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Showing a home and shoe covers

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While I would not be offended, I would also not view the house if it was a requirement. I always wear heals or boots. Shoe covers do not work well with heals. I also want to walk on the floors and feel how they give under my normal shoes. I spend all of my time in the house and want to be comfortable on the floors I am walking on. I have four kids and would wonder if the floors stain or scratch easily and if that was the reason for the requirement. I would not mind a pleasant request but would mind a requirement. We are beginning to look for a new home and always wipe our feet and make a point of being respectful- the same as we do when visiting anyone's home.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Here is my note to be left in the entrance way of the home: Welcome! In an effort to protect the integrity of the newly refinished hardwood floors and just installed carpeting, please consider use of these non-skid shoe covers. Should you elect to use them, we thank you. In any case, enjoy your tour!


What do you think? I'm attempting to send the message this is purely optional be we would greatly appreciate it if visitors would help us in protecting the floors.

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Beautifully written but I think it is a little long. I would be more inclined to use something short and sweet.


On a basket of shoe covers:


"You wearing shoe covers is Optional.....but appreciated"


Maybe in smaller print you can include your more eloquent note for those who choose to read further.


I just don't think that many people will stand in the entry way reading a lot of words on a basket, when they are more interested in looking at your house.


I hope you sell fast!



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I would not be offended at all. I took off my shoes at the homes we were looking at when we were house shopping but that being said I agree with the posters who said they would not do it. Perhaps it is a geographical thing? I agree that the goal is to get people to picture themselves living in the home and shoe covers may hinder that process. Do what you and your realtor agree on and all the best showing your home :-)



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Here is my note to be left in the entrance way of the home: Welcome! In an effort to protect the integrity of the newly refinished hardwood floors and just installed carpeting, please consider use of these non-skid shoe covers. Should you elect to use them, we thank you. In any case, enjoy your tour!


What do you think? I'm attempting to send the message this is purely optional be we would greatly appreciate it if visitors would help us in protecting the floors.


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It would make me feel BETTER about the home, because I would realize that the current owners really care about their house and their new flooring, and want to keep it nice for prospective buyers. Definitely a great idea.

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I wish I could do something this for when family(i.e. 3 nieces) come to town!!!!! Our family take our shoes off at the door and I am still amazed how much stuff we bring into our floors. As a prospective buyer, I would truly appreciate this attention to detail because it would convey to me that you care about your investment which in the case of a buyer is THEIR investment! Smart thinking!!

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I wish I could do something this for when family(i.e. 3 nieces) come to town!!!!! Our family take our shoes off at the door and I am still amazed how much stuff we bring into our floors. As a prospective buyer, I would truly appreciate this attention to detail because it would convey to me that you care about your investment which in the case of a buyer is THEIR investment! Smart thinking!!


Thanks for the encouragement!

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