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Another CLE question...

Jean in La

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Some of the CLE courses are the new Sunrise Edition. Some are the older version- they are modified Alpha Omega Lifepacks, I think. The Sunrise Edition Lightunits are much better, IMHO. I recommend those, but not the older lightunits.


Math, Language Arts and Reading are the new Sunrise Edition, at least through 8th grade. For science and social studies, they have only revised the lower elementary grades, not the upper elementary grades. They keep coming out with new Sunrise Editions every year- they didn't revise them all in one year.


So, if your child is in a grade where they have Sunrise Editions available, I would recommend it. Otherwise, I would not.

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We have had a very busy year, so we used Sunrise Science for 2nd grade. . .it's as good as it gets for workbook science if you ask me.


Science is only Sunrise in 1rst and 2nd grades.


I know Social Studies is Sunrise through atleast 4th grade.


I'm very impressed with the Sunrise editions, but I wouldn't touch the NON-sunrise editions with a 10 ft pole.

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I have no experience with them, but as much as I'm loving what we've done through CLE so far in regards to Math, LA and reading, I wouldn't do the other subjects with them. It'd be workbook overkill in my house.


I'm looking at MFW for next year, with CLE. :)

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I have no experience with them, but as much as I'm loving what we've done through CLE so far in regards to Math, LA and reading, I wouldn't do the other subjects with them. It'd be workbook overkill in my house.


I'm looking at MFW for next year, with CLE. :)


I agree. They might be wonderful, but as we already use CLE for math, LA, and reading, anything more would be overkill.

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