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Enlarged, painful lymph nodes...

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While bathing dd5 tonight, she was complaining that her neck hurt. While washing her hair I touched the side of her neck and she cried out in pain. I moved her hair and saw what looked like to grape-sized nodules on the side of her neck. Her lymph nodes have always been noticeable, moveable, but small. Normal. This is freaking me out! They are large and very painful. What could this be? I know it could mean simple infection but my mind is racing with the worst thoughts. Anyone experience this? Thanks.

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When DS was one his lymph nodes on his neck were so big people at a museum stopped me to make sure I had seen them. I was out of town, called the ped and they weren't concerned. I brought him to the ped when we got back and he said they were shotty lymph nodes or something like that-no big deal.

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when i was little i had many instances of my lymph glands in my neck/jaw area swelling...from a small uncomfortable swelling to a grapefruit sized swelling that distorted my entire face on more than one occasion.


doctor after doctor, specialists, and exploratory surgeries all revealed nothing. when i got my tonsils and adenoids removed it helped a lot, but i still had more than one really bad flare up years later.


i learned that my glands would swell after a bad allergy attack, sinus infection, or virus and that manually expressing them as soon as they got tender was the cure i needed. lymph glands process infection, and unfortunately, i guess they don't all drain properly.

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