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What resource can I use to discuss the Christian allegories, etc., in Narnia w/ dd11?

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She will probably read them on her own, and I'll read my copy at the same time so we can discuss. I've never read them though and would like to use this to start leading into a little bit more formal discussion than when we've done this in the past (we usually just talk about parts we liked, etc.)


Maybe something I could read to help me understand this from a literary point of view that I could then trickle down to her in our discussions would be best, as I'd like to keep it kind of casual. I'm particularly interested in not missing the Christian allegorical features. Thanks.


(btw-she is an advanced reader and strong in language arts-currently reading all Louisa May Alcott's books for fun)


(xpost K-8)

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She hasn't read the books yet??? Oh my. That needs to be corrected IMMEDIATELY. :)


Seriously, I don't think it's going to be as hard as you think. If I could suggest, get the audiobooks (unabridged) published by Harper Audio. I think they sell them as a complete set now, and they are MARVELOUS, absolutely marvelous. Listen through all those. Buy the set of books and just have them lying around for her then to read when she wishes (which she will). And get the BBC versions of the movies then to watch and compare. I guarantee you you'll get the discussions you're wanting. The symbolism is just hard to miss. By doing the audio you'll *both* come up to speed on them and be able to discuss more quickly. You'll love 'em, trust me. We listen to them while we sew, on car trips, during legos.

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I'd be interested in these resources, too. My dd's have read the series more than once, and ds will, too, at some point. I actually had to hide my set (got it as a kid when it was in a different order) so they'd do school work instead of rereading those books instead.

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You mean it isn't school?? Hehehe, every time I'm tempted to yank my dd from a book, I'm reminded of the story Kpzzz told about pulling her dd away from the book she was reading to get her to do the reading curriculum. :lol:

:iagree::iagree::iagree: I miss KPzz.

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Just wanted to let you know that Ancient Faith Radio, has the entire series free on their site. Dr.Krissy Hart worked with Harper Audio and got permission. She has LOTS of books read in their entirety for free. We have used this to preview books to add to our home collection. Here is the link to the first book : The Magicians Nephew



You can subscribe in itunes, listen on site, or download. Her British voice adds a nice touch to the works.



Alicia in New Zealand

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We used Roar! which we love!


But I was also pondering something a little deeper as well. We recently had a question come up about the White Stag in the last chapter of LWW and Roar didn't really address it nor did another little book I have called (I think) Higher Up and Further In.


Interested in thoughts...


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Thanks-I ordered Roar, and found a big Narnia encyclopedia type thing in a box in the garage. It doesn't address as much Christian allegory as I would like though.


I will try the audios too-thanks for mentioning! And I also realized that when she does Quine Starting Points in 7th she will get some Narnia discussion too.

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