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Letting children write their own narrations


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I have hit a wall with my older dd, age 6 (1st grade). She hates doing copywork, and will only do it willingly when she is allowed to write completely unaided. I'm a little confused about whether or not to "allow" this. Her spelling is not good, of course, and I "get" what we're trying to accomplish through copywork (via WWE1). Any thoughts on this?

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wow my DD is 6.5 and the same thing! SHe doesnt spell well either and HATES to write but will do her narration by herself "dont look" she tells me.


If I have her do a narration I get like half a sentence from her but if she does her own she will write so much. She is very good at punctuations even ones we havent formally taught yet like quotes. But her spelling is not good and her grammer not so great either.


wondering if i should let her do it and then go over it togetehr and correct it like that.


PS sorry for my own types and such. typing fast before baby throws oatmeal EVERYWHERE!

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I'm a little confused because you are mentioning both copywork and narration as though they were the same thing.


Copywork, imo, should be done with attention to proper spelling, mechanics, and punctuation. There is no point to copying something incorrectly. If your dd is unable to copy correctly, try a shorter passage.


As far as narration goes, I let my dd9 write her own. I will pick one mistake she has made for her to correct. I let the others slide. I don't want her to be afraid to write because she is afraid to make a mistake.


If she messes up her copywork, she redoes it. She knows that I expect it to be perfect.



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