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Multiplication help for 3rd grader


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Timez Attack and Arithmemouse and a big, big prize (aka bribe...) encouraged my girls to learn their multiplication tables *really* quickly. The task was really only for my 8 year old last year, but my 6 yr old wanted in on it too. I wouldn't normally expect a 6 yr old to so desperately want to learn multiplication... but I figured, why not strike while the iron was hot. She had them memorized in a few weeks.



(The bribe was an American Girl doll)

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My second and third grader did Times Tales last summer (they were in first and second grade at that time) and they whizzed right through it in just under two weeks. I highly recommend the program !


We did the Times Tales by memorizing the stories for several weeks, then memorizing both sides of the Times Tale flashcards and then doing the Time Tales written tests daily. I laminated the Times Tale Flashcards and Tests and we did them over and over again daily for almost 6 months until they could breeze through them really fast.


They are solid in their multiplication facts now, but we still do a daily 100 problem worksheet of multiplication facts ( I made one from a Saxon Test and laminated it to use over and over again) to cement those facts in place. They can race through that multiplication 100 facts worksheet in less then 3 minutes now. This helps to keep them at the top of their game and they will be prepared when they need to know their facts down pat when they reach the higher math levels.

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We also enjoyed TimezAttack and paid for the other levels and variety--their friends even liked to come over and play it (PS3's Lego Harry Potter and Little Big Planet sat waiting). His speed and recall improved the most with one-on-one speed drills with the flashcards and he would earn a token for each time he went through the set. Two or three mornings a week I give them a sheet of a hundred problems and have them take a three minute timed test. I tell them that they are not expected to answer all but will see how many they get right from test to test. This got them use to the idea of a timed test and seems to energize them before we start in on their day's math lesson.

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I got an egg carton and some beans for LilGal just today. I'd been meaning to do this for a while....Anyway, she knows 1's and 2's mostly. But I got the egg carton so that we can be sure we're understanding what 3x4 means...


Our routine is thus:

we're practicing skip counting by which ever number we're on. Making a chart to 12 places, and practicing daily.


Here is the routine we started today.

Today we wrote out 1-40. I had her highlight all the multiples of 3 up to 36 (3*12). Then we skip counted to that number a few times for practice. Then we placed 3 beans on each highlighted square while saying the fact.

(3*8=24--places 3 beans on 24--...3*9=27--place 3 beans on 27...)


I had her do the 'routine' 5 times. Then later (maybe 2.5 hrs) while we passed the soccer ball, we said the 3 times tables. First forwards, then backwards, then only the odd facts, then the even facts...now the knowledge is marinating.


We're doing the 12*12 table and I expect to have them all done in 14 days and then we'll begin doing timed drills with flash cards, then I'll have her do written drills because she is a slow writer.


I've got a book around her called Marvelous Multiplication, it magically went missing earlier today...*hmm*...

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