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Spelling/writing that works for boys?


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My ds8 loves to jot down ideas. I say this because he does not make complete sentences. He will add punctuation sometimes and/or capitalization the beginning letter rarely. His dictation always needs correcting and I make him re-copy with all corrections. He states "oops" everytime I correct his dictation or work that requires answers in a sentence.


The misspelled words are frequently and many, words he can spell aloud just does not reflect on paper. He can ace a spelling test if given a list prior to the test - yes he just memorizes and forgets later.


I want something that will encourage him to write more sentences and not just jot down ideas. I need his spelling to stick. My boy learns and retains different then myself and my DD. So please help.


What program/curriculum works best to teach spelling and writing structure?

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Writing with ease is an excellent program to teach the mechanics of writing for a reluctant writer. The philosophy behind this program is that children learn to write by being taught to put their own thoughts down on paper in a step by step manner. There are 4 worbooks and a text. We use only the workbooks because it is open and go, however the text explanins the "why" behing the program. Spelling should probably be taught separately.They do narrations and dictation so they learn some spelling but it does not actually teach spelling. I highly recommend!

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My son does the same, he loves to jot down and write stories but frequently misspells words. I think he just hasn't brought his spelling instruction into his free writing yet. We use Phonetic Zoo and he loves it and does it to mastery but still doesn't consider bringing it over yet. Everything that is done for school I make sure his spelling is correct on but I don't make him correct his free writing. I probably should lovingly point it out more often than I do. I'll be interested to hear what other people have to say. :bigear:

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I can do a program as long as I know that it worked with other boys in this situation.


So the advise is:

Writing with ease (WWE1) workbook - to start helping with writing structure

No spelling help or curriculum? - a tried and true program


We need help finding a spelling and a formal writing structure program that fits. Please understand that I don't want to waste money buying program after program.

Edited by Sahmqui
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I use All About Spelling with my boys. I like it for many reasons, but one of them is it gives us the tools (spelling and syllabication rules) when spelling across the curriculum. (For instance, they'll ask how to spell something and I'll mention the spelling rule appropriate to that word or say, "how do you make ___ sound at the end of a word?"). That said, it can take a couple years for spelling really to blossom outside of the spelling program. Ds#1 has been working through AAS for two years now (he's in level 5) and yet still makes errors in his writing. But, with AAS, he (and I) have the tools to correct as he goes and isn't just relying on memorized word lists.


In terms of writing, we do WWE (though not the workbooks - just using the concepts with literature, history, and science). But what my oldest, in particular (my otherwise non-reader and non-writer ;) ), responds to the best is IEW and Sentence Composing. Both have him writing based on models instead of having to make it up as he goes along.

Edited by MyLittleWonders
Typing one-handed while holding squirmy girl
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We used spelling workout workbooks they were okay and my ds spelling improved some but I noticed that we he paused to spell something there was no memory for him to draw from. It seems like this program is best for natural spellers. Based on the recommendations from some others on this board, we took the plunge and ordered all about spelling. It is supposed to teach all of the rules from the begininng. We just started this week so I don't have a long term experience with it but so far so good. It is a lot like the writing road to reading except it is a lot easier to use.



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Have you re-tested him on spelling tests that he has aced? It really could be that he just isn't bringing what he has learned over into his free writing. Teaching Writing Structure and Style philosophy would say that you correct any spelling errors and let writing be writing and spelling be spelling. If you haven't looked into Teaching Writing Structure and Style,it is an excellent program. He is young for their Student Writing Intensives but you as his teacher might find benefit from watching the seminar. I have used it with my high school aged daughter and will use it next year with my son.

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I can do a program as long as I know that it worked with other boys in this situation.


So the advise is:

Writing with ease (WWE1) workbook - to start helping with writing structure

No spelling help or curriculum? - a tried and true program


We need help finding a spelling and a formal writing structure program that fits. Please understand that I don't want to waste money buying program after program.


Sequential Spelling is working for my older 3 boys. I give the tests to them together, and write the words on the whiteboard using 2 different color dry erase markers to show the different spelling patterns.


Another program you might want to check into is Spelling Power. I love it, but I just can't give that many individual spelling tests each day.

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We use Writing with Ease and All About Spelling here. One son uses Spelling Workout because it works better for him.


I think you can get a lot of opinions, but just realize it may take you a couple tries to find what works for you and your son. I would suggest finding something that you think YOU can implement and start there.


Both of these programs are very solid programs, but if you go with them it would be up to you to be diligent with them and if something isn't working to adjust what you are doing within the curriculum instead of buying something else... if you aren't wanting to spend money needlessly.:D

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Looking into WWE and AAS but what do you need exactly? Can we just do a workbook and/or student kit OR do you have to buy the whole curriculum (teacher's manual, workbook, kits, etc)?



For WWE you need


this text teaches you the principles of the program and you could do it with just this book if you are wonderfully organized. This is not the workbook but a teaching text. If you need a workbook there are 4 levels to choose from. I am using level 2 with my 9 yo and 8 yo. The student pages are reproducible so that you can use it with more than one student.

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