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Teachers' Bistro (aka Teachers Lounge) 3-2-11

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Welcome! Come on in, sit yourself down, kick up your feet. Enjoy a full lunch or just a cuppa, along with some very necessary conversation with adults. What's for lunch today? Us: not sure yet. Either bologna sandwiches or chicken nuggets. I'm not a big bologna fan (too much as a child, I think) but there was some garlic flavored bologna at the store last night that looked enticing!



What's bugging you today? The ridiculous amount of whiny-ness from my children today. Good grief!:glare:



What are you thankful for today? Me: the nice weather and the opportunity/blessing to be able to homeschool my children, despite the multitude of gray hairs it's giving me! :tongue_smilie::D


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Lunch: a wrap made from leftover ground turkey taco meat, sliced orange peppers, smidge of cheddar cheese, salsa and lettuce, with fresh pineapple. Dd had a grilled cheese on whole wheat with sliced fresh mango.


What's bugging me: wearing a heart monitor for another blasted week. I am so hyperaware right now of every little twinge inside my body that it is really distracting.


I am thankful for: the decaf Verona coffee beans dh picked up for me last night. Being off caffeine stinks but coffee made from those beans makes it bearable :)

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lunch; baked potatoes (how do you spell that vegtable?)


What's bugging me- my knee is whacked. I've been "off of it" since Monday and using a walker. If it doesn't get really better soon, I go for an M.R.I and probably surgery, sans insurance.

Everyone needs the computer. I need another good flick!!


What am I thankful for? The pain in my knee is a LOT less than Monday. I can actually move without pain.

we've had 2 days of great homeschooling. The kids are focused. My 20 yo just got great $aid for Stewart's

I'm writing a book. And I've been actually writing on it.



Re: the grey hairs. I just dyed mine with Henna. I've always highlighted my brownish hair, but the Henna took my brown and added red highlights. It's darker and daring. I LOVE it. (I'd take a pic but my 8 yo dropped my camera last week, lens open and my knee has been in no condition to go camera shopping).

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What's for lunch today?

I'm making a couple of meals and baking bread for a friend whose mom is in the hospital, so we'll probably have some of the extras.


What's bugging you today?

Nothing comes to mind. It has been a very good morning.


What are you thankful for today?

My son's calculus teacher. She truly cares about her students, and I am particularly grateful for her today.

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I'm not sure about lunch---we just ate a birthday breakfast of cinnamon rolls, danishes, and chocolate milk--not too long ago.


What's bothering me---that I waited forever to get the laundry done and bedroom cleaned and now I need to cram it all into today to get it done before my husband comes home from being out of town.


What am I thankful for---my husband coming home and my birthday boy.

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Jean, you always have salad! Live a little, girl!



Scrap, I've been trying to lose 70 pounds for 29 weeks now (yes I'm counting). I've lost 5 pounds in that time (technically I lost 10 pounds but then gained 5 back when I got so sick over the winter). I try to no-carb it for breakfast and lunch. Unless you can give me other no carb ideas for lunch, you'll have to get used to seeing my salad on the menu!

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,I ate a brunch today with sauteed wild boar bratwurst, red bell pepper and onion, and it was kind of late, so I only had sliced cucumbers for a snack.


What's bugging me? My youngest is playinhg her games with her school work again. I'm beyond fed up but won't/can't let it show.


What am I thankful for? I just LOVE my house and all my animals. I love the sun pouring in keeping me toasty warm, all the while enjoying the scene of the winter wonderland outside. I love watching all three dogs change their sleeping place through out the day, making sure they are in a patch of sun. It's so peaceful here....... nobody around. This is truly my haven, and my dh's. I am so at peace when here (for the most part!) I love sitting in a clean home and watching over all the furry and feathered creatures. I feel SO deeply blessed!

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Today IS the 3rd, right?? Tell me I didn't postdate all my checks this morning! :001_huh:


OK... lunch was leftover Italian sausage and white bean stew (speaking of this, Jean, have you checked out Kalyn's Kitchen?? It's a blog that has tons of great low-carb recipes... this was one of them!)


What's bugging me today: Spring Break plans. I have to work out when to go up and visit my grandmother and how to break it to her that I really, really don't plan to spend the night. It will upset her, but she is not in any shape to be hosting overnight visitors any more. We simply wear her out. We are loud (OK, compared to most families, we're quiet, but everything's relative), we make the meal prep quadruple by our very presence, etc. I want to go up, have one good, long day, and come home.


What I'm thankful for: A kid who can work hard when asked! We got school done AND errands run this morning before his swimming lesson at noon! Woot woot!

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Scrap, I've been trying to lose 70 pounds for 29 weeks now (yes I'm counting). I've lost 5 pounds in that time (technically I lost 10 pounds but then gained 5 back when I got so sick over the winter). I try to no-carb it for breakfast and lunch. Unless you can give me other no carb ideas for lunch, you'll have to get used to seeing my salad on the menu!


Jean, salads day in and day out are going to get old! Well, maybe not for you, but they would for me. Are you adding cheeses or other healthy fats? Is salad alone enough to carry you?


How about spinach salads sometimes. The bacon and eggs are SO yummy on spinach salads! Also, have you ever grilled veggies? SO GOOD. Oven roasted veggies are also good.


Other ideas (like I said, I'm in a slump myself!) are chili (with ground beef and veggies, no beans if you're doing no carb), spaghetti squash mixed with your choice of sauteed onions, mushrooms and bell peppers, OR just mashed with salt pepper and butter, OR mixed with no carb pasta sauce or, my favorite, vodka sauce. Sauteed kale/onion/bok choy, topped with soy and toasted sesame oil. Salad with tuna salad on it or other lunch meats.


I try to have left over protein from the previous night's dinner to add to salads or to have if I'm feeling weak.


Maybe try some of the no-carb cooking/recipe sites.


I'm currently having cooked veggies for breakfast and/or lunch, along with some raw for lunch or snack, and dinner is mainly raw veggies, with a HUGE salad, along with a healthy portion of protein. Which is hard.... because my love of animals makes me want to be a vegan.


I've been having the above for too long now and really need to get more creative. I'm just lazy at the moment.;)

Edited by Denisemomof4
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Welcome! Come on in, sit yourself down, kick up your feet. Enjoy a full lunch or just a cuppa, along with some very necessary conversation with adults. What's for lunch today? Us: not sure yet. Either bologna sandwiches or chicken nuggets. I'm not a big bologna fan (too much as a child, I think) but there was some garlic flavored bologna at the store last night that looked enticing!



What's bugging you today? The ridiculous amount of whiny-ness from my children today. Good grief!:glare:



What are you thankful for today? Me: the nice weather and the opportunity/blessing to be able to homeschool my children, despite the multitude of gray hairs it's giving me! :tongue_smilie::D


Talk to me! :bigear:


Lunch today was PK Chang--chicken, broccolli with red pepper and brown rice


What's bugging me--the story about our servicemen getting killed. :confused: I just feel ticked off.


Thankful for--my sweet new grandbaby, and my wonderful family.

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Jean, salads day in and day out are going to get old! Well, maybe not for you, but they would for me. Are you adding cheeses or other healthy fats? Is salad alone enough to carry you?


How about spinach salads sometimes. The bacon and eggs are SO yummy on spinach salads! Also, have you ever grilled veggies? SO GOOD. Oven roasted veggies are also good.


Other ideas (like I said, I'm in a slump myself!) are chili (with ground beef and veggies, no beans if you're doing no carb), spaghetti squash mixed with your choice of sauteed onions, mushrooms and bell peppers, OR just mashed with salt pepper and butter, OR mixed with no carb pasta sauce or, my favorite, vodka sauce. Sauteed kale/onion/bok choy, topped with soy and toasted sesame oil. Salad with tuna salad on it or other lunch meats.


I try to have left over protein from the previous night's dinner to add to salads or to have if I'm feeling weak.


Maybe try some of the no-carb cooking/recipe sites.


I'm currently having cooked veggies for breakfast and/or lunch, along with some raw for lunch or snack, and dinner is mainly raw veggies, with a HUGE salad, along with a healthy portion of protein. Which is hard.... because my love of animals makes me want to be a vegan.


I've been having the above for too long now and really need to get more creative. I'm just lazy at the moment.;)


All my salads have protein on them. I'm trying to stay away from cheese. (I love cheese). I should do the grilled veggies - that sounds really good! And I should check out some of the no-carb recipe sites.

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I am intrigued. Where does one find this?


we have a meat store about 45 minutes away that sells all natural meats, many hunted. This is where I got the wild boar bratwurst, ground elk, ground bison, venison hotdogs and stew meat, etc. Buying natural meat, including grass fed ground beef, is wonderful. Different taste, texture, and quality.


I also got pasture fed chickens at this store!


These are not all organic but some are. NONE of them have antibiotics, many are hunted in the wild. They even sell alligator and snake meat!


I'm sure in OK there is even more of this, because I know there's a LOT of wild boar hunting in Texas. Dh was drooling over the bratwurst. :001_smile:

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Lunch today was rice w/mixed vegetables, iced coffee, and Jello chocolate mousse.


Bugging me: actually nothing for a change :)


Thankful for: beautiful weather today, we were able to work at our volunteer garden; and a birthday party this evening for my 4yo niece.

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Lunch was some incredible organic tomato slices with organic mozarella and basil, salt and pepper, and some super cheap Giant brand olive oil which reminded me why I am willing to pay $30 for it and not $7.


What's bugging me are that there are way tooooooo many choices for homeschool curriculum and once you think you have your mind made up...whammmmmmoooooo, someone mentions something or you see something that makes you rethink yourself.


I am always thankful for a DH that busts his tail to provide for us and sees to it that I can stay home to educate our kids.

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Lunch was a dish of shrimp yakisoba. Microwaved, so don't get too impressed.


I'm being bugged by the shear number of brown stink bugs that keep showing up in the house. I'm getting quite tired of chasing them down.


I'm thankful that we have a warm snuggly home where all of our stuff fits and where there is a beautiful wooded area and a stream running through the back yard. Ah.


I'll add a bonus that for three days in a row, the older boys have been done with school around lunch time. Now that is a streak to brag about. Hope they can keep it going.

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