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Female Content - TMI - You've Been Warned

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Yes...this was exactly how I was for years after having our son. One day I'd had enough and tried a new doctor. She was wonderful...I went on the pill and have been on it for 5 years. It has completely changed my life. I now take 12 weeks worth then take a week off and have a super light period. It's the best thing I've ever done.

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Thank you all for sharing your experiences and advice. I didn't get a chance to call the doctor Friday (crazy busy day) and am just now getting back to the computer, but based on everyone's comments I definitely will call Monday. I was diagnosed, years ago, with "mild" endometriosis, but not serious enough to do anything about. I'm wondering now if something changed about that, or if something else is going on. I pass clots too, and some of them are larger than golf balls.


I'm glad I asked the question!

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