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Questions about dentist for children (and small rant)

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Do you all take your kids to the dentist? Who do they see? A pediatric dentist or a regular one? How much does an average appointment cost, and how do you pay for it (insurance or self-pay)?


My dd7 had an appointment with the dentist today, but I was called to reschedule the app't because they recently switched management and are closed on Fridays. Fine. I then tried to schedule an app't for my 5 yo and they said "Dr. X doesn't see patients under 13 anymore." :confused: Didn't they just schedule a new app't for my 7 yo daughter??? When I pointed this out to the receptionist, she asked, "so would you like to cancel her new appointment?" They refer all patients under 13 to a pediatric dentist.


So, now I am looking for a new dentist who will treat young children, and it seems my only option is a pediatric dentist and WOW! Are they expensive!! The former dentist was a regular dentist and charged $99 for x-rays, cleaning, and office visit. The pediatric offices that I have called charge anywhere from $213-302! :blink:


So, it made me wonder what does everyone else with children under 13 do?

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We're currently dentist shopping.


Our last pediatric dentist was great, but we have insurance and the co-pays were low. The one we had before that? Would not accept our insurance as payment up front. We had to pay the dental bill in full, wait for the insurance to pay the dentist and then be reimbursed by the dentist's office.

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We take ours to a pediatric dentist. Yes, it is pricey. But, my boys are anxiety-prone, and the current dentist (the best of three that we have had) is VERY good about making their experience a good one. It's worth the money for us, though I'm not sure that's true about the first two we had.


ETA: our insurance doesn't cover dental, so it is all out of pocket, including the braces.

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We see a regular one because all the ped. dentists on our insurance wouldn't allow parents to go back with the kids. My younger needed me with her until this past year. I had to call around a lot to find a regular dentist who took young patients but he's so good so it was worth the search.

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We finally found a good ped. dentist. Our regular dentist just didn't have the right sized anything for the kids. The experience is much better at the ped. dentist. We started with the list of ped. dentists that take our insurance. I narrowed down by removing the ones that didn't let me back with them or that wouldn't schedule them at the same time. That left 2 dentists in town that weren't too far away. I really like our dentist. He's young, terrific with kids, does lots of volunteer work, and homeschools. His office personnel are very nice and helpful. All of those things make him worth the price to us.

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we did a normal dentist when they were super young. Then my son was having some issues and every time we went to the dentist I paid him $75 and then he sent us to the ped. dentist who was $100-300. I did this a few times and finally switched to the ped. dentist and got insurance. Then it was cheaper.


We now just see a ped. dentist and the insurance covers most of it. I would still do the ped. dentist even if we still had to pay the full amount. They were more helpful every time we needed something more detailed to deal with.

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We live in the Midwest and all of us see the same dentist. He invests in great assistants and they do most of the work with kids. He diagnoses, does cavities and other work, and they do everything else.


They also have chairs for parents in the exam rooms, and I can even more back and forth between different chairs and the waiting room if I have multiple kids being cleaned/examined at the same time.

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Do you all take your kids to the dentist? Who do they see? A pediatric dentist or a regular one? How much does an average appointment cost, and how do you pay for it (insurance or self-pay)?


My dd7 had an appointment with the dentist today, but I was called to reschedule the app't because they recently switched management and are closed on Fridays. Fine. I then tried to schedule an app't for my 5 yo and they said "Dr. X doesn't see patients under 13 anymore." :confused: Didn't they just schedule a new app't for my 7 yo daughter??? When I pointed this out to the receptionist, she asked, "so would you like to cancel her new appointment?" They refer all patients under 13 to a pediatric dentist.


So, now I am looking for a new dentist who will treat young children, and it seems my only option is a pediatric dentist and WOW! Are they expensive!! The former dentist was a regular dentist and charged $99 for x-rays, cleaning, and office visit. The pediatric offices that I have called charge anywhere from $213-302! :blink:


So, it made me wonder what does everyone else with children under 13 do?


My dc go to the same dentist that dh and I see. We were referred once to a ped dentist and I wasn't impressed with the ones we have locally. We self pay and the kids are $110 for a cleaning/check up. I don't do fluoride or sealants, etc.


I think most dentists will see children; not sure why yours decided to stop doing so.

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We see a pediatric dentist. We have insurance and only pay about $10 per child, per visit.


In my opinion, pediatric dentists just seem better equipped to handle children. Their office is more kid friendly, colorful, welcoming, etc. They expect obstacles like shy children, frightened children, etc.

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My kids go to a pediatric dentist. There has never been a problem with me going back with them. Our insurance pays for all regular cleanings and x-rays. We pay some percentage of fillings and braces. We pay the dentist and then get reimbursed by the insurance company. I think visits are about $120 for routine cleanings.

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We see a regular one because all the ped. dentists on our insurance wouldn't allow parents to go back with the kids. My younger needed me with her until this past year. I had to call around a lot to find a regular dentist who took young patients but he's so good so it was worth the search.


That's us.

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We saw a pediatric dentist up until we switched insurance this current year.


What were we thinking switching?!?!


I think you'll like a ped. dentist, although if you shop around, you could probably find a "family" dentist and be just as happy. Call your insurance and see if they have preferred providers?

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Both children have always gone to the same dentist that I went to. However, when ds was about 2.5 we realised he had some cavities. We were in a new country, with no dentist. After the move he was very resistant to strangers, and he hated being touched by other people - a haircut was a nightmare. Given the circumstances, we went with a paediatric dentist. Under the circumstances, it was the best thing I could possibly have done - they were fantastic with him, and it ended up helping some of his general issues about interacting with strangers. It's is obvious that difficult children are not a burden to them, and they work hard to earn the patient's trust (they also specialise in special needs adults).


I subsequently took dd10 to them for a check-up, but I'm not sure I'd do it again - each appointment for a basic check-up and fluoride treatment was AUS$ 180. There are only 2 paediatric dentists in our city, as I understand it, and ours is already booked up 14 months in advance for annual check-ups (they obviously keep appointments open for emergencies). The dentist told me that, given demand, and the rewards of working with very young patients, he would prefer to limit his practice to under 5's.


Dd10 has taken my grumbled suggestion that paediatric dentistry might be a lucrative career choice to heart, and if she only remembers that she is supposed to support me in my old age, I might be able to recoup some of those expenses ;-)


We see a regular one because all the ped. dentists on our insurance wouldn't allow parents to go back with the kids. My younger needed me with her until this past year.


When I first came up against ds's dental issues, I spent a lot of time reading about young children with dental problems, and this was a fairly common complaint. The logic from the dentist's point of view is that parents actually aggravate the situation. In contrast, ds's first filling was actually carried out with him sitting on my lap, on a normal chair, and lying back with his head in the dentist's lap. A good paediatric dentist will do whatever is needed to make the patient comfortable.

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We are in Ohio. I think most family dentists here will also see children. We got referred to a pediatric dentist years ago when my oldest freaked out when she needed a tooth pulled. Since then we have just taken all the kids to the pediatric dentist and it is always a wonderful experience. He allows parents to go back with the kids. He is wonderfully gentle, soft spoken and good with children. The best part about his office is that he has a large open area with four different exam chairs where all of my kids can get their cleanings, fluoride, etc. done in the same room. This is such a nice situation for siblings-- really puts them at ease.


I don't pay attention to the cost, because we have dental insurance. I don't think it is much different than the dentist my husband and I go to.

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We live in the Midwest and all of us see the same dentist. He invests in great assistants and they do most of the work with kids. He diagnoses, does cavities and other work, and they do everything else.


They also have chairs for parents in the exam rooms, and I can even more back and forth between different chairs and the waiting room if I have multiple kids being cleaned/examined at the same time.

Same here, except we live in Arizona. Our dentist is great and I always can go back and forth between kids in the waiting room and kids being examined. They even can pick up a toy afterward right there at the office. :tongue_smilie:
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The only bad dental experience my kids have had was at a pediatric dentist. :001_huh: I actually had to stop them midtreatment. After that, we switched back to a family dentist. We have used 3 different family dentists (due to moves), for kids as young as 2, with no trouble.

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Like everything, not all pediatric dentists are the same.


For us, 3 of our 4 boys see our regular dentist. The fourth has special needs. We tried 3 different peds dentists until we found the perfect one. The first 2 did not want us in the room. The third office, that we love, encouraged me to actually sit in the chair and hold ds (we started when he was 4 at that office.) All the parents seem to go back except the teens. It is a little more expensive but not a huge disparity.

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We've had good and bad experiences with children's/pediatric dentists. First one (called herself a "Children's" dentist, but wasn't an official pediatric dentist). She was terrible! Said ds needed four fillings, wanted to orally sedate him with no monitoring, wanted to strap him a papoose board, and wouldn't let me in the room. She wanted to do all this because she considered my little 4yo "sensitive". Of course he was sensitive! He was four years old! He had been petrified of her since he was 18 months old. He always screamed when he saw her. I should have listened to him much sooner!


Next came a really good pediatric dentist. He found that only two of ds's teeth actually had cavities, and he filled them without any shots. He was just so gentle, ds didn't need the novacaine. And, ds (still only four years old) never even flinched. He had total trust for this gentle man.


When we moved, we sought out another pediatric dentist. We found that there are only two in the whole city. The one we went to was so busy, his office was like a circus. So crowded! The hygenists were mostly terrible (only one good one out of about 5). One time, they set us up for an extraction when we were only there for a cleaning! Another time, I took my 11yodd in for a cleaning (she was in braces), and the "hygienist" (just out of school) just went over her teeth in about 3 minutes with a tiny rotary tooth brush! That's it. No scaling, no lecture about flossing, no polishing, no nothing! I got the good hygienist to do dd over again, and told her what the new girl had called a cleaning, and she was appalled. But, she said, "Well, she thinks she knows it all and won't listen to anyone." That was our last appointment there.


I switched them to my dentist. My little one was still in an infant carseat at the time. My kids have all been going there for 5 years now. My little girl has eased right into almost the full treatment (she hasn't done x-rays yet, but has done scaling, polishing, and fluoride). They started when she was about 3, just sitting her on my lap (during *my* appointment), and having her open her mouth while they looked in. During my next appointment, they tapped on her teeth a bit. Third time, they sat her in the chair by herself, and tapped around on her teeth, but didn't do scaling. All this time, she spent all our family visits wandering from room to room, watching them clean my and my other kids' teeth. This last visit, she had her own appointment. They sat her in the chair, and carefully explained everything to her while they stained her teeth (pink stuff to show plaque), scaled, polished, flossed, and applied fluoride. She did great! I think next time they'll try x-rays. She'll be six.


For regular dental care, I'm very happy with my family dentist and his practice. Everyone there is wonderful with my kids, who are super comfortable there. No more anxiety for any of us!

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Our kids see a pediatric dentist and I absolutely love him. He was one of the few dentists I found who will let parents go back and stay with their child(ren).


We have insurance, but they're out of network. A cleaning/x-rays/etc is $150. After they filed with our insurance, we got a bill for the remainder (about $40). I sent them a check and didn't think anything of it. A few weeks later, I got a note from the dentist with a check written from their office saying that they were happy with what they'd gotten from our insurance company and he didn't see any reason to keep our money. :O


A few weeks ago, I took them for their cleaning and DD asked them to pull a tooth because it was LOOSE and I don't. do. teeth. He told me he'd be happy to pull it and proceeded to put topical anesthetic on her gum ("to make sure it doesn't hurt"), and pulled it. Then he told me he couldn't possibly charge me for the extraction...


And it doesn't hurt that the kids are already begging to go back when we're walking out of his office. :)

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And it doesn't hurt that the kids are already begging to go back when we're walking out of his office. :)


My littlest one went to the dentist for the first time a few weeks ago. The two big kids spent all morning telling her about all the fun she would have - and they really meant it :D

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My kids go to a ped. dentist. I'm not sure what he charges, because our insurance covers it 100%, but IIRC, the EOBs said about $250 (including x-rays).


We've been REALLY happy with him. His exam room is a big open area with multiple exam tables. There is a seat for a parent by each one and he has books and toys for tag-along siblings. The instruments are kid-sized, the x-ray rooms are encased in glass so the kids and parents can see each other at all times. The hygienists explain what they would like to do to the child, then ask their permission to do so. The dentist comes out to the waiting room and formally introduces himself so the kids aren't meeting him in a 'clinical' situation for the first time.


I was sure my 2nd child would never agree to cooperate with a dentist. They were so patient with her. When she refused x-rays and cleaning, the dentist sat knees-to-knees with me, had her straddle my lap and gently laid her head in his lap so he could 'count her teeth'. After a couple of visits of that and watching her (ultra-cooperative) big brother, she decided she was cool with it all and hopped right up on the table for a cleaning. :D

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I take my kids to the same pediatric dentist I saw as a child. He is very nice, and definitely getting on in years. But he still knows what he is doing. I get the impression that a large majority of his patients are on government assistance because they always ask for that card first, then say, "Oh! We have your insurance information." :) I think it's nice that he is available to everyone like that. He isn't outrageously expensive and he is very proactive with my kids' teeth. (IE: he likes to put sealant on their teeth, to help prevent cavities).


Do you have insurance? Maybe give them a call and ask who they would recommend.

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We have a dentist in the family, who does checks when the kids are little. For a venti Starbucks latte LOL.


My eldest didn't see a "real" dentist for a "real" exam until he was eight. He's never had cavities, has had generally good teeth, so we only take him in every other year for a "real" exam. We skip flouride, and the family dentist does cleanings on demand. Eight is the age our "real" dentist starts accepting patients; it's the dentist my husband and I see.


My youngest had horrible teeth from the moment they came in. We chose an out-of-network pediatric dentist to handle the necessary work, and it was an okay experience. The ped. dentist was very well recommended by a variety of people and professionals in our area; her office was welcoming, staff nice; state of the art equipment; etc. She did so well with the little ones, too. My child was between the ages of 18m to 3y when she saw the ped. dentist for special treatments and surgeries. We were happy. It was pricey. I don't remember how much, but my normally unflappable husband always sucked in his gut and sighed when he opened the bills LOL.


Once my youngest's immediate problems were addressed, we stopped seeing the ped. dentist (who wanted to be more proactive and aggressive than we felt was appropriate for my youngest's secondary problems). In the last six months of using her, she started to accept our insurance but she was still pricey. I figure she's a specialty, and good at it, so it wasn't unreasonable. We left because of differences in treatment preferences. She didn't allow adults back, but she was fine with my eldest escorting and staying with my youngest. That was an acceptable compromise for me; I trusted my eldest to advocate for his sister according to my wishes, and to report everything back to me. He didn't disappoint!


Now both kids see the same regular dentist as do their dad and I. His insurance covers them, so we have no co-pays or out-of-pocket costs at the moment; we will once we start working on my youngest's secondary problems, but for now we're all on the same page WRT treatment and are just keeping a close eye on things. I take my youngest in once a year to the "real" dentist, and our family dentist does random checks upon request in the meanwhile.


The family dentist is on my husband's side. Our compromise was that the kids can see both the family dentist AND a regular dentist (of my choosing). The family dentist is overly aggressive IMO, and while I value and respect her we are just on different pages WRT treatment plans. She's minded a lot like our original ped. dentist is.

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My Dd has been seeing our dentist, since she was a baby. He is really good with kids, you say it hurts he believes you , plus she has never had a cavitiy and she is almost 17y yrs old.

some regular dentist just do not want to mess with little ones because they can squirm around scream, etc.

Suppossidly pediatric ones know how to handle children.

They can cost a lot.

Our dentist is an exception, he works with everyone on their bill.

A few months ago I had a temporary crown and it started flaking off and they did not charge me to go in and took two hours to put another temporary one on. To me the stuff they used was not as solid as the ones I had before. I could tell that.

Ask about paying half on the visit and the other half the next month. Most will only take a credit card if you cannot pay cash.

Everyone wants their money. Now.

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DS goes to the same dentist that DH and I see. When I asked him about pediatric dentists, he asked me who I saw as a child. Of course the response was the same dentist as my parents. He just smiled. Point made.


Only DH has dental insurance. I get a 25% discount because I pay cash. DS and I go at the same time and the bill is usually about $150 for both of us - cleaning, xrays, exam, etc. We are in and out within an hour.


I love our dentist!

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We see a pediatric dentist that lets us go back with the children. I wouldn't even consider a dentist that wouldn't allow that! (Maybe for teens but not for young children.) Our pediatric dentist may be the only person who ever gets full cooperation from all three of my children at once, LOL -- one has always hated doctors/dentists messing with her personal space, one is very shy, and the other is a two-year-old. They've got a cheerful office, three chairs in a room so that I can have all three of them back there at once, a big fishtank for the kids to watch, hand-held games and books, and just a really great demeanor with the kids. We started with a regular family dentist, and they ended up referring us to the pediatric place, particularly for my very shy then three-year-old.


Cost -- I'm not exactly sure, as our insurance covers it, but it's over $100 per child per visit. Last time, my older two got full exams and cleanings, the middle one got routine x-rays as well, and the toddler got just an exam; I think the total bill was over $300.


ETA: It definitely sounds like it varies. I like my dentist and his office just fine, but while my children do just fine when they're there with me (there's a TV at every station, and the hygienist turns on cartoons for them), but it's more clinical than the children's dentist, and the dentist himself is nice, but doesn't seem like he'd have that particular manner that is great for the kids, and he's got a heavy accent, so I think that would be off-putting for the children.

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Do you all take your kids to the dentist?

Yes we take them all to the dentist every 6 months

Who do they see?


We all go to the same dentist and he is a all in one (family dentist and also a surgeon which is GREAT in my opinion!! How much does an average appointment cost, and how do you pay for it (insurance or self-pay)? Our insurance pays 100% for maintance check ups including x-rays if the dentist is in the network which ours is in the network. Now without insurance probably would cost about $100 per kid per visit for maintaince.


So, it made me wonder what does everyone else with children under 13 do?


I answered your questions in red above. We have gone to a pediatric dentist when kids were way younger. I totally REGRET it!!!!! They are very mean to the kids believe it or not. Some didn't even let parents go back with their child. After several tries of different ped. dentist we opted to find one that all of us like and one dentist only. No going to one for kids and one for hubby and I. My kids fell in love with this dentist of ours. He is WONDERFUL and a Christian man. He is for homeschoolers and hope to be able to homeschool his children when it comes time for them to start school. If my kids love him then he is for keeps. I like him too!! I really wished we had him from the begining of our children's lives. It would have been so much better for us.

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some regular dentist just do not want to mess with little ones because they can squirm around scream, etc.

Suppossidly pediatric ones know how to handle children.



LOL!!! I laugh at this. None of the pediatric dentist we went to knew how to handle my kids. They all were very impatient with my kids esp. my HFA daughter. One of the pediatric dentist we went to was a diplomat for special needs kids. WHOA!! What a big mistake....He terrified her due to the way he talked to her.


As you see in my post above....she loves our "regular" dentist. He sings to her when he works on her teeth. :D Who can beat that???



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Ask around for recommendations.


We see a regular dentist. He is wonderful. He starts seeing children around age 4-5. Meaning around age 4, they come in, sit in the chair, he shakes the child's hand, peeks at his/her teeth, and says, "Come back in 6 months." Six months later, they start regular cleanings. His oldest patient is 101 and still has all of her teeth!


Pediatric dentist, family dentist, "regular" dentist doesn't matter as much as the individual dentist's way with children, as well as his or her staff. The whole atmosphere at our dentist is professional, warm, friendly. My children look forward to going to the dentist, lol. And they come home inspired to floss and brush with their timers and to take really good care of their teeth. He is a treasure.


Our insurance covers almost all costs, which are typical for dental care in our community.



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We take ours to a pediatric dentist. Yes, it is pricey. But, my boys are anxiety-prone, and the current dentist (the best of three that we have had) is VERY good about making their experience a good one.


This is why we go to a pediatric dentist with the kids. Emma is very nervous about the dentist. I'm not sure what caused it, but after she broke her arm twice in the same summer & had to have surgery for pins both times, anything medically related freaks her out. When we started seeing a pediatric dentist, she was much better.


Since we moved, we have gone once for cleanings to the dentist our old ped. dentist recommended, and I am not crazy about him. Do your pediatric dentists recommend sealants on your kids' teeth? I don't recall being asked to do that at our old dentist in Raleigh, except on one tooth of Emma's that is malformed & has a crevice that is prone to cavities. The guy here said he saw no evidence of sealants on my kids' teeth and gave me the impression that I was not doing a good job as a parent without them. We went, and even though the insurance covered part of it, we still ended up paying a couple of hundred dollars that was unexpected during the holiday season... this did not leave me with warm fuzzies about this dentist. Additionally, the girls are less fond of the hygienists so I think we may switch to someone else.

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