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Am I Pregnant?

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Okay, I should probably know this, but . . . I have heard something before about 'evaporation lines' on pregnancy tests. Are they real? Do they happen every time?


I am about a week late (which is not all that unusual for me), but couldn't wait any longer, so yesterday morning I took the preg. test. I set it by the sink while I did pre-shower stuff (3-5 minutes max). Checked it out and NO line in the circle that matters, so I slipped it back in the foil 'sleeve' that it came out of the box in and put it in the cabinet to hide it from dh (I want to surprise him this time if I am preggo). I had every intention of checking back after my shower but I FORGOT! And I did not remember until this morning as I was getting ready to shower. When I checked today there IS a line, but I am not sure if I can trust it!


Obviously, what I need to do is another test, but I don't have any more here and was just curious what you ladies had to say while I am waiting to go to the store to get more tests!


Ahhhh - it is driving me crazy! :001_smile:


For those of you who want to know, dh and I were not 'trying' to have another baby right now but were planning on more at some point and we trust God's perfect timing.


Oh, and the test is the Equate version of EPT, if that matters.

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Hmmm....I'm really not sure.


Last week I used one of the "line" tests. I wasn't 100% positive on it though. So I got the one that says "pregnant" or "not pregnant." I needed someone to spell it out to me LOL!


:lol: I am trying to make myself wait a few days before I buy more tests. I may have to invest in those that give you the clear answers!

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Sometimes a line will pop up after waiting several minutes. If there wasn't a line within the allotted time then it's negative.


I would retest.


That's the problem. The instructions said to read within 10 minutes. I put it up after 5 mins. max and forgot to go back.:blush: Then this morning, there's a line. I have no way of knowing if it came up between the 5-10 minute mark or if it's an "evaporation line". That's why I was asking if evaporation lines really happen.


I will definately retest but I'm trying to make myself wait.

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I don't know if you have a positive test or not. But when I got pregnant with my 2nd dd, I took two pg tests. Both negative right away, but with one I happened to notice later (as it was in the garbage) that it was positive. The box and the nurse at the doctor's said that meant nothing. But after having blood work done, I really was pregnant. So it is possible.


Good luck!

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You can get pregnancy tests for an extremely cheap price at http://www.anotherblessing.com/. I am not affiliated with them in any way.


I don't know if you have a positive test or not. But when I got pregnant with my 2nd dd, I took two pg tests. Both negative right away, but with one I happened to notice later (as it was in the garbage) that it was positive. The box and the nurse at the doctor's said that meant nothing. But after having blood work done, I really was pregnant. So it is possible.


Good luck!



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Are these the blue dye tests? If so I would not trust them at all! I took one once that was clearly positive, within the time too! My DH saw it and was so excited! It turned out to be a false positive, which I found out afterward was very common.

Otherwise, try the $ store tests, very reliable for me and affordable:001_smile:

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You are going to have to retest to find out for sure. Mine are always positive immediately, but that doesn't mean anything. I told dh the other day that they need to come out with one that looks like this:


You are not knocked up




You are knocked up.



Evap lines usually are without color or grayish....


Positive lines are usually blueish or pinkish. Does it have a color at all?


I have had two positives long after the 10 minute window. My lines did have color though. And I was pregnant - both times ;)


Yes, it is very blue!


Are these the blue dye tests? If so I would not trust them at all! I took one once that was clearly positive, within the time too! My DH saw it and was so excited! It turned out to be a false positive, which I found out afterward was very common.

Otherwise, try the $ store tests, very reliable for me and affordable:001_smile:


And yes, it is blue - :001_smile: I will have to look into the $ store tests.


You need to take it again. Dollar stores carry the cheap ones for a buck.


You guys weren't trying to get pregnant but once you think you might be. . .you want to be. I've so been there. Makes me smile. Babies are sooo wonderful!


You are right on!


I would definitely take another test...But I have taken many pregnancy tests and only had a line come up three times - with each of my three boys!...Some people have had a line come later I guess, but I never had...


Your boys are precious! I love the pic in your sig.


Thank you to everyone for your input. I know I need to retest, but in the meantime I can't stop thinking about 'maybe'.

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I have heard that one type of test is more likely to have evaporation lines than the other, but I can't remember whether it's blue dye tests or pink dye tests. I think the blue dye tests are more likely to have evap. lines.


However, I have two children with whom I was absolutely sure I was pregnant. We were trying, and I was charting my temps, and I was very sure of my conception dates. I tested at 13dpo both times and was completely shocked that the tests were negative within the first few minutes, not even a hint of a line. I couldn't believe I was wrong! So I hopped into the shower and looked a bit later, after the 10-minute window, and there was a very, very faint line. Sure enough, I was pregnant, confirmed by blood test. (You'd think I'd have learned, but that exact scenario happened to me twice, and DD and DS1 are definitely real. Dollar Tree tests came up positive immediately, though for both DS2 and this baby, so I vote for getting one of those and testing again. The store-brand cassette-style test was positive for me with this baby but kind of weird and faintish, so I won't do that again.)

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