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S/O for Beachbody people-how do you eat when you're training?

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Do you follow BB recommendations? What is a typical day like for you?


I eat clean anyway but since BB I've started to make sure I have some protein with every meal, and I'm trying to transform over into eating the 5 times a day.


I don't follow their recommendations but try to aim for more like a nutrient dense whole foods (no processed) Zone type diet (basically 5x/day with 40 % carbs, 30% protein, 30% good fats). I haven't been strict with it, mostly eyeballing amounts, but plan to be stricter the next five wks with a big wedding coming up to go to!


Would love to hear what y'all are doing!

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I am hungrier!! Here is what I ate today:


Two scrambled eggs

One piece toast with butter


1/4 cup mixed berries

1/2 cup cottage cheese with a handful of sunflower seeds on top


1/2 cup pinto beans

1/2 cup couscous

1cup broccoli

Dollop of sour cream

One piece corn bread


2 slices cheese

Handful almonds


Nacho salad- romaine, taco meat, beans, cheese, sour cream, salsa,avocado, chips


This is typical!!!!!

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Well, I don't consider myself 'in training' I just try to exercise for 45-60 mins a day 6 days a week. I get in a mix of cardio and weight lifting days with the occasional yoga or pilates to break it up. To me, that is health, not training.


I eat pretty much the same most days:



Sometimes skip (oops)

or 3 egg whites and salsa



4-6 oz broccoli steamed in the micro

1/2 cup beans or 1/2 can tuna

1 tbsp salad dressing



a mix of purple cabbage

red onions

red pepper


collard greens


sweet potato

etc..whatever looks good

all steamed with some more beans or some tofu or some broiled fish.


Snacks are:

cheese stick



handful of corn chips and some salsa

cocoa almond 100 calorie pack

air popped corn

slice of warm homemade bread (come on! I am only human and cannot resist)

I don't eat all of these every day, lol. Mostly it is one or two from that list.


I drink water and lots of coffee and tea. And the very occasional cocktail, as served by my husband, in a fancy glass!

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Unfortunately, I am on a different diet entirely as I am doing it through a nutritionist to try to get my body out of whack.


Here is what I can have:


Coconut milk (a brand called SO delicious) in the milk section of the store

15 grams of sugar/fructose fruits per day

All veggies but carb based and tomatoes

Flax oil and seeds



Lean meats- fish, turkey, chicken


most beans

raw nuts (no peanuts)

brown rice


On my DO NOT EAT list:


wheat (all kinds)


Oats (too much cross contamination with wheat)

corn, peas

red meat

caffeine (this one is killing me!)




It is very limiting but this is just for the first 3 weeks. I will see what I can add after that.


Is anyone following Tusca Reno's Eat Clean diet? I really think that is a great way to eat.

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I am a vegetarian, so adding protein is sometimes a bit tricky. However, I do eggs, so I will have that in the morning, every two days or so.

Breakfast normally are something in the lines (but not all of it in one day)

eggs (2) with homemade bread

cooked oatmeal with flax meal

granola with almond milk , flax meal and sunflower seeds

coffee. No matter what I am eating!



whatever is left over from dinner or

maybe a roll up with avocado, salad, olives (love them), tomatoes or whatever else there is





sometimes carrots

cottage cheese




whatever stricks my fancy, last night we had homemade polenta with cheese. I also made bracchiola for my dh and dd. Salad

sometimes we do sweet potatoes and edamame for a light dinner

tuna or some other fish (I do fish once in a while)


Hope this helps



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