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Is it worth it to do RS B after MM 1 & Miquon?

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I've been eyeing the Right Start products for a while, but for now, since we already have MM 1 and Miquon, have stuck to that for now, with a few MEP puzzles thrown in for fun.


Would it be worth the $150 to go ahead and do RS B this fall after we finish MM 1? Does it teach that much more content or in such a better way that it makes it worth the extra time and $$?


Also, FYI I'm thinking of adding in the Singapore IP/CWP for grade 1 at some point since we will eventually go to Singapore anyway. Plus my DS will be 5 this fall so hence my thought of doing the RS rather than jumping into SM 2A.




Also does anyone know if RS usually offers discounts at conventions? I might go to Cincy at the end of this month.

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Is it Math Mammoth 1A and 1B? We have that as a supplement and it seems to go along well with RS level A. I have RS B but haven't started it yet, so I can't speak to that, but if we're using MM 1A and B with RS level A then I guess it would be logical to follow what you are doing with RS B.


Is the MM not working for you? It sounds like you have a good system going with what you are doing now...


P.S. Usually I wouldn't answer this because I'm not a math person so I feel hesitant to give advice, but I figured since you hadn't had any bites on your question yet I might as well :D

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If you don't want to go ahead into SM 2, then I think RS B would be fun to do after MM1. MM1 covers some things RS B doesn't, but RS B covers some addition into the thousands that MM1 doesn't. I think it would be great for a kid you think might not be mentally mature enough to move up in math, but is ready for working with slightly larger numbers. :)

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Thanks for the tips... I hear people saying that Right Start helped them to think about math differently, so I figured that we might as well take our time rather than moving ahead a grade. I think my own shortcomings in math have a lot to do with not being very handy with numbers mentally so I am hoping to learn along with DS.


My main concern was that I'd spend a lot on something that would be repetitive. Hopefully I'll get a chance to get out to a convention and take a look first hand though.

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