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Complete this sentence: "My Saturday is going to be..."

My Saturday is going to be...  

  1. 1. My Saturday is going to be...

    • Busy!
    • Boring. Zzzz....
    • Romantic. Vavavoom!
    • Sunny and warm. Spring has sprung!
    • Sunny and warm in my dreams. Where's spring?!
    • Perfect! I'm a positive thinker!
    • Bleh. Meh. Positive schmositive.
    • Educational!
    • Over by the time I finish reading these ding dang poll options!
    • Saturday? I'm 24 hours ahead of you, heading into Sunday.

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Oh - I agree - clean on a Friday evening, when there's a nice glass of merlot handy and a dh home to do bedtime!? Never!


I do have my blue Miele sitting out, waiting to be used. But I got so caught up talking about vacuums...:tongue_smilie:


I am SOOO impressed with your running!!! How is your leg? Good luck to all of you tomorrow! My boys all want to run a race with me, so we'll see how that goes. But, I hurt a ligament in my knee and I'm trying to heal that now. Ugh. I tried walking a mile two nights ago and had to drive home (dh had the car at the baseball field a mile away, so I stole it!). I'm so sad!!!


Yeah, I read your thread a few days ago, but that was when I couldn't log in and post. What a bummer! It does seem like maybe you've been over-training. I am thinking I need to do some physical therapy or...something...because my knee/leg issue is not clearing up. I've run maybe four or five times since the half-marathon and each time it hurts ~ sometimes enough to have to stop altogether. In my heart of hearts, I have a hunch I should stop running altogether for a while, do some therapy, maybe swim. But knowing me, I'll just keep on keeping on, hoping it'll magically clear up. Real smart!

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I last went maybe four or five years ago ~ and that was several years after my previous visit. I didn't notice the cleaning was painful. My main deal with my teeth ~ and I'm kinda vain about my teeth ~ is that the yellowing that's coming with age (and coffee, and red wine...). I did the white strips one time and didn't notice a big difference. I'm actually considering having them whitened. Kinda silly, I know, but...


Only my older two guys have been to the dentist, and that was also years ago. We're blessed with good dental health, but I really should break down and at least take my oldest in just so he can feel like a normal kid.:D



Yea - I'm vain about my teeth too. I am considering the professional whitening. I used some of the strips and they just didn't do a good enough job. But, I'm not willing to give up the coffee and red wine either!! I'm so vain about them I'm actually considering braces again. And, my teeth are pretty straight!! I wish I didn't care . . .


Yea - we're blessed with good dental health too. I've only got one cavity. I don't know what it was about this visit - a new hygenist, I think! I was fine until she started flossing (I do that daily and it still hurt!). My kids all have very healthy teeth too. We probably don't need to go twice a year, but I have SUCH a doctor phobia that I'm trying not to pass along that I go for most scheduled visits!

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Yeah, I read your thread a few days ago, but that was when I couldn't log in and post. What a bummer! It does seem like maybe you've been over-training. I am thinking I need to do some physical therapy or...something...because my knee/leg issue is not clearing up. I've run maybe four or five times since the half-marathon and each time it hurts ~ sometimes enough to have to stop altogether. In my heart of hearts, I have a hunch I should stop running altogether for a while, do some therapy, maybe swim. But knowing me, I'll just keep on keeping on, hoping it'll magically clear up. Real smart!


Do you ice it? My doc also recommended a knee brace. Is yours your knee? We really do sound a lot alike! I also ran on my knee just hoping that it would clear up on its own. I really should've known. I'm not giving up!!! I was hoping to walk again today, but it's raining buckets. Maybe tomorrow. We'll see. I have to decide whether to stop running altogether (doc's recommendation) or to keep walking. I love running!!!

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Tomorrow's the first Saturday of the month, which around here means it's model rocket launching day. Normally, this is my husband's gig, but since he's still in California with his dad, I've been recruited. I'm not terribly excited about the whole thing, because it's a long drive to a place with no shade where I will be expected to "help" with something I've never done and in which I have little interest.


That starts at 9:30.


We'll go directly from there to the theatre downtown to see a production of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I've already moved the tickets twice due to other scheduling conflicts, and there was no other available day.


That starts at 2:30.


Once we're done there, we need to stop somewhere to pick up wrapping and a card for the gift my son is taking to his friend's birthday party on Sunday afternoon.


You know, I normally handle this sort of schedule with fairly good cheer, but for some reason I'm just really cranky about all of it.

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...it will be multiple things which will all add up to BUSY, which is how I voted.


Farmers' market first thing in the a.m., while dh goes off to get topsoil for my new raised bed/garden space. Dd1 will be working at her market job while dd2 and I, hopefully, prep the bed and maybe even get some plants to go into it (oh, yea...that. Details!). Soon after market ends, I expect to head to a free Frederick Douglass production at the local performing arts theater which is part of a weekend-long celebration of the man himself. Vacuuming is becoming mandatory, though I may ignore it for yet another day. Solid chance we'll head to Baltimore by nighttime in order to be ready, bright and early Sunday for dd1's second crew regatta.


Okay, now I'm a day ahead. That's cheating. ;)

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Thought your first line said, "DD's dRiving lesson" and I wondered, "What the...?! I know she doesn't have a child on verge of being a licensed driver!";)



:lol: Honestly, I don't even think I have a DD that's old enough for DIVING lessons either! She's so small, and she's only on the 3m board. Most of her class is being introduced to the 5m! She could probably do it, because her body is very strong with all the gym training, but she looks like a 5yo!


Diving for her is wrecking my nerves. I can't imagine what d*R*iving will be!

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I voted "educational," but only because I'll be graduating tomorrow.


Hopefully the weather will be nice, not too hot, and my mother's fibromyalgia will be in control all day, or at least long enough to get through 900 Bachelors degrees, 360 Masters, and 60 Doctorates!


Then, as I told my son a while ago, I'm going to take about an 8-day nap, after which I hope I'll wake up in time to go to bed!:)

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I voted "educational," but only because I'll be graduating tomorrow.


Hopefully the weather will be nice, not too hot, and my mother's fibromyalgia will be in control all day, or at least long enough to get through 900 Bachelors degrees, 360 Masters, and 60 Doctorates!


Then, as I told my son a while ago, I'm going to take about an 8-day nap, after which I hope I'll wake up in time to go to bed!:)



Congratulations! :D

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I have been sick all week~still not feeling the greatest but atleast I'm out of bed. So, I will be taking it easy while kids and hubby clean up after themselves(since I was out of commission, the house is a mess).

If tomorrow is anything like today, it will be rainy anyway

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Girls start the day with ballet. Hubby leaves for orchestra at 12, I bring younger set to friend's house. Meet eldest at church where she quickly throws on a dress, plays in the piano recital with ds. Videotape kids, so daddy can see them play (like he hasn't heard the pieces about 20 times already!)


Pick up younger kids. Crash. Dh brings eldest dd home from her 8-hr day of ballet.


The benefit! We've got a Cracker Barrel gift card that will be used tomorrow night!

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I voted busy. We have a play that our boys are in. So we have to help set up for that and watch the play and then tear down. That is my whole afternoon.


In the morning laundry and work at the church to get it ready for Sunday (this is my parents church).


After the play is over and tear down is done, will be heading home then make a light quick supper then I have to go to work at another church supervising teens (and clean as well) from 5 to 9:00. :glare:



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Pam, are you a closet women's expo/convention kinda gal and I just didn't know it?!


Not really, but I love hanging out with Brigitte and Melissa (mom2legomaniacs), and there's the added bonus of Angela (in TN) showing up, too!


I like multi-day conventions in the sense that they are a big, fun slumber party. (Well, the ones where you spend the night.) The older I get the more I appreciate female friends -- I'm pickier, but I like them more. So the plan is usually find a like-minded friend, hang out, do ONLY what I want to do for two days, and have fun.


I enjoy homeschool conferences and gifted education conventions/conferences because you find such interesting books, materials, and people there. I've never actually attended a session at a convention (except business conventions) -- that is soo not my thing, but I do love browsing booths and increasing the wrinkles in my brain.


Women's expo's -- meh. Not so much. Usually too frou frou for me. But I've only ever been to one, so maybe I'm judging unfairly.

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Well, I chose boring, but it depends on your point of view. DH is taking the girls out to breakfast, then to Home Depot for the project du jour, and then someplace else. I, on the otherhand, am sleeping until the cows come home (and we're NOT in the country!) and then going to Half Priced Books.[/center]


Now, now...going to a book shop never qualifies as boring. Have fun!

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I love hanging out with Brigitte and Melissa (mom2legomaniacs), and there's the added bonus of Angela (in TN) showing up, too!


Okay, I maybe might would go in for that if it meant spending time with cool chickadees. If I could, like, skip the convention/conference part, spend time on my own, and meet up with the gals for dinner and drinks later..:tongue_smilie:

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Ds9's birthday! My baby boy will be 10...double digits! AND, he is really hoping to share his bday with his baby brother. I'm not hopeful. :glare: But, we're looking forward to a relaxing day (mom would love to motivate the "troops" to clean up, but I just can't bring myself to do that to my baby boy on his 10th bday!). So, we are going out so he can choose his bday present, possibly get some ice cream or an ice cream cake. No major celebration yet. Ds6 will turn 7 on the 13th so we'll combine the celebrations after that.

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Tomorrow after ds's soccer game, I get to go to Leavenworth with my two best girlfriends to visit our the 4th girlfriend in our foursome who moved to Chicago, but will be in Leavenworth for a wedding!! (Whew, long sentence) I'm so excited to have a couple nights with my good friends.

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I have to say: Saturday? I'm 24 hours ahead of you, heading into Sunday


Just because I work on Saturdays and by the time I get home and make dinner, it is 8 pm before I get to sit down.


Now, Sunday on the other hand is a joy! Laundry, housecleaning, and numerous trips to the Goodwill are planned and boy am I looking forward to it! :auto:




Can summer vacation start yet? :tongue_smilie:



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My Saturday is almost over, and COLD brrrrrrrr. I know it's only Autumn, but this week has felt like winter.

It's been busy with sports, the boys play field hockey.

Now we are going to play some games, the kids are putting on a show and then dinner.

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My Saturday is going to spent with family. We are having a BBQ Brisket with side dishes. Baking a cake for Dh and the boys.


In the evening we'll all sit together to watch the Lawrence Welk show on PBS. DH and I are fans of the show that we watched as children. Our boys enjoy the music and dancing on it, especially the polka music!


After that I will be reading my bible devotionals.

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I get to be "pre-school momma" this weekend. My dh took my 3 oldest kids to a conference in Portland and I am at home with the babies, as we call them.


We have a 7 year gap between our A team and our B team, so the difference between teen momma and preschool momma is acutely felt; there is no gradual slide from one stage to the next. I *loved* the preschool momma stage of life. Actually, I love this stage too when I have the time to stop and think about it. That's the only thing about the older stage: there is no time to stop and think about it.


Anyway, it will be so fun to play outside all day, fix simple foods, read lots of Richard Scarry, nap, and generally just go at baby pace for a day. And did I say nap?????

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I chose Bleh!


It's Saturday morning here and dh had another seizure during the night.

He has an excruciating pain in his chest from the muscle spasm and will probably be sleeping for most of the day.

Sooo, our Saturday plans are cancelled. We were going to have coffee at the newly opened coffee shop at the art gallery in town and then run some errands. 8yo dd has horse-riding later this morning and is getting a play date over this afternoon. 3yo is already painting.


I’m feeling rather sorry for ourselves this morning (lack of sleep), but should get over it in a short while…

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Our Saturday (it's 6:30am Sat here now) is gonna be busy... dd11 is taking a babysitting course in a town 45 minutes away and it's an all day thing, so a friend is coming along and she and I will be taking ds9 with us to do some shopping and such, plus hitting a second hand curriculum fair - my first! :)

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My 7yod and I are leaving at noon for a week at Disney World...so I would definitely say I'll be busy! She has never been and her grandparents are being very generous to send us even though their health prevents them from going. I know there are those on these boards who loathe the thought of WDW, but it's the first vacation I've been on in ten years so anything is appealing at this point!

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Today still feels a whole lot like the end of winter, but I'm hopeful...The sun will come out, the rain will pass and waalaa...Spring.


We are putting in new light fixtures on the second floor. Oh..goodie...I'm the assistant. "Just a minute!"

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DH is out of town, so I need to do all of the running around myself instead of our usual divide and conquer. So, it is off to bell choir practice for me, then run DS to violin lessons, quick run to the grocery store, then home to get DD and and make a dessert. Next it's off to a b-day party, then we go to another friend's home for dinner. However, it is so nice to be invited over for dinner, since we probably would have eaten junk at home since DH isn't home!


LauraD in MN

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I enjoyed hearing what's on your Saturday agenda (or lack thereof!) and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.:) It's gray and cool and slightly wet ~ again! ~ here this morning. I'm off to do the race in a bit and then watch hours of soccer games.


Edited to add: I just realized it's not merely "slightly wet". It's pouring. Sigh. Those hours at the soccer park are so much more enjoyable when my little guys and I aren't cold. And wet. I'll be daydreaming about all of you who said you're going to enjoying sunny, warm weather today!

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I enjoyed hearing what's on your Saturday agenda (or lack thereof!) and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.:) It's gray and cool and slightly wet ~ again! ~ here this morning. I'm off to do the race in a bit and then watch hours of soccer games.


Edited to add: I just realized it's not merely "slightly wet". It's pouring. Sigh. Those hours at the soccer park are so much more enjoyable when my little guys and I aren't cold. And wet. I'll be daydreaming about all of you who said you're going to enjoying sunny, warm weather today!




They cancel here for rain. In fact, we have only had 2 regularly scheduled games played as per the schedule this season!


I get the meet Brigitte today! That's my plan. Woohoo!

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I'm on the 'meh' side of things. I really wanted to sleep in. (yeah, right) Been fighting some sort of cold gunk for two weeks now. Have a lovely headache today. The house is a mess. I feel like everything is sticky. Two steps forward, five steps backwards as far as cleaning/organizing goes. The boys have to be somewhat unattended if I'm trying to accomplish anything, and, well, they get all sorts of 'things' accomplished when their on their own. :) Hubby is working out of town all day. Hmmm. I really need to pull myself together, LOL.


And what is up with this weather?! I NEED SUNSHINE!!

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SO I answered on Saturday night.... sorry! DD's had their ballet performance today and my time was spent getting new tights (after seeing the ginormous hole in dd 7's tights when they went to stage rehearsal last night) and hair nets (upon discovering that we could only locate ONE). Gotta love last-minute errands on performance day!


My girlies did really well, BTW. Not that I'm biased. I would like to note that I really do not get interpretive (abstract?) ballet. But the storybook ones are fun.

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