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We are currently doing SL Core 1 but I'm looking at TOG or SOTW for next fall. I've read many of the posts and am still SO confused. It seems that SOTW is preferred for younger kids and TOG for mid to high schoolers.


I'll have a 4th, 2nd, and Ker in the fall. Will TOG be too overwhelming for them? I was thinking of doing UG for the 4th grader and LG for the younger two. Is SOTW meaty enough?


I know that they are both great programs. I just don't know how to decide which is right for us. I'd appreciate any suggestions/input!



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We are doing both with my 5yo! SOTW is listed as an alternate reading. We use the books that TOG recommends and supplement with SOTW. My dd especially loves having the SOTW audio books. I wouldn't expect your K'er to participate much unless she really likes history (as my dd does). But there certainly are some aspects that you can include her in.

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Thanks, Tracy! Have you found TOG overwhelming at all? I know that there is enough info for all years, but is it too much for your 5-year old?


I may not be the right one to ask. My dd5 simply loves history. At 3yo, she loved the Schoolhouse Rock song about the Revolutionary War, and she would tell us when she grew up, she was going to go to other countries to help them get rid of the kings and queens. And it has just continued from there. We did FIAR at 4yo with a heavy emphasis on geography, which laid a really nice foundation for TOG.


I have not found TOG to be overwhelming, but we are only doing reading. mapping and usually activities. We are not doing any of the literature or writing assignments at this point. If it were not for an intense interest, I would not use it for a 5yo. Normally, I would wait until at least 6yo. And even then, I would only use TOG if part of the plan were to educate myself (which is why TOG is so important for me). If you do not need the education for yourself, and you don't have older children to teach, I would just do SOTW.

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