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hive advice for baby food?

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I've read conflicting things concerning making baby food. Some say that it's okay to use frozen food....some say it shouldn't be refrozen. For instance, is it okay to buy a bag of frozen peas, cook and puree them and refreeze in ice cube trays? What about frozen fruit? I use mostly fresh, but there are a few things that would be a lot easier to get frozen. What says the hive?

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I used/refroze frozen fruits & veggies for baby food. I used the same rule as I would for meat. Never refreeze a food that was frozen raw if it hasn't been cooked yet. Like, I defrost... chicken, put it in a soup, then freeze the soup, effectively refreezing the (cooked) chicken. I would never defrost chicken, then put it back in the freezer without first cooking it.


And fruits & veggies are not nearly the food safety nightmare that chicken is.

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All that cooking is an awful lot of work. My philosophy with baby food is to skip it. :tongue_smilie:




We skipped purées all together and plan to do the same for any future kids.


It gets somewhat repetitive, but I liked Gill Rapley's book on the subject.




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We skipped purées all together and plan to do the same for any future kids.


It gets somewhat repetitive, but I liked Gill Rapley's book on the subject.




Ditto the pp. We skipped purees/spoonfeeding altogether and it was a great experience. If we have future children I don't ever plan to make babyfood/spoon feed again.

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Skipping purees was pretty easy. It was helped with DD by the fact that she refused to be spoon fed. Her early foods were either bits of things she was interested in off of my plate (avocado, beans and rice, etc.), things I'd put on her high chair tray to pick up herself (cheerios, frozen blueberries, bits of banana or pancake, etc.), or that were thick enough to stick to a spoon while she attempted to get the spoon to her own mouth (thick oatmeal--not baby cereal; we tried baby cereal a couple of times and even made with breastmilk it constipated her--beans and rice, etc.).

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No purees? Never heard of this, but I'm not sure I can kick my baby food-making addiction. Off to research--looking forward to learning about it!

Here are some websites about BLW:








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Skipped the purees and spoon-feeding here too! I just give them whatever foods they can handle at the age they're demanding food, holding off as long as possible (earliest so far has been almost 8 months). Bananas, avocadoes, small chunks of chicken or beef, steamed veggies, etc.

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I have heard of not feeding baby food/purees, but I worry about her gagging on finger foods. She's 7 months the day after tomorrow. I've been wondering if I can start her on the food in the little mesh feeders? I can't remember when I started that with ds, but he loved those and I didn't worry as much about gagging.

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All that cooking is an awful lot of work. My philosophy with baby food is to skip it. :tongue_smilie:


:iagree:We just gave baby a little of whatever was on our plates, to play with on her high chair tray. Some made it into the mouth, some not. Obviously, things like hard chunks of apple would be unwise, but lots of things are just fine - rice, bread, mushy peas, and so on.


Now and again, I'd put some of what we were having into a mini food processor just before meal time. It wasn't a baby-specific appliance, just a regular one, which I am still using several times a week (many year later) for chopping various things.

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