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We can't do school


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Not when it's this beautiful outside. After so long being cooped up inside, I have to let them outside, to run around, pick flowers, dig in the dirt, burn off that energy they've been saving up for too many weeks inside. It would be criminal to have them sitting inside at their desks when it's this gorgeous outside. :) I can't do it. We do math and writing, and we read a bunch. We try to squeeze in some history or science. How do you guys get anything done when the weather gets nice?

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We opened the windows first thing this morning to motivate ourselves. The kids were done with school by 11. lol We did only the basics, no fluff at all. No way am I keeping them inside today! When they finish lunch we are going outside and I'm going to play in the dirt myself. :)

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My youngest is outside swinging, and also writing a letter to her oldest brother. Not sure what that is going to look like. lol


I spent time outside today, tidying up...looking for signs of dogs who were too cold and lazy to go to the edge of the woods...;) I also chopped up perfectly good chard for my hens. It was nice to see them eating greens.


It's so nice to have a day that is not bitter cold.

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Well, mine is pretty young but we took a weather day. All last week the ps schools were out for bad weather and we worked through so we are enjoying the good weather. He has finished up most of what I had scheduled anyway, plan to get to the rest by the weekend, I think he has 1 page of HWOT and a bit of our lit we haven't read- too busy reading Charlotte's Web!

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