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Beachbody WTMer's-how's it going for you?

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I just started week 8 of ChaleanExtreme and it's going GREAT. I love it so much and look forward to it every day! Definitely losing inches and getting strong. It's the last wk of my Push phase and next Sat I start the Lean phase. I was having knee pain and I have a bad back but her emphasis on form is helping that all get better. I add in a run (3.5 miles) on Saturdays-hope to up that to 2x/wk when the weather gets better.


I am sad I only have 4 wks left! I was over on the site wondering which one I would do next. I LOVE Chalene and wish she had another series with strength training; TurboFire looks like just cardio.


P90X scares me....:leaving:


I don't think I could do the high impact plyo stuff-I really do NOT want to hurt my knees. I'm trying hard to take care of my joints. The strength training stuff looks awesome in P90X though. I wonder if one could sub a different cardio for that jumping stuff?


I can't afford to buy any of them right now anyway, not at those prices. :(

Otherwise I might give the P90X a try, but modify it somewhat.


How is everyone doing? :bigear:

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You can absolutely sub anything you want in p90x. You are allowed to colour outside the lines, lol. Tony isn't coming to your house. I am starting week 4, recovery week, of p90x. I am doing the 'lean' schedule along with my husband. We both like to run so we like more cardio in our schedule.


I find myself tweaking it quite a bit. I do a different yoga routine that is better AND shorter. I pick my own cardio. I skip the kempo because I can't stand it and sub a cardio routine I like better or a run or 45 min on the nordic trak.


I do like the weight routines quite a bit. They are a nice change from what I have been doing. They have been a fun way to pass the dark winter. DH and I are def going to do it again next winter.


But don't fear p90x and don't get too caught up in the marketing. You make it work for you.

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p90x is totally doable.


I went to a party today and was told how great I looked, that I was looking younger and younger.


BUT I wanted to answer your question with somebody else's experience, my neighbor. After months of not seeing her, she came to my door to invite my kids to play in the jumper she rented. I commented on how it looked like she lost all her baby weight and she said it was because of TurboJam. She immediately went on to say how much she loved it and that she does it everyday. She looks better than she did before she got pregnant. In fact, she has never looked better.


There is always Turbo Fire or P90.

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You could do Chalean Extreme again, I have done it a few times and have gotten stronger each time. I also have P90x. You just use the weight that you can lift just like Chalean and adapt other exercises for your level. I still can't do pullups, You will do great with it after doing Chalean.


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Thanks for the votes of confidence for P90X! I watched the infomercial and read a bunch of the reviews. I still don't think I could do those plyometrics; maybe I could do the strength days and sub in TurboJam/running on the cardio days. I need to read more about it to understand how it flows-I don't get all the talk of "classic" and "doubles", etc.


The length of the sessions in it freaks me out too-often I can get myself out of bed for Chalean by telling myself, "It's only half an hour-you can do that!"


I can't afford it right now anyway :( So I think I might take a break when my Chalean ends in April to do more running to prep for my 5k in June, and just do my own free weight exercises during that time. Then do Chalean again. Then do P90X after that-hopefully by then I can buy it, OR I have a df whose dh is doing it and maybe by then I can borrow his.


I am not familiar with P90 :confused:


LG-I am so happy for your neighbor, and you! I went to a wedding shower Sat and I felt SO confident due to looking good; definitely looking and feeling younger! I LOVE Beachbody!!!

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Go, Janet, go!! :hurray: I love Chalean-she is so encouraging and motivating and NOT annoying. I actually look forward to the workouts and I have only missed two scheduled days (due to two super sick dc) in two months! When you start, just do what you can and don't be discouraged-keep pushing play every day and you will see results! Keep us posted as to how you're doing.


kwg-wow-can't believe your library has it!!

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as someone who has been exercising on average 45 mins a day 6 days a week for years, I think the WHOLE key to things like p90x and all the rest, is that it gets people moving for 45-60 mins a day.


I am not going to see any weight loss or major changes doing p90x. It is too similar to what I have been doing for years. But, if you haven't been exercising, do ANYTHING aerobic for 45 mins 5 days a week and toss in 30 mins of weight lifting a couple times a week and you will see some changes. Eat more vegetables and fewer crap foods and you will see more of a change. It's that simple. Don't wait for p90x or anything else.


It's not the particular workout that is the cause of the change. It is getting a minimum of 45 mins of cardio and some weights 6 days a week and eating less that is causing the change.


What I am trying to say is don't wait because you don't have a particular DVD. Your health is in your hands today and you can make it better and not spend a penny.

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What redsquirrel says is definitely true. I lifted weights daily for years and then had a 10yr hiatus having kids. What P90X gives me is the sequence. I find Kenpo is great after a heavy shoulder/arms workout b/c it stretches those muscles and gets the kinks out. Same with Yoga X although if you have something better and shorter, please tell me! P90X is similar to how I weight trained years ago as far as working certain body parts on certain days. P90X takes the guess work out of it. Also, I've always had knee issues. P90X really helped to strengthen my knees. My knees hurt most of my first round. Not in a bad way, it wasn't the ligaments/tendons, there was no swelling or fluid build up. It felt like surrounding muscle. Now that I'm in round two, I have no knee pain.


With P90X, you can definitely substitute the workouts. If you have a cardio routine you like better, sub it for PlyoX. You can just run for 45min.


Lean routine has one less weight training each week and subs core synergistics work instead.


Doubles is the same as classic routine (regular P90X) but it also has a cardio workout. For the first block (month) doubles is the same as classic. For the 2nd block, you add in 3 cardio workouts (Cardio X). THe schedule has CardioX in the AM and weight training in the PM. For the 3rd block, I believe it's 4 CardioX routines in addition to Classic. Or it might be 2 cardios in the 2nd block and 3 in the third block, but you get the picture.


I went through one round of P90X. I took one week off, couldn't stand it, and started over! I'm now in week 3 of my second round doing Doubles. CardioX isn't enough for him so I sub kenpo for it. I'll sub a treadmill on another day. And I'm attempting to add another PlyoX day but that's a tough one to do 2x/week w/ legs and back in there.


After P90X, I ran on the treadmill for the first time and my run felt effortless. It was incredible. I might even attempt a 5K in the spring. I battle w/ chronic, severe anemia so running competitively is difficult but I just might try it.

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