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flu strain A AND B?

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My dd just got diagnosed with flu strain a and b... she vomited every twenty minutes from 1 am to 9 am when we could get in to the doctor. now she's OK b/c they gave her medicine for the vomiting (thank God for modern medicine) but she says her legs ache a lot.


I'm kicking myself for skipping the flu shot this year!!! It wasn't even a concious decision, we just never got around to it. Does anyone know about the flu strain a and b? is that a bad one- well, i guess i know it's a bad one but should my DH and I be loading up on vitamin D or something? is it inevitable that we'll get it too?


i had no idea it was the flu. she has no cough, no runny nose, none of that. just vomiting, vomiting and more vomiting. and leg pain...

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If it's any consolation, our doc told us last week that she's seen a lot of flu shot failure this year. It's a lot of guesswork, trying to figure out which strains to include in each year's vaccine, and some years the shot is not as protective.


We know of a family whose child was hospitalized with a fever over 105 and diagnosed with flu B. It's very contagious and the entire family is sick.


Hope your dd is soon back to health.

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Two different strains. She just has them both. How sick someone gets, and their symptoms can very. Ds and dd #1 had type A in Jan, then a couple of weeks ago, ds and dd#2 had type B. Dh and I never got it (knock on wood). Both times they simply had fever and a bit of a cough- really, really mild as far as flu goes. We did get them on Tamiflu w/in 24 hrs. You and your dh should probably load up on vitamin c and zinc. Hope your dd feels better soon.

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is it worse that she has two strains at one time? sorry to ask so many questions but we've never actually had the flu in our family since grace was born- i can't remember the last time i had it, even though we really have a very spotty track record for actually getting the vaccine. i probably think to get the vaccine every one out of three years.


that is a consolation that the shots failed a lot this year. not that i want other people to get sick, but i can feel just a tiny bit less guilty.

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Don't beat yourself up about not getting the vaccine this year. My pediatrician friend said this year's vaccine was virtually useless in terms of the strains they picked. We don't ever get the flu vaccine. The year we did, we were all so incredibly sick. I know so many who have had similar experiences. It's a personal preference for us; however, and I understand why some choose to get it.


For now, make sure you and dh get enough rest, bulk up on vitamin C, eat well and drink lots of water. Hoping the rest of you stay healthy!

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My daughter had it in November and tested positive for B a couple of weeks ago. It burns me up now to see aggressive marketing for the flu shot that uses the "current flu epidemic" to sell a product, a product that is worthless against said "current flu epidemic."


This daughter had confirmed H1N1 last year and was over it in 24 hours--completely, totally over it. This flu, however, even with Tamiflu, knocked her on her hiney for a week. She had a fever for 7 of 8 straight days (no fever on Day 7), and was sleeping 14 hours a day.


Yuck on having both strains at the same time.



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we never get flu shots here. Dh and ds15 get the pneumonococcal (sp) shot to prevent pneumonia but that's it.


Dd11 has been very, very sick. She got two viruses at the same time. She started with sore throat, fever and cold, then switched to vomiting and diarrhea for three days, then back to sore throat, fever, cold, then back to the stomach upset with near vomiting and actually did have diarrhea, then back. You see the pattern. She was SO sick she lost 12 pounds in a week and a half, and this is a rail thin kid to begin with! Even the doctors were concerned over her weightloss. She tested negative for mono and strep. Today, day 13, and she's finally starting to feel more like herself. She was WIPED OUT, exhausted beyond words, and totally weak until today. Even walking from her room to the kitchen made her spend time in recovery on the couch. She started to eat again yesterday, and has been eating small amounts but nonstop today. What ever she had, it was pretty much two weeks of extreme dizziness, weakness and exhaustion with the above mentioned symptoms. I had the virus for two weeks with a fever for eight days, and dh's boss was out sick for a week, back for two, and she's still not 100%.


Your dd may not be as sick as long as we were, but be prepared. I have no idea what type of virus we had, just know we had two of them together.


I hope your dd is feeling better SOON!

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we never get flu shots here. Dh and ds15 get the pneumonococcal (sp) shot to prevent pneumonia but that's it.


Dd11 has been very, very sick. She got two viruses at the same time. She started with sore throat, fever and cold, then switched to vomiting and diarrhea for three days, then back to sore throat, fever, cold, then back to the stomach upset with near vomiting and actually did have diarrhea, then back. You see the pattern. She was SO sick she lost 12 pounds in a week and a half, and this is a rail thin kid to begin with! Even the doctors were concerned over her weightloss. She tested negative for mono and strep. Today, day 13, and she's finally starting to feel more like herself. She was WIPED OUT, exhausted beyond words, and totally weak until today. Even walking from her room to the kitchen made her spend time in recovery on the couch. She started to eat again yesterday, and has been eating small amounts but nonstop today. What ever she had, it was pretty much two weeks of extreme dizziness, weakness and exhaustion with the above mentioned symptoms. I had the virus for two weeks with a fever for eight days, and dh's boss was out sick for a week, back for two, and she's still not 100%.


Your dd may not be as sick as long as we were, but be prepared. I have no idea what type of virus we had, just know we had two of them together.


I hope your dd is feeling better SOON!


Oh boy! I hope your daughter is feeling better again soon too!

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Don't beat yourself up about not getting the vaccine this year. My pediatrician friend said this year's vaccine was virtually useless in terms of the strains they picked. We don't ever get the flu vaccine. The year we did, we were all so incredibly sick. I know so many who have had similar experiences. It's a personal preference for us; however, and I understand why some choose to get it.

The kids and I have never gotten the flu vaccine. DH gets it at work. We vaccinate for most things, but I think it is healthy for the immune system to get a work out now and then. Well we all got the flu a few weeks ago. DH and I hadn't had it in 24 years. This was the first time for the kids. I was a little worried about little man (2 1/2 yrs. old), he ended up with a double ear infection. My 13 yr. old developed a sinus infection 2 weeks later. We all had the stuffing knocked out of us for a good 1 1/2 weeks. Definitely not fun, but I feel great now. DH, in spite of having had the flu shot was every bit as sick as the rest of us.

I hope it doesn't spread as easily as it did in our house, and that your DD is on the mend soon.

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