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Lots of large families here. Pray for this couple.

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Unfortunately, it's much too easy for me to imagine. As a dairy farm family, I can completely picture just how overworked and stressed these parents must have been--the husband sleeping in the truck, the wife out milking cows at 10 p.m.

Thankfully, we are a bigger dairy, and not at all to that point, but even as we struggle to make it through, I know smaller dairy families are stretched beyond the breaking point.


There but for the grace of God, and all of that...


Those beautiful children, those poor parents. :crying:

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There is NO BLAME in this statement, please don't take it this way, however, this is a very, very good reminder to check all of your smoke alarms regularly, have mock fire drills with your kids, and talk about it often.


We had a local cubscout die last month due to a house fire and the parents said the smoke alarm did not go off. Our entire scout council has been talking about fire safety ever since so this is very much on my mind.



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There is NO BLAME in this statement, please don't take it this way, however, this is a very, very good reminder to check all of your smoke alarms regularly, have mock fire drills with your kids, and talk about it often.


We had a local cubscout die last month due to a house fire and the parents said the smoke alarm did not go off. Our entire scout council has been talking about fire safety ever since so this is very much on my mind.




Yes - a good point!


What a tragedy. When I read the first line I immediately teared up.


Saying prayers,


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In an antique farm house like that, I doubt they could have done much of anything to save those babies. It's like taking a match to paper. By the time the smoke detector went off, it probably would have all ready been too late.


I bet they are holding that poor 3 year old like a life preserver.


How terrible for them all.

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This really made me cry and cry. Right on the heels of another tragedy involving an Amish family in KY where a buggy flipped in a flooded road and 4 kids died. We have good friends who are Amish & it is possible they knew the family. Our friends are also dairy farmers. Just so sad.

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This is so heartbreaking... I cannot even fathom it. I've been praying for them on and off since I heard the story yesterday morning. I don't think there can be too many prayers for this family. It's such a horrible tragedy.

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Ah, well, that may be true. It is horribly tragic. Praying for them.




In an antique farm house like that, I doubt they could have done much of anything to save those babies. It's like taking a match to paper. By the time the smoke detector went off, it probably would have all ready been too late.


I bet they are holding that poor 3 year old like a life preserver.


How terrible for them all.

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The mother is reported as not wanting to return to dairy farming, but the dh does. I hope they are able to find agreement or that won't bode well.


Personally, I'd never be able to milk a cow again without thinking if I had just been able to be with my kids instead of the d@mn cows - my 7 babies would be alive and well.


I think my dh would have to learn a new trade.


Poor family is going to have such a hard path for a very long time. :(

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:grouphug: thinking of them.


In remembrance of this family we are doing a fire drill today and I'm posting a reminder on my facebook.


We will be too, not tonight as it is too late, but by weekends end. I, too, will post something on FB as well.


In this situation, that would be the only thing that would keep me alive.


Me, too.


As a mama of many, I can't even imagine. That number hits soooo close to home. I can't imagine only having one of my babies left :crying: Even being pregnant, I know I'd be so withdrawn and distant. And there is NO way I could ever go back to farming either. I hope her husband understands this. Not to dismiss fathers, but I think when you've carried and bonded with that baby for 9 months, brought its life into this world, cared for it, nurtured it, and watched it grow... I think there may be no way to totally know, totally feel that loss, emptiness... that goes along with it. And to not lose one, but almost ALL of your children while you were feet away milking cows... The shadow of thoughts that must overwhelm you. I hope and pray he is able to see that, understand that and help her, but being able to find something else for their family.

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We will be too, not tonight as it is too late, but by weekends end. I, too, will post something on FB as well.




Me, too.


As a mama of many, I can't even imagine. That number hits soooo close to home. I can't imagine only having one of my babies left :crying: Even being pregnant, I know I'd be so withdrawn and distant. And there is NO way I could ever go back to farming either. I hope her husband understands this. Not to dismiss fathers, but I think when you've carried and bonded with that baby for 9 months, brought its life into this world, cared for it, nurtured it, and watched it grow... I think there may be no way to totally know, totally feel that loss, emptiness... that goes along with it. And to not lose one, but almost ALL of your children while you were feet away milking cows... The shadow of thoughts that must overwhelm you. I hope and pray he is able to see that, understand that and help her, but being able to find something else for their family.


Not to be cantankerous but I totally disagree with this. I believe most fathers would feel the loss just as much as the mothers. Just because the father doesn't carry the child doesn't mean they don't feel as deeply for their children as mothers do. I see how close my dh is with all of our kids and I would hope people would be just as worried about him.


I'm sure the father is feeling just as guilty if not more because he was sleeping. It sounds like both were possibly overworked. I really really feel for them.

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I can't imagine how they will even begin to process this and grieve and then heal. No words. We will have a fire drill too.


:iagree: My boys are teens but sleep upstairs and are such sound sleepers. The fire alarms still doesn't wake them.


I am so heart broken for this family. I just can't imagine their pain

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I am completely in :crying: :crying: just reading the news articles I googled. I can not imagine. I do not want to imagine. My heart breaks for the family- and the community- especially the family.



I will happily deal with dd12's attitude she has been giving me all night after reading this. It really puts things into perspective. :crying:

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Let's continue to remember this family as they bury or go through the memorial services. The pain must be unbearable.


Lord, as your children we put our trust and hope in you. Please surround this family with your love. Bring healing to their wounded hearts and ease the horrible pain they must be going through. The why's make our hearts burn and minds ache. I pray that you would raise up a community of people who care and help in their time of need. Please help them.... give them beauty for ashes, the oil of gladness for mourning and garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness... Is. 61:3

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My kids have not only slept through fire/smoke alarms, but they've also slept through having 3 firemen stomp through our tiny apartment to be sure there was no danger. And the system in our apartment was much louder than the alarms in our house.


As a side note, in addition to regular drills, I also "take an inventory" after the kids fall asleep. They're known for crawling into each others' beds or hitting the couch, and I've even found one sleeping under the coffee table. I also sometimes forget that ds is at his dad's for the weekend. One of my greatest fears is having to evacuate and spending precious time searching for someone who isn't where I expect them to be!

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We had our fire drill yesterday. We've covered fire safety for years with ds, and I guess this is my point. He's 13, he has puberty brain, we're in a different house, and he's 13. Suprisingly he had forgotten a few simple instructions we've drilled into him over the years.


So, parents, it's not just the little ones that need instruction, make sure you cover your plan with YOUR TEENS too. They can have brain fog interfere with what they know. We also had some very specific instruction about the pets, as in don't go searching through the house for them.

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Not to be cantankerous but I totally disagree with this. I believe most fathers would feel the loss just as much as the mothers. Just because the father doesn't carry the child doesn't mean they don't feel as deeply for their children as mothers do. I see how close my dh is with all of our kids and I would hope people would be just as worried about him.


I'm sure the father is feeling just as guilty if not more because he was sleeping. It sounds like both were possibly overworked. I really really feel for them.



I think my husband grieved harder than I did when we lost Elijah...and that was a death before birth at 19wks.

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I think my husband grieved harder than I did when we lost Elijah...and that was a death before birth at 19wks.


My husband too. He has been absolutely devastated by my miscarriages. If something like this happened, he would be blaming himself terribly. If he had made more money, we'd have better heating or house, if he had been home one of us would have been in the house...

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