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GENTLE REMINDER: IF you want an 11/11/11 baby..............

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It's *almost* possible, you know. I missed the birth date I wanted for one of my kids by 2-1/2 hours. :glare: 2-1/2 hours!!! :svengo: No fair! :glare::tongue_smilie: It was a total long shot too- yet we came soooo close. :001_huh:




ETA: Before this sounds really "out there" I should add that we were wanting another baby anyways and would have been happy with any birth date- it wasn't a planned conception around a special day. ;)

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1. My mom's bday is 11/11 anyway. (Although I don't understand why people like for babies to be born on the bdays.)


2. My great-gf's 100th birthday is coming up next year. I actually told dh that if we should decide between now &...well, whenever would be appropriate...that we'd *like* to *plan* another one, I wouldn't mind that date. And if an accident occurred near the right time, I *might* like to consider "helping" the baby to the right day. W/in reason. Maybe.


But I just gave away almost the last of the baby clothes, & the crib's listed on CL. :D If we have any more, we'd need an Alice. (Mom has volunteered for that role, though, lol.)

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My kids would love that! Every day at 11:11, my son's watch alarm goes off. He thinks you have to make a wish at that time every day.


My grandfather's birthday was 08/08/08 (1908, obviously). Patterns are fun!


#4 was due on 8/8/2008. He came on the 10th, though. :glare:


I'm creative. I offered to just pretend it was the 8th. Dh is overly sentimental. He insists that it was the 10th. That is, when he remembers. The other day he said it was...the 11th, I think.


Hey! I wonder if it would work if I just started telling dh he's remembering wrong? :D

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Oh, the pressure!:lol:


Well, you probably don't *need* to tell us what to do but it could make the board a more interesting place today if you did.




Bwah ha ha ha ha!


*plans to wear something slinky, flutters eyelashes*



Well if the board gets awfully quiet tonight we'll know why. :D




It may be an exercise in futility...but it'd be a fun one nonetheless


*brown chicken brown cow* :D


For a second I thought you said it would be an exercise in fertility.


My friend had her 3rd child on 03/03/03. I thought that was really cool.


You guys are SO funny. FTR' date=' my dad was the third child and he was born on 3/3/33. And, at our house, THAT ship has definitely sailed -- my claim to fame is having had 5 children in four different decades: 1979, 1980, 1999, twins in 2000[/color']

Oh, and:



7461518.gif Now get your minds out of the gutter!;)



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Since we already have one on 3-2-10, I think we need to try for another unique date!:001_tt1: :001_wub::blushing::blushing:






My aunt is 11/11, my uncle is 12/12. My mom messed it all up, she's 5/4 (although she is the oldest, so she says the rest of them messed it up.)




Ok. I will have sex Friday night, but I am not getting pregnant. That's my final answer.


PS Point to Impish for logging that particular 'melodic' comment on the first page. :)


Thanks so much for sharing! :lol::lol:


My grandma was born 11-11-22 (1922)... I don't suspect it was intentional LOL


Perfect timing for us if only dh would reconsider his decision to be done. Perhaps I can "convince" him later.


You guys are TOO funny!:D

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I read your thread to Dh yesteday. He's going to be 47, I'm pushing 43, and he'd need to get his "v" reversed. I, of course, despite that fact that the OBGYN would birth a cow on the examining room floor if I showed up pregnant again - health issues related to pregnancy - have been in baby mood for a couple of years. So, he'd like you to know that "You are a trouble maker and disturber of the peace!" Followed by a big grin and shake of the head which means, "NO MORE BABIES!"



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