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I didn't have much luck with the Leapster. My kids just didn't play with it and I got rid of it. So, I don't know how they would like it now.


Now, we bought an L-Max for my 4 year old (newly) and we finally bought one for my newly 2 year old, to keep them from fighting over it.


I keep them mostly put up and bring them out occasionally. They LOVE them. I use them for plane trips, long car trips, doctors visits, etc... I think they're pretty educational. I mostly keep them put up, just to keep them "new" when I need them to be occupied.

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My 6yo and 4yo each have a leapster and love them! They are in a place where the 3yo can't get to them as all he wants to do is throw them. They usually bring them in the van for longer trips and are great on airplanes, but also they can be great for "quiet" time in their rooms. Most of the games seem to be for 3-6 years, not very many for my 6yo to grow with, but soon she can hand hers to the youngest and we'll get her something else (gameboy?). Anyway, they love them :) HTH

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We bought Becca a Leapster for her fourth birthday, and just a few months later we bought Sylvia one. They are worth their weight in GOLD for me - it's amazing what the girls have learned from them and they provide a nice little sanity break for me. Also excellent for Dr. office visits; anytime you need them to truly be in one place and be (relatively) quiet.


I do keep them up on a shelf so I can monitor the playing time - they do very well with it.

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Well a leapster and a L-max are the same thing except that you can hook up the L-max to a tv if you want.


My 2 oldest each have a leapster and they've been used a lot. We always take them on car trips (we're military and move a lot) as well as on plane trips etc.


Even my son who's going to be 9 in 2.5 weeks still likes to play his. They've definately been worth the money.

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Certainly worth it here. My oldest 2 boys each had one until the older somehow lost his. :glare: Now my ds6 plays with it all the time. It saved my sanity during basketball games and once ds6 decided he was through w/ formal schoolwork. He learned quite a bit playing Leapster! Dd2 loves to watch the Letter Factory video on the Leapster and has learned most, if not all, of her letters and sounds! Great investment...better than Gameboy if you ask me! It's educational and appeals to those "video game" type kids!

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My six year old got one for Christmas and it has been a big hit. I also reserve it for certain times, like car trips. I bought the backpack carrier instead of the smaller carrying case, because the backpack has room for headphones, and I definitely want him to play with his headphones on. ;)



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I heard that a lot of people had troubles with them, as in they would only work for a few weeks/months and then stop.


Not this past Christmas but the one before (so... 2006?), I purchased a used old-style Leapster and a brand new L-Max for my two littlers. The L-Max didn't work on the tv as it should, from the beginning, and quit working before spring break. The regular Leapster worked for a while after that, but not a full year later has stopped working.


We spent a little chunk of cash on these and all of the games, and I'd LOVE to have them fixed and let the kids play with them now. If they stop working on me again, I'll likely chunk them and sell the games.


Just a heads-up warning on the fact that some, including me, have had troubles with the longevity of the product itself. I have, in the past, had great interactions with the LeapFrog customer service, if that matters. :)

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