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Teachers Bistro 3-10-2011

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We're finally open, today! Hectic day today but I needed to sit down and relax a bit so here we are!


What is/was for lunch? Snack? Us: my mom took us out to Paradise Bakery & Cafe as an early birthday lunch. My birthday is tomorrow. :D The kids and I just finished snacking on those ice cream drumstick things. :)


Anyone else have spring fever? Me: it's spring in Phoenix and I'm sorely tempted to take the next two weeks off from school since our spring is SO short here! And all too soon it will be 105*F or more!


Anyone trying to figure out curricula choices for next year and just have no clue exactly what it is you want to do/use? Me!!!!!!!! :tongue_smilie:


Talk to me!:bigear:

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Hiya Scrap!


Lunch (which I'm eating now): 1/2 c. brown rice, small wedge of turkey meatloaf, celery sticks with natural p.b. (no salad!)


Spring Fever - We are having March winds here. I'm debating if I want to go out and cut blackberry vines and risk having them whipped into my face.:tongue_smilie: On the other hand, it isn't pouring down rain at the moment. . .


Curricula - We are having one week off next week (late winter break or early spring break?) partly so that I can plan the next 10 weeks of school! I'm also scheduling some fun stuff.


I'm scared to plan next year because next year is high school for ds13 and while I have done some research (honest!) I still have no idea what I'm doing or going to be doing.

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Jean, wow, no salad?? Are you feeling okay? ;)


I LIKE the idea of taking next week off to plan the next 10 weeks of school. If only I could find a QUIET place to do that!


Your ds is 13 and starting high school this fall?? Wow! My dd will be 13 in August, but she'll be starting the rest of her 7th grade classes then. She's already started 7th grade math.

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I had leftover fettucini alfredo for lunch. I can't remember now what I fed the girls but they ate something.


I want it to be spring so badly but it is currently snowing once again here. It has either rained or snow almost every day here since January. We have barely seen the sun and I am feeling it in a big way.


I have actually already purchased what we will be using next year. My Mom gave me the money to buy it all in January and I jumped on it. I will have a 3rd and a 5th grader next year. I am now planning the rest of this year out and starting on next year.

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Lunch was a wrap of l/o brown rice, pinto beans, salsa, cheddar and lettuce.


Spring fever? I'd like it to stop pouring!


Next year's stuff is partly chosen (CPO Life, the second volume of Human Odyssey, AoPS Algebra, Galore Park French) and partly not chosen (writing?? literature??). I have to wait three more months until I can see resources in person at the Northeast convention :eek:

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What is/was for lunch? Snack? I struggled for over two hours to get Chuck to nap with me and finally fell asleep, I missed lunch.


Anyone else have spring fever? I'm not getting super antsy about it yet, but the sunny days are making me pretty happy.


Anyone trying to figure out curricula choices for next year and just have no clue exactly what it is you want to do/use? I've already figured it out and we put in a huge order on Amazon!!!!!!! I'm so excited because it will be our first official year homeschooling. Packages should start arriving tomorrow and I told Pigby his "presents" will be here soon


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Thanks Jean! I'm so excited I'll probably be taking pictures to document these momentous occasions. I've gotten about 5 shipping notices and that's not even half the order yet! Now I just need to stop second guessing my choices and wondering, "Is this the best one? Maybe I should have gotten ___":glare:

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