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Spanish resources for a toddler (3)

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Dora the Explorer! :D Okay, I'm only being half-serious. I say that b/c my dd2 has picked up more Spanish from watching Dora/Diego DVD's and having Dora books read to her. She can count to ten in Spanish, uses the words for "up" and "down" appropriately, knows dozens of vocab. words, etc. As for a "real" intro. to Spanish...I'm not sure but I'm anxiously awaiting replies myself b/c I want to really capitalize on this with her! FWIW...I was almost fluent in Spanish in college and still remember most. I've been checking out popular children's books written in Spanish from the library and reading them to dd. Our library also had a DVD/CD set about teaching a baby/toddler Spanish which was fun. It was more for the exposure to the language and actually hearing it than teaching, but it was neat.

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Dora the Explorer! :D Okay, I'm only being half-serious. I say that b/c my dd2 has picked up more Spanish from watching Dora/Diego DVD's and having Dora books read to her. She can count to ten in Spanish, uses the words for "up" and "down" appropriately, knows dozens of vocab. words, etc. As for a "real" intro. to Spanish...I'm not sure but I'm anxiously awaiting replies myself b/c I want to really capitalize on this with her! FWIW...I was almost fluent in Spanish in college and still remember most. I've been checking out popular children's books written in Spanish from the library and reading them to dd.


I think it is great you can do this and your dd is learning! My background in language is with Korean and Chinese. Although I has 2 years of Spanish, my pronunciation is terrible. It would be SO nice if I could check out books/cds from the library and actually expose dd in a natural way, but I'm afraid I may just put it to the wayside if I go this route. I tried to throw a Spanish course together for my oldest daughter this last year and it was the first subject to go when we got busy with other subjects. I want to be more intentional this year, because language is so important to me, and I thought if I actually bought a program, I would make the time to do it, kwim? Our library is GREAT except in the area of language. They do have some, but not much. Thanks for sharing! :)


The Easy Spanish jr is for pre K


I'll check this out! :)


I love Puertas Abiertas for that age and older. My ds at 3 learned a bunch of Spanish and it's immersion.


I'll definitely look into it. If it is for older kids it may be a good fit since have a 10 and 12 y/o too!

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The Easy Spanish jr is for pre K


I have a 3 year old who has been doing Spanish through a library story time. She wants to do more, so I was checking into The Easy Spanish Jr. I emailed them and asked if I should start the Jr. and if there would be much overlap going into the main curriculum. Marie responded immediately ... and on a Sunday night! She suggested that I start with their CD of songs and games (there are coloring pages on it too) for my 3 year old and do the Jr. next year. The CD was only ~$20 which fits perfectly into my budget.


I have *not* received it yet (ordered 4/26, and they're in Canada) so I don't have a review. They also have a video of how the real curriculum works that you can watch on their site. I've been impressed with the customer service, so far.





2Sam 14:14

Margaret - 3.5 (Phonics Pathways, ETC Book C, MEP Lvl 1, IEW Poetry, and lots of fun!)

Nathaniel - 2 (wants to do whatever his big sister is doing)

Rebekah - 11 months

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check this one out too.....I plan on buying this one. (but now I might have to go check out the others too.).




you can also purchase this from Amazon.com


Good luck in your decision.



Yes, we liked Flip-Flop Spanish, but I would purchase from the website because I had a problem with not getting a CD with my book from Amazon (and Senora Gose sent me one, telling me they have had a lot of people have problems ordering via amazon).


I would also suggest the Beth Manners CDs, Fun Spanish for Kids and Magic Spanish for Kids (can get at Amazon). Casual, fun, and my kids love them!

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I received this yesterday, May 6, so the turnaround was pretty good :) Looks good so far, I saved files and played the cd ... my kids enjoyed listening to the songs.


Is this the Easy Spanish CD? Are the songs well done, not "goofy?" Sorry for the somewhat weird question! I've bought learning music cds in the past only to be driven crazy by them after awhile! :)

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It is the "Spanish Kids Songs CD" It doesn't sound too goofy so far, there are a list of songs on the site. The songs are translations of songs we sing or latin folk songs (I'd guess):


  • El Chocolate
  • Las Mañanitas
  • Los Pollitos
  • Naranja Dulce
  • La víbora de la Mar
  • La Rana
  • La Cucaracha
  • Feliz Navidad
  • El Toro Torojil
  • Los Elefantes
  • Arroz Con Leche
  • Brinca la tablita
  • Estrellita
  • La Araña pequeñita
  • Buenos Días
  • Duérmete, Mi Niño
  • Feliz Cumpleaños
  • Cristo me ama
  • Alabar al Señor
  • Samson
  • Padre te Adoro
  • Arrurú mi niño
  • Iberian Dance (instrumental)


  • Chocolate Song
  • Special Morning Song
  • The Baby Chicks
  • Sweet Orange
  • The Sea Serpent
  • The Frog
  • The Cockroach
  • Merry Christmas
  • The Bull Torojil
  • The Elephant Song
  • Rice Pudding
  • Jump over the Board
  • Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
  • The Itzy Bitzy Spider
  • Good Morning
  • Sleep My Baby
  • Happy Birthday
  • Jesus Loves Me
  • Praise the Lord
  • Samson
  • Father I Adore You
  • Cradle Song
  • Classical Spanish Guitar piece


The Spanish list corresponds with the English (there aren't English songs) ... I don't see how to make columns, sorry. The songs aren't obnoxious in any way (in fact I lost track of them in the background as I was cooking dinner) other than they are obviously not professional singers [shrug] We've only listened once, and I could do without Feliz Navidad, but so far so good.
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