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Vegetarians/Vegans on Fridays and Lent

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If you're a veg, you already don't eat meat on Fridays and other days of fasting and abstaining. So, what do you abstain from instead?


Every year we choose a different thing and we begin on Ash Wednesday. So, say, one year we might abstain from condiments/herbs/spices. When Ash Wednesday rolls around, in addition to fasting that day, we also abstain from any salt on our food, butter on our pototoes, et c. We might also choose sugar or our favorite drinks, et c. We might go vegan instead of veg. Things like that.


We're kind of running out of ideas. I'm thinking Raw Fridays but I'd like other ideas.



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Could you get out of the food realm? Some folks I know abstain from other things, like fasting from computer time, online "games" (I stopped doing Farmville last year as a Lenten fast), or TV. Some do a total fast, some just limit. The intention is both to offer the sacrifice to God and to break a habit and redeem the time.


You can also add a new practice--some do walking or other regular exercise, daily or weekly devotions or adding a Mass. Some both give up something and add on something--like giving up one Starbucks a week and then giving the $ to a charity.


I understand the whole food thing--it's a great way, I think, to do something daily.

But just want to offer that other sacrifices can be good, too.

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every year we usually eat vegan for lent, but i've actually been eating vegan/raw for the past couple of months, so this year will be a little different. i'll give up caffeine again & only drink water... and i'll pobably limit media. a few years ago i gave up facebook & i ended up completely deleting it after lent....(not that FB is bad - not implying that). anyway, if you are looking for specific things to do for friday - i'd suggest fasting that day & i also like the idea of giving up something other than food. it's all good. :)

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Your Lenten/weekly sacrifice does not necessarily need to be food. And it does not need to be a sacrifice. Alternately you can add something instead of giving up something. Adding family prayer time or some kind of family (or individual) volunteerism every day during Lent or one day a week. This way it becomes easier to build a habit over the six weeks of Lent that you can keep up with throughout the year.


But if you still only want it to be a food thing check with our Orthodox friends and do it the way they do with the fasting/abstaining from meat and dairy.

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Six years ago my family converted to the Orthodox Church, and at that the time we were totally vegan. Fasts in Orthodoxy are no meat, dairy,or any animal products, wine, oil. That was fairly close to our normal eating habits, and our Priest suggested that we make meals more simple and on strict days only eat twice a day. The fasting calendar for the Orthodox Church makes up half the year approximately.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another Orthodox here: during Lent, no meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, wine or oil (except certain feast days and weekends - fish/oil/wine permitted). Other things I've done are give up coffee, sodas, Internet, TV, etc. and/or done extra spiritual reading, increased almsgiving.

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When Lent is approaching I prayerfully consider what He would have me do. I want Him to lead me, not just me saying, "Ok, this year I'll give up...um...hmm...how about meat...yeah that sounds like a great sacrifice!!!"


I find that when I approach Lent in that way, it makes the time with Him much more sweet.

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