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Lapbook/unit study - Charlotte's web


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I truly, truly want to try and make some lapbook with my 5yo. However, I am so totally at loss as to where to start and how to go about it that I am always putting it off.


We just finished reading Charlotte's Web and since dd loved the book I figure we may be able to make a lapbook or an unit study. However, the only sources I have been referred to so far are all paid. Something free would be nice.


I have tried a mamal lap book with my dd, but she was not all that interested in it. Now, I fear that I am not using it to the potential, as I myself have never used it at all.


Can anyone here educate me more on the lapbook idea? I mean, I am starting from point zero. I know nothing about it. Anyone???


Thanks. Be well




P.s. I also posted this on the general forum, as I was not sure which one would be best for this questions. Thank you.

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I found a terrific unit study on Charlottes Web but I cannot remember if it was free or if I paid. It was probably one of those freebies on CurrClick that they give away each week or perhaps an Easter Egg Hunt freebie. I think it was called Within The Web. Let me look for it and I can let you know. If it was a freebie, I would be happy to email you the file.

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Thank you for all the replies, links, and ideas. I am going to work on putting something together so we can expand a bit on our reading. Now, those of you doing lap books all the time, can you give me a lesson on how to integrate that in your "classroom"? Pardon my total ignorance on it. I want to make this a great experience to my dd so we can work more on things like that in the future. However, this is completely new to me and I do not know how to incorporate, present, and make a lesson out of it.

Thanks again. Be well


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Now, those of you doing lap books all the time, can you give me a lesson on how to integrate that in your "classroom"?



We do the pieces of the lapbook as review after we have read and discussed the information or completed the experiment. For example, we recently did a lapbook on Groundhog Day. Some examples of the pieces/minibooks we did are: the child wrote or dictated the definition of Groundhog Day, why do we have Groundhog day, where does a groundhog live, what does it eat, etc. We also tied this in with signs of spring. Depending on the topic, we will a couple of pieces each day or all at once if it's a short topic. On the last day of the unit we paste all the pieces into our folder or notebook.

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