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What can I do with a half a pork roast that's only about 2 lbs?

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I think it will cook down too much to feed three people if I roast it, plus I don't want to waste a huge can of saurkraut on such a small amount.


Any ideas? :)


ETA: AND if I do roast it with carrots, onions and potatoes to add more bulk to the meal (and instead of kraut), what temp and for how long should I cook it?


I looked at it and I think I will have to roast it to burn off the fat and make it tender.

Edited by HappyGrace
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Put it into the freezer for just a bit so it's easier to handle, then cut into thin strips. You can marinate the strips in whatever you'd like (we can't do asian food due to a soy allergy, so I marinate in Italian salad dressing or a citrus-herb mixture or vinegar/chili powder/garlic for southwest flavor), then stirfry with whatever veggies might go with the marinade. Serve with rice or tortillas or crusty bread and a salad.

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Well, boneless pork roasts usually don't cook down very small, since they don't have a ton of marbling fat - at least none of the ones I have seen. A 2lb roast would be more than enough for a meal for the 5 of us (including 2 teen boys.) I don't know how big a serving you usually serve, but 3 oz cooked is recommended. My boys will eat about 5 or 6 oz.


I would just roast it in the oven - a little salt and pepper and either garlic or a sweet glaze. Now, we would serve it with bread dumplings, gravy, winter squash and a salad - but that is comfort food from childhood (minus the rutabaga that my mom always made.)

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