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Favorite Board/Card Games for your 4-5 yo's ?

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A couple years ago, when mine were that age, they were obsessed with Bzz Out, a card game that teaches numbers. We also really liked (and still enjoy sometimes) Sequence for Kids, Uno, Hiss, Froggy Boogie... and others that I'm sure I'm not thinking of.

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Some of our favorites are:


Apples to apples jr. (says 7 and up, but my 4.5 year old does fine with it!)

Sequence for kids

Guess who

Sorry (he doesn't quite get it, but still likes to play)

Golf (card game)


Hangman (not a board game but still in our rotation, lol)

Go fish

Concentration (like memory but with a deck of playing cards)

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Mine LOVE the Lauri Toys PeggyBack game. Even my older ones ;) We also enjoyed Cranium Cariboo (until dd lost all the balls that come with it). Not sure if you consider that a "stand by" or not. :tongue_smilie: Leapfrog Letter Factory, Boggle Jr., Monopoly Jr., Scrabble Jr., What's Gnu? are more favorites.

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I need game suggestions for my littles. I have the old standbys but am looking to expand our collection. What are your favorites?







Our absolute favorite at that age is The Ladybug Game. It was actually invented by a 7yo. It can be played without reading. It involves a story (helping the ladybugs get home, past the mean old Mantis, and the grumpy ants). It involves counting (spaces forward and back, and saving up little aphid coins to use as toll payment to the ants). It can be played as friends all trying to get home, rather than a competition to get there first (we just keep playing 'till everyone is home, cheering them on all the way). It's bright and colorful, and the characters are cute. I like it because it's short. A game only takes 10-15 minutes usually.

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Amazing Labrynth

Moose in the House

Sleeping Queens

Monopoly Jr.



Hi-Ho Cherrie-O



Clue Jr.

Professor Noggin card games



Mexican Train Dominoes


Connect 4

Risk (we played as teams)

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Two non-classic (yet!) card games we have enjoyed for the younger set are:


Sleeping Queens http://www.amazon.com/Gamewright-230-Sleeping-Queens/dp/B0009XBY3A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1299164322&sr=8-1


Crazy Old Fish War http://www.amazon.com/Crazy-Old-Fish-War-Game/dp/B001RNE1YU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1299164378&sr=1-1


I actually have several back-up decks of Crazy Old Fish War to give out as quick presents or I have a deck stashed in my bag for when we are waiting somewhere.


Amber in SJ

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Almost all Cranium younger child game slike Balloon Lagoon & Cariboo


Farkle-non online version


Rush Hour and other simililar games by Thinkfun/Binary Arts


Check your local thrift stores too; you would be amazed what old games/classics you can find sometimes, especially if you live near a military base(as we do). When they get shipped out they donate awesome games and books and such they have picked up from their travels.


Heather in MD

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Check out Haba games.


Animal on Animal (balance/dexterity game) *** DS's favorite at that age

Chateau Rocquefort (matching, memory but with a very cool board and trapdoors)

Uno (cards)

Skipbo (cards)

Go Fish (cards)

that game where you roll dice and flip over numbers

Shapes Up (puzzle like)

Monopoly Jr./Candyland/Shoots and Ladders (roll and move)

Checkers (and simple chess games)

Alfredo's Food Fight (flinging)

Sherlock (slightly more challenging memory game)

Toss your Cookies (matching)

Break the Safe (roll and move, avoid)

Crossbows and Catapults (flinging)

Sorry Sliders (dexterity, flicking)


Children of this age can often play simple adult games with some help, especially party games. Our 6 year old can play Zooloretto (collecting sets of zoo animals) with some help.

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Our absolute favorite at that age is The Ladybug Game. It was actually invented by a 7yo. It can be played without reading. It involves a story (helping the ladybugs get home, past the mean old Mantis, and the grumpy ants). It involves counting (spaces forward and back, and saving up little aphid coins to use as toll payment to the ants). It can be played as friends all trying to get home, rather than a competition to get there first (we just keep playing 'till everyone is home, cheering them on all the way). It's bright and colorful, and the characters are cute. I like it because it's short. A game only takes 10-15 minutes usually.


:iagree: We got this game for younger DD when she was 3 and we're STILL playing it (they're 6 and 7 now).



We also like Sequence for Kids and the Round Up Game.


We just got Tell Me a Story and it's simple but really gets their creativity flowing.


It's a deck of cards and each card in the deck has a different picture (lovely illustrations). The players use the cards to make up stories. My description doesn't do the game justice. Go check the link!

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Card Games: Go Fish, Uno, solitaire, War

Scrabble Jr. (not a fan of this game - poorly made/not very fun)

Monopoly (good for number/money counting skills)


Ticket to Ride (especially if your child likes trains)


Chutes and Ladders

Don't Break The Ice

ThinkFun's Rush Hour Jr.



Guess Who?

Thomas Train Board Game

Max the Cat and other cooperative board games from here

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