers to keep an eye on at the time. But given the right opportunity and circumstances, yes, I find it fun. Cruising the Carribean, skimming down a big water slide, a picnic at a jazz festival... yeah, that would be fun right about now!

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I like some of those things, and hate others. A water park is my worst nightmare, but I love amusement parks. Of course, I don't find them to be *quite* as much fun as a parent (keeping tabs on kids, foregoing the biggest rides, lugging diaper bags) as I did before, but they're still exciting.


I'm kind of anti-circus, but they do have the advantage of being SEATED entertainment. I'm obviously getting old, lol. ;)

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I (and we) like just about every "fun" thing. I don't like small carnivals (the rides make me nervous) and I'm not really into the circus. We love theme parks, water parks (not dd16--"my hair!"), all varieties of fairs, fireworks, large picnics like a school or church picnic, etc.


And then we also like to go deep into a National or State Park/Forest, just the five of us and nature :)

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Festivals can be ok depending upon weather/parking/length of stay. We do a small parish festival and community events for Independence Day and Halloween every year with the kids. Aside from that, I would have to say this list wouldn't count as fun for me. Museums, concerts, plays, and the botanical gardens are more my speed. My MIL was big on taking grandkids to the things on your list (all of her other grandkids are adults now, aside from my teenage stepson and my dc), but I don't think she has the energy for that sort of thing lately. I have a feeling I'm going to have to brave the masses and get my own kids to the circus and amusement park.

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Yes, I'll be the complete oddball here!!


DS6 and I are extreme extroverts. Crowds and being around people energizes us. We enjoy all of the things mentioned or anything that gets us out of the house, together with other people!


I'm always going to the zoo, mall, festivals, concerts, parks, museums (we live outside of DC), etc.


DH on the other hand, is an introvert. Being around people drains him. :confused:

There is a lot of compromising going on at our home :)


There are some days when we would rather stay home, but it's either a rainy day, or after we have been on-the-go for days at a time.

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Carnivals, circuses, theme parks, swimming pools with fancy slides, fairs, parades, fireworks, mass picnics, local festivals....


Three-quarters of the family would rather read a book. I suspect that Hobbes would like to do more of that stuff.




These fall into different categories for me.


Carnivals, NO

circuses, HUGE NO

theme parks, YES

swimming pools with fancy slides, YES

fairs, NO

parades, NO

fireworks, YES

mass picnics, NO

local festivals....There are 2 "festivals" we do/did faithfully every summer...Taste of Buffalo and Fisher Price Toy Festival. My kids outgrew the toy festival :sad: but we still do the Taste.

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Amusment parks and things involving most rides are a big bucket o' motion sickness for me.


I am not a fan of parades/festivals/etc. either. It's OK once we get there, but the logistics are maddening (parking, finding a place to stand, etc).


My BIL loves all the community fun stuff. He's in tune with it and they do a lot. I think they do less since their twins were born, :lol:, but they still get out and about.


I'd prefer to stay home. I feel guilty sometimes, because I think my kids do enjoy that kind of thing, but dh doesn't care for it either so we generally don't go. I'd like to meet people there - it would give me incentive to get out, and someone to talk to when we got there. That would be better.


I do love Disney, although I have not been there as a parent yet.

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Yup. But some of it is vicarious.


Some of my favorite memories with the kids involve their laughter on The Scrambler (carnival ride) and their shock at all the people wearing elaborate costumes at the Ren Fest, and how much they adores seeing the animals at the zoo or aquarium. Oh--and they gush over fireworks.


If I didn't have kids, I wouldn't do these sorts of things as much, if ever, and I would be missing out. I'm glad that having kids prompts me to do these simple "fun" things.


I think it helps keep me young at heart.

Edited by Garga
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Depends.....hate carnivals and fairs, don't like all theme parks, hate crowds.


However, Disney off-seaon is wonderful! I do like Disney water-parks off-season as well.


The local amusement park is just gross.....dirty, etc....we go some just because it is all that is here, but I don't prefer it. We aren't going this year.



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Some yes, most no.


I love going to our local farmers markets in the summer. There are musicians and artists and the farmers are such wonderful people to talk to. We also have a great street fair every year with four stages for music and performances and tons of art vendors. I enjoy our town's film festival, local artist showcase, sports at the university, and the very occasional excursion to a water park, amusement park, or zoo. I also look forward to our annual picnic with friends at the university's 4th of July fireworks. Generally, if there is some "cultural" aspect to the event (performance, artists, history, etc), I'm in; if it is something self-labelled as "fun", then I'll generally pass.


Our oldest would love to go to amusement parks all the time but those places just generally tire and/ or overwhelm the rest of us.

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Other here, I like some of them and dislike others. Mass picnic, rather not thank you. Amusement parks, depends on which one, Disney World, definitely, Six Flags meh. Parades, boring, Pool with a cool water slide, normally pretty fun. Regular circus can do without, Cirque Du Soleil love it. So it really depends on what the item is, and even within certain categories it really depends on where and what type it is.

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I put other. Before I had dc, yes. After having dc, not always. Plus, while I didn't mind the crowds when I was younger (though hate long lines), I like them less and less as I go along. If it's not too crowded, and all three of my dc are being pleasant and getting along, then I can enjoy many of these things. Suffice to say that while my dc can get along very well and sometimes do for hours, they frequently don't, or they don't want to do the same things. If I go with other relatives who are willing to divide and conquer, that helps, too, especially if it's their treat.

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Guest CarolineUK

I would if there weren't always so many other people trying to have "fun" at the same time. I hate crowds. Is it me, or are there really millions more people nowadays flocking to these places? You even have to drive around the most enormous car parks for half an hour just to get parked before you then spend another half hour or so queuing up to get in. I can't remember it ever being so bad when I was young, or maybe I'm just a lot more sensitive to now that I'm older. The masses of humanity certainly don't seem to bother the rest of the family as much as they do me.

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Carnivals, circuses, theme parks, swimming pools with fancy slides, fairs, parades, fireworks, mass picnics, local festivals....


Three-quarters of the family would rather read a book. I suspect that Hobbes would like to do more of that stuff.



I voted other, because so much depends on the ages of one's children, how expensive an activity is, whether or not one feels it's worth the hassle/discomfort factor, the weather, the time of year, and so on.


I am a naturally solitary, introspective, bookish person. I would be perfectly content to take a long country walk every morning and read the rest of the day. :001_smile: My husband, if left to himself, would never leave home. He likes to eat and sleep. :toetap05:


However, as our children get older, we are making an intentional effort to move out of our own comfort zones, for the sake of doing things they will consider fun and memorable.



  • Carnivals -- Probably yes, we would go, but not in the middle of August :tongue_smilie:

  • Circuses -- I could live with it or without it, but I've been on the lookout for a circus this year because I think our children would enjoy going (they've never been)

  • Theme Parks -- Waste of money for children at these ages (4 & 6), but older children (11+) might enjoy it

  • Swimming Pools -- Ditto (they are happy with three inches of water in the backyard)

  • Fairs/Festivals -- Now THIS is something we do enjoy. We've been to 4-H (agricultural) fairs and local "ethnic" fairs (Indian food, Mexican food). Fairs provide music, dancing, costumes, artwork, crafts, and cross-cultural enjoyment. The Renaissance fair was one we did not enjoy. For some reason, we felt it was creepy. :confused:

  • Parades -- A good parade would be fun, but our local parades are rather pathetic. We will still go and wave the flag. :patriot:

  • Fireworks -- Last summer, we took the girls to the local fireworks for Independence Day (Fourth of July -- you know, the day the USA celebrates becoming free from British rule ;)). They are still talking about it, and they still march to the music played by the military band. So that will be a repeat from year to year. I, personally, would rather stay home and read a book, but once I'm there, the excitement of the children is worth the effort it takes to get there (we had to park and walk several miles in the dark with three small kids). Still, worth it -- once we're actually there.

  • Mass picnics -- Are there any BBQ ribs? My husband's company puts on an annual picnic. We've gone for the past three years, we've taken my parents, we've enjoyed it every time. Even when the girls were babies, we made the effort, just for the sake of getting out somewhere. It's hot, it's humid, there are bugs.... whatever. It's an adventure, right? :D


We do despise flea markets and yard sales. :tongue_smilie:

We love farm markets and U-pick farms.



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I love them. We didn't do vacations or festivals as kids other than the county fair and that was only because we showed cattle and worked at the 4-H food stand. Even so, I loved the fair and looked forward to it every year. Our county fair here reminds me of the fair back home and I love it for the very reasons most of my friends avoid it like the plague. It is small and focuses on animals, handicrafts, and foods made by 4-H kids and community adults. It's not crowded because most people don't attend. The carnival rides are cheap ($20 for 2 all-day passes) and the local-provided food is awesome.


I love amusement parks, water parks, carnivals, circuses, Scottish Highland Festivals, Renaissance Fairs, county fairs, city and town festivals (like Capital Lakefair, the Wooden Boat Festival, Oysterfest, Black Squirrel Days, Wood Turtle Days.... you name it, I'm there!)...

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I like marching bands. Usually you only see them in parades.


I like going to weekend festivals and conferences that are dedicated to a small population that is otherwise spread out, like folk music or Celtic Pagans or homeschoolers.


Otherwise, no, I hate wasting money at carnivals, fairs, amusement parks and circuses.

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I mostly do. I haven't been to many things like that lately, but annoyingly forward to taking my kids.


I don't care for carnivals, when my FIL was a teenager he ran away from foster care to live with/work for a traveling carnival. On one hand he knows which games are rigged beyond winning and which he can get around the rigging and wind, and on the other he tells me about how the rides are built. :). Plus some of his other stories....well, I'm sure things have changed in 30 years, but it's hard to get past sometimes! I'll suck it up for the kids though. Plus, he can win them the big prized.

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I love to read.


But I also love to people watch.


I enjoy certain parades, festivals, fairs, parks etc.


I like to laugh silly with the kids, I like to see who is crafting what, I love to hear musicans and watch plays, and just seeing people being creative.


I don't even think deep fried snickers bars are the devil. I've never had or seen one, but I think I would enjoy that.


I can sit on a bench at WDW or most any amusment park and enjoy myself. I like to look at the kids, the grandmothers pushing or waiting near baby buggies while their children go on the rides with the older grandchildren. I just really enjoy that sort of thing.


Where to find:


Some things I just know. On a gorgeous May afternoon there *will* be street musicians in Harvard Square, no questions. There will be an atmosphere of shaking off the long winter. Love.


Check my local newspaper, library bulletin board for community events. I know there are ongoing movie and book discussion notices, but there will also be postings of Harvest Festivals and Spring Fairs, and seasonal postings from various schools and groups regarding concerts and plays. The summer season of Arts in The Parks also starts with a big concert by some local rock group. Maybe the library is hosting a Reptile Day and I can bring my nephew to see the animals. Maybe there is a good white elephant sale at the big Catholic Church in town. They have a dunk tank and kiddie rides. I remember that is where I got my white lace tablecloth in 1995. Nice feeling, maybe I will check it out. They also sell plants at the June sale. Happiness.


Go online to read the events calendar for Boston, Providence etc. Water Fire starts soon! Yeah. Oh, Chinatown is having their New Year Parade celebration at the end of February. Woot!


Email. Oh, Groupon, I love you. Half price tickets to the Cape Cod waterpark if I buy while it's snowing. lol The fun mini golf place is nearby. Excellent.


I am a sucker for all of it.

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I dread the thought of "fun" stuff, so I voted no. But when we actually do them (and I usually have to drag my family), we have a GREAT time. I think it's because I've already expected it to be awful, and it never lives down to that expectation.




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Oh!! Marching bands, yes!! Love them. Disney hosts high school marching bands. I was there once when it was High School parade day (week? I don't know what it's called) and I saw all of these *kids* from schools across the country marching down Main Street with their school banners, playing their little hearts out. Am I a sap? Did I cry? Yes and yes. They looked so young and so darn eager. Musicans getting a little time in the sun. It's not just for football players.

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I'd vote other - to me it's all about who I'm with. I can be with the most dull, lifeless people in the world and still have an "unfun" time at the most fun place in the world. I can be with the most entertaining, fun people in the world and have fun watching grass grow from the back porch.


Given a choice I try to avoid huge places (Disney, etc.) but make the best of it depending on who I'm with. We go yearly to two major amusement parks, and I manage. Crowds don't bother me so much, but people who can't walk straight lines and general oblivion to others around you? That sort of annoys me and tends to be more rampant there than other places IME. Or maybe I just notice it more since I'm not overly fond of major amusement parks in general LOL.


I do enjoy smaller events (carnivals, Ren Faire, festivals, etc.) and am usually the one trying to round up other to join me. I find them fun enough that I'll go alone if nobody else cares to join me, but not so fun that I plan anything far in advance and mark it on the calendar. If I'm around, and it's around - I go. I find these things more fun alone than I would with a bummer group of people :)


So to me, the group makes or breaks it.

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I voted yes. But carnivals, mass picnics, and circuses are not my idea of fun, even though we would probably have fun if we went. We love water parks, swimming pools, theme parks, and amusement parks. Fireworks and parades are okay, if we happen to come upon one, say, at Disney. And I wish I could get DH to go to more local festivals.

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Another vote for "other." We used to live in a semi-rural county, and we looked forward to the county fair every year. Even though we weren't farm people we found we enjoyed watching the livestock shows. Now we're in a much more city-suburban area and the county fair is too big for me, so I don't enjoy it. Same with parades and carnivals. Haven't been to the circus since I was about 10. Haven't been to WDW, though I have been to Disneyland . . . about 30 years ago.


My dc are trying to convince dh to get season passes to Six Flags this year. I hate that place. It's hot, it's crowded, and you stand around for an hour so you can go on a 3-minute ride? Where's the fun in that? :confused: And we always end up splitting up because the teen boys want to go on rollercoasters but dd is only 6 and wants to ride the carousel. So that hour of standing in line is just that much longer.


I'd rather go to the local state park and listen to the free bluegrass concerts they have in summer. Even though the mosquitos eat me up.

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We all enjoy them as long as they are not horribly over-crowded or horribly over-priced. I would pretty much rather skip any event rather than fight with the masses to be there.

:iagree: This is why I prefer to take dc to places like the zoo on a cool, cloudy day.

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I said yes, but that's not always the case. It really depends on what's going on in our life at the time- stress levels, illness, moving, visitors, etc. plus whether we have the available funds to enjoy the event without stressing out over every penny spent. I tend to enjoy free activities much more- and I'm enjoying more things in general as my little ones are getting older- none of them are in diapers or need a stroller so that makes a huge difference.

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