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Creating an art room when there is carpet?

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We are currently renting a house (if it were my house, I'd rip out the carpet and put a different flooring in). There is a room that would be perfect as an art room here, but it is carpeted and I don't want to damage the flooring. I'm trying to think of a good way to allow for a painting/art space without damaging the carpet. Any suggestions?

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Couldn't you just get a roll of vinyl flooring and lay it down over the carpet in the area you want to do art?




This is what I was thinking too. I've seen big rolls of vinyl at Lowe's, and sheets of vinyl at Staples meant to be used under a desk area. (I think the rolls at Lowe's were cheaper).


You could even buy a cheap area rug (a good sale or a garage sale, thrift store?) with the idea that you'd toss it when you're done with it, and it doesn't matter if it gets splattered with paint in the meantime.

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Maybe those cushiony-square things that hook together? They kindof fit together like puzzle pieces and often have the alphabet on them? They could be put down and left there for awhile- you wouldn't have to pick them up after every project like a trash bag.

Ahhh, thank you for suggesting that. We need a new solution for when we move again. I'm storing this away

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Those things that click together (foam-ones) wouldn't work so well because the paint can get through. We had them when our kids were little for padding on a tile floor - they worked well for that though. Recently though, I read about how they are incredibly toxic and there was a big deal about it. Kind of wish I'd known that when my kids were little and using them!


Maybe the clear plastic that goes under an office chair would work though! That's actually kind of brilliant, if I could find a big one!

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We've rented for 15 years and one of our tricks (depending on our $$ at the time) has been to pick up a roll of cheap commercial carpeting and basically re-carpet the room by putting it on top and throwing a few nails in the corners near the baseboards. If that's not in the cards -no clue what that costs now since we're in a house with no carpet at all right now- We would put down old shower curtains or table cloth. If you have a fabric store near you too, some have tablecloth material by the yard on huge rolls. I know Joanne's Fabric does in our area. That can be a cheap way of doing it too if there is one in your area since they often have 50% off coupons. They might have the plastic stuff that goes under chairs by the yard too. Or you could by a few of them and then duct tape them together so paint doesn't go in between. Those are nice because of the teeth on them to cling to the rug, actually.


Good luck!

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