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BSG fans!! What do you think of the new season? nt

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Me... I've been pretty disappointed... but then again I was disappointed with the second half of last season. I've actually been kind of board with this season. (But then again... they've pretty much ruined some of my favorite characters). I would write more... but I'm supposed to be helping my son with math... and he's getting impatient.

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I've been rather shocked. The characters are taking a rather hard line. I was very upset when *spoiler if you aren't caught up to this week's show* the president's aide--what's-her-face took the baby and killed Callie. Highlight to view missed sentence part.


I also don't like how they steered the plot. Suddenly Capirca (sp?) 6 can sense the "other 5". Oh please?!?! Wouldn't she, and Boomer's replacement--Athena?? known about her too? And, what about the Aussie chick? The reporter?


Anyway, I'm enjoying the show and glad that they aren't on "autopilot" anymore with the plots. But, I would really rather have the characters continue to be the normal slobs/jerks/sweet people/Cylons the characters were before.



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I'm finally caught up with BSG and am excited to be able to finally participate in the discussions!


I'm not so crazy about this season, either. I don't like that Apollo is no longer in the military, I don't like that they've turned Starbuck into a loon (not that she had it all together before--she's now a different kind of crazy.:tongue_smilie:) DH and I watched the last three episodes of season three last week and we were both underwhelmed with them and where it led the story for this season. I'm looking forward to seeing it through, though.


Who does everyone think is the final Cylon? I listen to the commentary podcasts and Ron Moore said that they didn't pick the four newly revealed Cylons until they were writing the script. I find that funny because I had Tyrol and Ty pegged as Cylons pretty early on in Season One!




I also don't like how they steered the plot. Suddenly Capirca (sp?) 6 can sense the "other 5". Oh please?!?! Wouldn't she, and Boomer's replacement--Athena?? known about her too? And, what about the Aussie chick? The reporter?


I think Caprica 6 can sense them now because they were sleeper agents and have recently been activated. I think Athena is deep in her choice to be a human and is ignoring any Cylon sense she may have. The reporter's model, D'Anna, is in storage.


Ok, I'm going to crawl back into my hole and hide my inner geek again. :lol::lol::lol:

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I'm so glad it's back, and I so hope they're going to complete the story, though it will be long wait if they do ... sigh.


Spoilers ahead ...












I haven't yet been disappointed with the overall story. I am very interested to see where the writers take it for the end. It's always sad when a favorite character dies, but I think Cally's death was nearly inevitable -- she always was a bit suspicious and once she went nosing around and looked through that hole in the wall, it was a foregone conclusion. :( I'm pretty sure Tyrol knows she was murdered; he just doesn't know whether it was Tory or Tigh. More tension to come. What are they going to do with Nicky? Remember in Star Wars where Yoda said "there is another?" Is this Nicky? What happened to Hera, anyway? Haven't seen her yet this season ... who is taking care of her with her parents on that scouting mission with Starbuck? There was so much emphasis about Hera being a savior ... where did that go? Are the babies the new Adam & Eve ... that's kinda cheesy IMO.


I'm a little startled at Tory's immediate embrace of her Cylonness and "superiority" as she sees it. I'm greatly enjoying Tigh's and Anders's confusion. Did you catch Anders nearly choking when Starbuck said she felt like she was in an alien body? Loved it. How about that moment in the CommandCenter where Adama asks "how are they tracking us?" and Tigh and Tory exchange that glance? "Was it me? Was it you?" I am thinking I would be just sooooooo confused. I love Tigh's vehement clinging to his human identity ... hope Tyrol can keep it together, too.


D'ya think Starbuck might be a Cylon and her programming is an absolute imperative to return to Earth and it will drive her totally insane. Will that destroy her or make her fully human somehow? I don't think so, but it will be interesting to find out.


Did you notice that the Cylons are repeating the human mistakes? They have their own slave race -- the toasters -- and are divided about whether to grant them status as full persons. And there is innuendo that the toasters might rebel ... sound familiar? I'm lovin' that irony.


Apollo has left the military altogether! Important! Have no idea where this is headed.


How about President Roslinn becoming more and more of a tyrant? In the beginning, she was so adamant about keeping the previous culture and government, i.e. not going to a military dictatorship when it sure could be justified in the immediate aftermath of the genocide ... now she is heading in just that direction herself ... what does it mean? She's dying again ... yet there's no mention of that prophecy about the dying leader ... why not? Doncha think the religious people would draw hope from that and focus on that? Her new religious advisor reminds me of that Crystal Cathedral preacher on TV ...


Oh, maybe she will die as they find Earth (a la Moses) and Apollo will take over ... ?


The one thing of the whole show that I really dislike is Baltar. He just gives me that same creepy feeling I have about a certain former leader of the free world. And yet, every so often, you see that he knows he's a fake, there's a certain humility of self-awareness, yet the creep always always always takes the path of least resistance. Icky.


I have no idea who the 12th Cylon will be. The Final 4 were all at the right hand of power in some way -- Tory obviously as the president's assistant, Tyrol as a key key key role in the success of the Galactica, Tigh literally at Adama's right hand, Anders was leader, but of a ragtag band that had no hope of long-term success. And what an idea, that the toasters should decline to fight once they realize that Cylons are among the humans. Will this lead to a toaster rebellion and peace?


Now you know the truth about me.


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I've been rather shocked. The characters are taking a rather hard line. I was very upset when *spoiler if you aren't caught up to this week's show* the president's aide--what's-her-face took the baby and killed Callie. Highlight to view missed sentence part.


I didn't like this either. I thought it rather odd.


Suddenly Capirca (sp?) 6 can sense the "other 5". Oh please?!?! Wouldn't she, and Boomer's replacement--Athena?? known about her too? And, what about the Aussie chick? The reporter?


Caprica 6 doesn't sense the "other 5". She knows they are "with the humans" after something that the hybrid (?) said. (That chick that is always in the tub that spouts nonsense.) And the Aussie chick reported. The cylon that looks the oldest - he was the chief's religious helper a couple seasons ago, he was also on Quantum Leap - turned all of her kind off and boxed them up after the incident on Kobol when she saw the "other 5".


I've been taped the marathon days before the season actually started and reviewed them. I would watch most of each on fast forward. How to watch an hour long show in 30 minutes!



I've enjoyed the season so far. I'm most interested to see who the last cylon is. I really want to see how Starbuck interact with the cylon on "her" ship this week.

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Actually, I was pretty nonplussed through most of season 3, but I'm really enjoying the way season four has started off. And I was worried -- the ending of season 3 made me guffaw ("we're all Cylons -- we have been right from the start" or whatever -- puhLEASE).


But, you know, every time we get a close-up of Adama's pock-marked face, I fall in love with the show all over again. And despite the ridiculous face-lift (what was she THINKING?!?), I love Mary McDonnell in anything. Apollo continues to annoy me (as he did last season) with his endless self-righteousness (while abandoning his long-suffering, but oh-so-boring wife), but Anders, who bored me terribly when he first joined the show, has grown on me. I think it's interesting how they've managed to reverse those two characters for me.


And I was soooo glad when they ... dealt with... Cally. What a whiner! (And does that baby do *anything* but cry?)


Certainly I have some frustrations with the show. But the writing is still so much sharper than almost anything else out there.


For me, season 4 has been a step-up from season 3 -- I just hope the potential holds...

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Heh... see now I loved Anders, but not so much now. I loved him with Kara... and I HATED the whole Lee/Kara relationship. (It was a little on the weird side... considering she was his dead brothers girlfriend). I pretty much hated everything after New Caprica. The only thing I think this show has going for it right now is Baltar (I can't think of the actor's name) and Tricia Helfer who I think is one of heck of an actress.

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Heh... see now I loved Anders, but not so much now. I loved him with Kara... and I HATED the whole Lee/Kara relationship. (It was a little on the weird side... considering she was his dead brothers girlfriend). I pretty much hated everything after New Caprica. The only thing I think this show has going for it right now is Baltar (I can't think of the actor's name) and Tricia Helfer who I think is one of heck of an actress.


OH me too!!


I can't stand the lee/Kara thing...but then again, I *really* don't care much for Lee either.


I forgot that D'Anna was boxed! Duh!!


I think Kara is the other Cylon, and I have since we saw her house.



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All the spoilers and the actress herself says Kara is not a cylon. But, one of the spoilers I read last night said that Kara finds her crashed viper with her dead body in it???? There is also a pic of Athena, Kara and Leoban on a base star with Natalie. Cylon civil war???


I do think they are destroying the Anders character. He was supposedly such a studdly leader last year and now he is just a Viper nugget and Kara's something or other. Perhaps they had to change the writing after the actor's accident, who knows.


The whole Tigh, 6 and his dead wife thing is just tooooo weird.


Tori is . . . . experimenting. . . ..


Tyrol is mad


I dont know yet about this season. I did not care much for last season. I liked the Exodus episodes and the final episode was pretty good. But, the rest left me rather cold - or bored - or annoyed. Their ratings really dropped last year.


The preview/interview clips keep saying what a "dark season" this is going to be with a high "body count". It really is a slick show, but I just get the feeling that it could be so much better.


I am getting a little tired of screaming females. Kara screamed the entire episode 2 weeks ago. Cally screamed this one. It looks like Kara will scream throughout tomorrow's (based on previews).


And Lee - - - buddy - - you are the CAG in wartime - - - what are you thinking??? I didnt see the divorce from Dee at all.

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I do think they are destroying the Anders character. He was supposedly such a studdly leader last year and now he is just a Viper nugget and Kara's something or other. Perhaps they had to change the writing after the actor's accident, who knows.



What accident? I hadn't heard...

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What accident? I hadn't heard...


I read on his forum that he broke his neck in a car accident. He wrote he needed a halo brace and all. Obviously he is not paralyzed. One of the spoilers said the writers were going to work his scar into the storyline. IF I recall correctly, he filmed some before the writers strike then had the accident. I wondered if that accounted for his very different storyline this season. My dh remarked Anders arm was shaking during the salute to Apollo.


I have read spoilers and such this season trying to decide whether or not to watch the thing. I loved the first season and enjoyed the 2nd season. But, the third was just awful in my opinion. Dh said it has turned into nothing more than a soap opera - who is sleeping with who - and so on.


I would love to see some new MI-5!!

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I'm with you, Abbey... I'm enjoying this season more than last. But I must admit... I want some reveal! Tie up those loose ends! Tell me who the frakkin' cylon is!


Come on, it's the last season... I want payoff!


Dh keeps reminding me that it is early in the season, but I want my buffalo now.

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Dh said it has turned into nothing more than a soap opera - who is sleeping with who - and so on.


I agree there was too much of that. Hopefully there will be less time for that while trying to wrap everything up from here on out ...



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