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Fluent reader and ETC?

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How much would you use ETC for a fairly fluent (but still young) reader? Becca can decode words up to a fourth grade level, which includes a lot of things that can't be sounded out. But I don't want to bypass things like consonant blends, diagraphs, etc if she really needs the instruction. She's just picked up on the reading at an amazing level and I don't know if she needs a certain level of actual instruction in it or if I should just do a spelling workbook and focus on reading books. :confused:

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I'm probably not one to advise since I was just asking for help with my 8yo's reading instruction! But I think if my dd were that good at decoding, I would focus on encoding (spelling). That seems like it would be a much better use of your time. She'll get the information about blends, digraphs, and such that way. But it seems to me like by focusing on spelling you would be advancing her skills rather than just reinforcing what she already seems to be able to do perfectly well. Just my thoughts though. I look forward to hearing what others think.

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I was worried about the exact same thing. I posted about it here:




FWIW, I've decided to skip phonics (she'd be totally annoyed by it anyway now) and go with Spelling Workout. When I received the SWO A in the mail, I looked through it and as much more comfortable with my decision. It definitely looks like it's a program that will do the job "through the back door," so to speak.



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My ds6 was much the same way. He learned to read on his own and just seems to naturally pick up on rules. ETC bored him to tears as did SWO A. We moved him into LLATL to cover all aspects of LA in a more gentle way. We are adding AAS and I'm hoping that the "back door" approach to this will help him even more with those difficult spots. Oh, we read a lot together so we go over rules as they occur in his reading. You know, "oh, ea together says the long e sound in this word, etc.". Works for us! Good luck! ETC was mere busywork for him.

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My oldest started reading at 3yo. At 5yo, she was capable of reading early chapter books (like Magic Treehouse). I had her do the ETC workbooks up through book 6. She enjoyed them and did them all in just one year. They were a fun, low-key way to introduce spelling for her. She tried book 7 (really wanted to do it), but it expected a lot more life experience than my dd had at 6yo. While she could read it without any problems, she didn't have any idea what to do with it. She was disappointed, because ETC was FUN for her.

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I faced the same with my oldest ds... did we keep on trying to "teach" phonics, or just move on?


We decided to drop phonics before K and just start on spelling. Didn't hurt him... he has moved ahead several grades of reading level this year alone with no phonics instruction at all. I think kids who are natural readers probably don't need the intensive phonics rules (ducking tomatoes).


Now my second ds, looks like we're going to be doing phonics for a while yet!

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