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What are you doing for 8th grade? (currently or next year?)

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I am putting the finishing touches on next years curriculum for dd next year. I am wondering if I am missing anything. Here is what we are planning to do



Bible- Proverbs People and MFW Bible that is included in ECC

Language Arts- Applications of Grammer 2, Writing strands, undecided for lit yet

Math- Chalkdust Algebra 1 (4x/wk), Patty Paper Geometry (1x/wk)

History- MFW ECC and All American History vol 2 w/ living books

Science- Apologia Physical Science w/ Red Wagon Tutorials and living books. Also she wants to do Gods Design for Physical world with this (she is an absolute science NUT!)

Logic- not sure yet

Vocabulary- Vocabulary Vine science roots and vocabulary cartoons


I have discovering Algebra incase dd wants to supplement with that for a more hands on approach along with chalkdust. She liked the looks of the book and liked how it was hands on so we will probably do some with that as well.


So- what are you plans?

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Oooo, Ooo! I have a current 8th grader, and an upcoming 8th grader. :001_smile:


Math: Algebra 1/2

English: Rod & Staff 6, Pentime Penmanship 8, Apples and Pears Spelling (upcoming)

Latin: Current is using Oxford Latin and Lively Latin, while my upcoming will just be using Lively Latin BB 2

Greek: My current is using Hey Andrew and Athenaze, but my upcoming has no desire. It's not a hill I'm willing to die on. ;)

Logic: Introductory Logic

History (Geography, literature, writing): History Odyssey Modern level 2

Science: Physical Science

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We are doing the following:


1. Math- Saxon Algebra (I was going to use Jacob's, but I could not pass up free) and Life of Fred Beginning Algebra.

2. Science- CPO Physical Science (Once again, I was going to use Apologia, but could not pass up free).

Everything else is through Ambleside Online. I need to finish up year 7.Technically, the science would have been Ambleside if I went with Apologia. I will do Henle 1 and just have him translate a few exercises for Latin. I will have him continue Rosetta Stone for Spanish.

3. History- I'm trying that You Decide on the Constitution course from Critical Thinking Company


Also, I will have him do Rod and Staff 8 instead of Our Mother Tongue (It was a tough choice because I love both of these grammar programs).


Everything is going to follow the Charlotte Mason Approach. I will do spelling through dictation and copywork. His writings will be through the narrations.





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The only thing I notice would be a foreign language. I can't remember if you've posted your plans are to wait until high school or what.


Here's what we are doing next year:


Latin Alive II

AoPS Number Theory, Counting & Probability


Megawords 3 &4

Writing (still working on overall plan)

History & Humanities covering around 1400-1650

Earth Science

Intro to Formal Logic & Philosophy

Irasshai (restarting year 1 again next year)

Hiking (probably mostly over summer)

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I'll tell you what we did last year:


Language Arts: K12's 8th grade English course, literature strand only; MCT Voyage materials

Math: TT Geometry; I would not use this again

Latin: Cambridge book 1

Geography: Introduction to Geography: People, Places, Environment (Bergman); I would not use this again

Science: Conceptual Chemistry with Teaching Company lectures; I would not use Conceptual Chemistry again

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This is the my 4th dc to reach 8th grade. It has been different for each one.


Bible- TOG Year 1 Dialectic

Language Arts- TOG Year 1 Lit, Analytical Grammar, LToW II

Math- Math Relief (4x/wk), Skills Review (1x/wk)

History- TOG Year 1 Dialectic

Science- Apologia Physical Science

Logic- not sure yet - we did Art of Argument this year - maybe another CAP book. I have Memoria Press's logic, but like to wait for that in high school.

Latin- not sure yet - we did First Form this year

Spanish - co-op class

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We are doing the following:


1. Math- Saxon Algebra (I was going to use Jacob's, but I could not pass up free).

2. Science- CPO Physical Science (Once again, I was going to use Apologia, but could not pass up free).






Ahh I love free... yes Im jealous :D


The only thing I notice would be a foreign language. I can't remember if you've posted your plans are to wait until high school or what.




Ah yes- we are planning on spanish. I forgot that :001_smile: Just trying to find a program I like :001_huh: That is much easier said than done

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Looks like next year we'll be doing:


Life of Fred Advanced Algebra

R&S English 8

Lightening Lit 8

Second Form Latin

The Elements and Carbon Chemistry

HO Modern Level 2

So You Really Want To Learn Spanish I

Classical Writing Maxim

Critical Thinking 2

Vocabulary from Classical Roots B

We're also going to do some basic geography. She's really lacking in it. But I haven't chosen anything yet.

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This year, my oldest is doing:

This is all over the course of this whole year - some we added in or some we finished already:


Bible/History - Kay Arthur's - 2 of these - now - Apologia Who is God (with brothers) MOH 2/SOTW 2 - lots of outlining - finished - now using BP for Renaissance and Reformation - rest of year.


LA - CLE 800 LA & Reading - will do some novel studies when done

Meaningful Comp for writing - 8I & 8II.


Science - BJU Physical with old Homesat videos


Math - Tried to start Alg 1 - had to back up - doing KB Pre-Alg - will move to TT Alg 1 when done - will use LOF as supplement


Logic - Did Fallacy Detective and Thinking Toolbox


Latin - Eng. from Roots Up and GSWL


PE - we run every day


Music - Takes piano and guitar lessons


Co-op - Classes there - Lemonade to Leadership (IEW), Science Fair, Destination Imagination.

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Current 8th grader is using:


SL Core 7

MCT Voyage level (all books)

IEW Elegant Essay (first semester)

W&M Utopia (second semester)

LoF Geometry

SYRWTL Science 2

Story of Science Newton (with Quest guides)


SYRWTL Spanish 2 + See It & Say It Spanish + tutor

Alfred's Essential Music Theory


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The only thing I notice would be a foreign language. I can't remember if you've posted your plans are to wait until high school or what.


Here's what we are doing next year:


Latin Alive II

AoPS Number Theory, Counting & Probability


Megawords 3 &4

Writing (still working on overall plan)

History & Humanities covering around 1400-1650

Earth Science

Intro to Formal Logic & Philosophy

Irasshai (restarting year 1 again next year)

Hiking (probably mostly over summer)





What is your planned math sequence that you are doing AoPS Number Theory and Counting & Probability for 8th? Are you having your child take the classes online or working through the books on your own at home? I'm currently reading through Number Theory and trying to work out our math plan using AoPS. Thanks!

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My 8th grader is using:


Math-Rod & Staff 8

English-Practical English, CW core book (Maxim) with a lot of CM style writing too (oral/written narrations, dictation, etc.)+Figuratively Speaking and Prose and Poetry for literary terms

French-L'Art de Lire

Latin-First Form

Science-Physical Science and Botany for nature study

Arts-picture study, drawing, History of Art, piano, etc.

History-Renaissance & Reformation Times (Also, Ancient History but reading only)with biographies and Portable Renaissance Reader

Literature-many selections from AO Year 8 such as Everyman, English Literature for Boys and Girls, Fierce Wars and Faithful Loves, Utopia, Shakespeare's sonnets + 2 plays, Bacon's essays, etc.

Geography-she's finishing Book of Marvels on her own+ we do map work with history

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Current 8th grader:


MCT Level 4 (WWW, Magic Lens, 4 practice, Plato & the Problem of Beauty) & Essay Voyage

Algebra 1

Finished Apologia Phys. Sci & working on Apologia Bio (with supplements to make it more meaty for him)

Rosetta Stone Spanish

AAH 2 (with lots of supplements & field trips)

PE (swimming, SCUBA & bike riding)

Reading/lit (lots and lots of classics - with discussions with me)

Music - drum lessons

Community Service


extra currics - Boy Scouts (I try to find merit badges that complement what we are working on), 4H & youth group


I am pretty sure there I am missing something. Hmmm

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Science - not settled. Perhaps a second year of physical science, astronomy, and lots of fun read-aloud

Algebra - Frank Allen or Dolciani Modern Algebra

Latin - Latin Prep, finish 2 and start 3

Spanish - So You Really Want to Learn Spanish finish 2 and start 3

Writing - Writing Skills 2 and 3

Grammar - probably Growing with Grammar 8, maybe Warriners

Reading - WTM list

History - WTM style (1850 to present), Story of US read-aloud

Logic - CAP Discovery of Deduction


Scouts, Sports class, Guitar, Art class

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Bible- I've pulled together a bunch of resources I already owned, including a bunch of world religions stuff, a Prayer of Jabez study, another teen study, etc.


Language Arts- I've already scheduled out the rest of the Easy Grammar programming I began this year and have purchased a diagramming workbook I'm adding in. I'm waiting to find out what's being offered with regard to writing from the teacher he has a class with this year. I'd like for him to continue with her, if possible. He will finish up the Vocab book he started this year, too (Vocab for the College Bound).


Math- I'm waiting to see if his current math teacher will continue with them next year for more Algebra II work.


History/Lit - I'm putting the finishing touches on a modern study using lots of encyclopedias we already own and lots of library books, etc.


Science- I have plenty of resources on hand to cover physics, but haven't started pulling them together yet. I've been told that there's going to be a good physical science lab class at the co-op we attend, so I want to get him in on that, too.


Logic- If I don't get off my duff and get moving on Introductory Logic, we'll still be doing that next year. Otherwise, we'll be moving on to Intermediate Logic.


I don't think he's going to continue with Greek next year. I'm not quite sure yet what I'm doing for Spanish. He will continue with Latin Primer/Grammar next year.


I'm finishing up putting together an art appreciation course right now, but I sort of intend it for ninth grade - if he stays home to school....

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What is your planned math sequence that you are doing AoPS Number Theory and Counting & Probability for 8th? Are you having your child take the classes online or working through the books on your own at home? I'm currently reading through Number Theory and trying to work out our math plan using AoPS. Thanks!


We will be working through the books on his own. I don't have them yet, so I'm not sure exactly how we'll schedule them. He is currently doing LOF beginning algebra. I'm not sure if we'll continue with AoPS in 9th or move back to LOF, put my planned schedule is:


9th Geometry

10th Advanced Algebra

11th/12th possibly Statistics or calculus, really still undecided.

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Twins will be in 8th next year!


Grammar - Magic Lens - finish 1 and start 2

Vocabulary- WWtW - finish 1 and start 2

Literature - LLfLOTR

Writing- Aaaah! EV is not going as well as I'd like this year - it's not transferring to the writing. I think we may be looking for a tutor.

Math- dd1 - Lial's Introductory Algebra

dd2 - AoPS Introduction to Algebra

History- Keep pluggin' with K12HO / Oxford Press / historical lit & videos

Science- CPO Physics: A First Course

Logic- Critical Thinking 1

Spanish- Breaking the Spanish Barrier III

German- German Sat. School

Art- ??? I can never seem to get this together. If I can fit it into the schedule, an outside class.

ETA: forgot Music- dd1 - violin and orchestra, dd2 - piano, both - chorus


And lots of extracurriculars like dance, robotics, theater, swimming.

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Here's what I plan for 8th grade next year...



Math...Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1


LA...Growing with Grammer and Soaring with Spelling


Logic...Critical Thinking 1




Latina Christina 1


Science...I'm buying a telescope and doing astronomy and I might add Apologia


This is my rough draft. Let me know what you think I need to add.

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Don't you just love AAH? DS and I are very happy with it.

I have a list of supplements that I am using with AAH2. It is a combination of books and movies (mostly historical documentaries). We spend way too much time on history.



I absolutely love AAH!!! Do you mind sharing your list of supplements that you are adding to this? I do not have one made yet... not near that far yet :D :001_huh:

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My plans for ds's 8th grade year next year, subject to change ;):


Bible: devotions with family

Math: LOF Beginning Algebra supplemented with Key to Algebra

Science: Apologia Physical Science

Geography: Galore Park, probably

History: Mystery of History 2

Spanish: Visual Link 1

Logic: Traditional Logic I

Grammar: Analytical Grammar Unit 3

Literature: Lightning Literature 8

Writing: Jump In, I think

Vocabulary: Vocabulary From Classical Roots C&D

Latin: Latin Prep 2

P.E.: Tae Kwon Do

other: Editor in Chief

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Well, it SO depends on the child. This is what my math/science kid did in 8th grade:


History and literature: TOG year 2 dialectic level, we did Editor and Chief and IEW for some of his English


Science- Apologia Biology ( had already done General and Physical science)


MATH- TT Algebra I AND Algebra II


Rosetta STone Spanish


Computers: Alice 2.0 ( semester course)


Sonlight Career Planning Course ( semester course)




OK, now this year for my 8th grader who hates math and science but LOVES history and lit:


TOG Rhetoric Level history and literature


Math- TT Algebra I ( started with chalkdust)


Science- Apologia Physical Science


Sonlight Career Planing ( semester)


Logic( semester)


SOS Spanish I




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I have an 8th grade dd this year.


Bible: SL Core 100

History: SL Core 100, but BJU 8th as spine instead of Hakim

Literature: SL Core 100

English: CLE 8th

Science: BJU Online

Math: CLE 8th grade & LoF

Critical Thinking/Logic: Various workbooks including Perplexors, Number Logic, Fallacy Detective


Outside Classes:

Enrichment Co-Op (last semester: nature/survival study, career class, Spanish, health/PE; this semester: art, SAT writing prep, cool contraptions which is a building/design class, PE)


Language Arts class by retired English teacher (Covering SAT Vocab, grammar, composition, and literature)

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Well, it's always questionable what grade my kids are in, but my son is adamant that he is in 8th grade this year. So, here's what he's been doing:


Math: Florida Virtual School Liberal Arts Math high school course

---He's already had algebra and geometry, but I wanted him to have a year or reviewing and maturting before moving on to anything else.


English: FLVS 8th grade Language Arts (Honors)

---I'm having him read a few extra books, too.


American History: FLVS 8th grade course

---More extra books, plus library DVDs and some field trips.


Science: FLVS Earth Space high school course


Music: Duke TIP Music of the 20th Century course


Keyboarding: FLVS middle school course


Music: Choir / Vocal Performance

---He sings with a rigorous teaching choir and takes private voice lessons


Art History / Appreciation: Home-grown course about American artists

---We're using a bunch of resources, including Garden of Praise, library books and DVDs and some things I have on the shelves. We're also taking several museum field trips.


Extras: Dance (jazz and tap, three classes a week), children's theatre, show choir/performance group, church youth group, assorted community theatre, occasional model rocketry (when he can find time around the theatre commitments)


ETA: Foreign language. Ugh. He's done some light Latin, Spanish and Greek over the last three years, but not much seems to be sticking. We started the year with Elementary Greek and The Learnables Spanish before we changed course and jettisoned most of my original plans. He's planning to pick up Spanish and possibly Greek for high school next year.

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For this boy:


Math: Algebra 1, we are finishing Foerster's and will spend the rest of the year playing with Gelfand's algebra and AoPS geometry.


Science: Singapore O-level chemistry plus the Teaching Company Chemistry course, plus a wonderful chem lab for homeschoolers at nearby CC


English: R&S 8 for grammar, Writeshop for writing, modern lit from TWTM list


History: moderns, using SOTW to schedule topics, Kingfisher, various resources


Logic: he's reading Thank You for Arguing; when that is done we'll attempt formal logic using Intro to Logic by Gensler. If it's too tough going, I may get Discovery of Deduction


Latin: gave up. Sigh


Spanish: online tutor


swim team, plays cello in an orchestra


I'm trying to keep this as enjoyable and fun as I can, because he's probably going to school next year. If he had his way, he'd spend his days on math, science, logic and reading and would never have to write anything at all.

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Here is what my current 8th grader is using.


Latin - Taking through a local co-op

Math - TT Algebra 1 as a review. He did Algebra last year

Science - Apologia General Science at a local co-op; Apologia Physical Science on his own

History - MOH III; AAH Vol 1 intertwined with MOH; Basic Military History

Grammar - R & S English 7

Literature - Reading various books and then doing discussion questions

Writing - He took a wonderful Paragraph Writing class at co-op last year so we are applying those techniques to his history and science

Bible - reading through the book of Daniel and summarizing each chapter

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and as I look at them it looks like too much! This is what I am considering:


Bible: Westminster Shorter Catechism, Memory verses, and daily Bible reading plus discussion and keeping a notebook of favorite verses and thoughts about how they apply to life.


History & Literature: Complete TOG Year 2 (1/4 will be done this year) Dialectic/Rhetoric possibly with LLC Bridge Literature class

Starting Points assignments (these we are doing as a family beginning this summer, mostly in evenings, but I will attempt to coordinate the history assignments with TOG as we progress)


Science: 2nd half of Rainbow Science


Math: LialĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Algebra


Grammar: undecided Ă¢â‚¬â€œ possibly MCT mixed with Shurley 7 ?


Writing: IEW mixed with TOG and MCT Ă¢â‚¬â€œ I like to vary writing approaches and assignments


Latin: Latin for Children B (IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢d have him on something harder, but need to keep him working with younger Dd to maximize my instruction time, I may have him move through quickly and then onto something more challenging.)


Vocab: Vocabulary from Classical Roots B


Spelling: Megawords 4 & corrections from writing



4H Dog Club

Riding lessons & 4H horse club


Possibly Speech & Debate Club, which will mean cutting out some of the above!






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Guest Blessedwith3

8th Grade plans for next year:


Grammar: Analytical Grammar, Caught 'ya Grammar with a Giggle

Spelling/Vocabulary: Building Spelling Skills Grade 8, Vocabulary from Classical Roots B, Vocabulary Cartoons

Literature: Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings, Figuratively Speaking

Writing: Pentime Handwriting grade 8, Five Finger Paragraph, Essays & Research Paper (Analytical Grammar)

Poetry: MCT books

Math: Algebra I (Chalkdust), A Mathematical Mystery Tour

Science: Apologia Physical Science with Advanced Physical Science (Exploration Education) - My boys are science NUTS!

Geography: Visualize World Geography (Tender Hearts Press)

History: World History I (Ancient - Middle Ages) - Notgrass World History Book 1 (History only) & History of Christianity & Western Civilization (Vision Forum), plus lots of living books

Bible: Apologia What We Believe Series, Teknon & the Champion Warriors (study with dad), Do Hard Things

Logic: The Fallacy Detective,The Thinking Toolbox, Mindbenders

Foreign Language: German (still undecided which curriculum)


Of course this is always subject to change...

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Math - Chalkdust Pre-Algebra\Algebra1

Grammar - R&S 6\7

Writing - Classical Writing Homer B\Maxim

Latin - Latin Prep 1\2

Vocab - Sadlier\Oxford Vocabulary

Literature - LL8

Logic - The Thinking Toolbox and working through the Bonnie Risby logic books

Poetry - Classical Writing Poetry for Beginners or I may do my own again ?

Science - Creating my own based on her interests. She will do one semester on the bloodlines\genetics\breeding of horses and one semester on ecology. I haven't put anything permanent on paper yet.

History - Based on her interests I might be pulling together a study of the middle ages with a focus on the romanticizing of the time period. I'm thinking something like History vs. Hollywood type thing.


Extra - Works at the riding\training facility where she takes lessons.

Hunter\Jumper lessons


I think that is it...I should do some type of art appreciation but know I won't fit it in and she refuses to take piano lessons. She taught herself how to play and practices playing everything from the theme to Star Wars to Pachebel. Dh tells me to just let her be.:tongue_smilie:

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Here is our 8th grade schedule for this year:


Biology (Apologia)

Algebra (Reviewing and reinforcing what she covered in on online AoPS course last summer)

German 1 (OSU online class w/ no meeting times--she loves this)

Latin 2 Henle (RCA online w/ 2 lectures a week)

Humanities 1 (RCA online w/ 2 lectures a week covering Church History and World Literature)




What we've discovered is that we don't really care for online classes for history and literature. We really miss doing our own thing. A lot. I'm only doing foreign languages online next year for her. And even with that, I would only want her in one class max that had online lectures. She just doesn't enjoy too much screen time.

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Well, I currently have an 8th grader as well as a rising 8th grader. Their schedules will be similar:


Math: Dolciani Pre-Algebra, LoF Beginning Algebra

History/Literature/Church History: TOG Year 4 - D level

Writing: CW Chreia

Science: Apologia General Science

Logic: Art of Argument

Memory: IEW Poetry & Scripture

Foreign Language: RS German, Mounce's Greek, Latin for the New Millennium I

P.E.: Fencing

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For my current 8th grader, see my signature.


For next year (when I will have another 8th grader), we're doing the following:


HISTORY: TOG Year 2 (Dialectic)

LITERATURE: Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings


GRAMMAR: R&S 6 (2nd half)

SCIENCE: Bob Jones Physical Science

MATH: Saxon Math (Pre-Algebra)

HEALTH: A Beka Health 8

ART: Meet the Masters (& possibly an outside class)

LATIN: Second Form Latin


She also plays cello with a local youth orchestra.

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Here is what I have planned so far for my 8th grader next year:


Math: LOF Pre-algebra Biology & Economics, Hands-on Equations

Science: Apologia General Science

History: MOH 3

Grammar: Analytical Grammar Units 1 & 2

Spelling: TBD

Writing: IEW United States History Based Writing I

Vocabulary: English from the Roots Up

Reading/Literature: Various Classics

Logic: The Fallacy Detectives & the Thinking Box

Music: TBD

Art: The Phonics of Drawing, bought for this year, but did a local art class instead.

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Current 8th grade curriculum:


Math: Lial's BCM and Dolciani PreAlgebra

Science: Exploration Education

History: SotW 4 with workpages, maps, tests and reading through The Making of America for an overview of US History

Writing: Writing in 15 Minutes a Day, WTM writing, writing across curriculum

Spelling: SWO H - this level includes root study/vocabulary

Grammar: GWG 8

Literature: various titles...some with study guides...some not

Keyboarding: Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing

Music: guitar

***volunteers every week at the local nature center***

***also does a lot of "contraption" designing and building***


I will soon begin planning for 9th grade...:001_huh:...yikes!

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My 8th grader (12 yo) next year. She thinks she wants to go into Aeronautical Engineering, so she's working hard in math, science, and computer science.


Math - VTI Geometry/Trig, AOPS classes

History - WTM High school year 2 readings/writing with Omnibus II

English - same as history, plus writing class and grammar review, VFCR C-D

Science - Chemistry (BJU W/ DIVE), science fair

Latin - Wheelock's (first half)

Greek - continue with Elementary Greek series

Computer Science - programming in Java and/or C++

Logic II - not sure yet, something to expand on IL/IL from this year

Art classes, piano and clarinet lessons

FLL Robotics team

Mathcounts, NACLO, and other contests

Weekly volunteer position (5 hours with special needs students)

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Math - Life of Fred and Lial's Beginning Algebra


English - Abeka II for grammar only, I make my own composition assignments


Literature - Great Books Study - Several Jules Verne Novels, Beowulf, Sir Gwain and the Green Knight, Song of Roland, Fellowship of the Ring, Twin Towers, Return of the King, Rule of St. Benedict, Dante's Inferno, Julius Caesar and some of the sonnets, a biography of Galileo (can't remember the title off hand) - I do literary discussions with him


Science - Apologia Physical Science plus his TARC Model Rocketry Team Contest and several science projects for 4-H


History - Outlining from Kingfisher World History Encyclopedia, outlining or summaries of some chapters from SWB's History of the Medieval World


Geography - self-directed study of Germany and western Europe


Computer Programming - Visual Basic - dh's teaches this and doesn't use a text


Vocabulary from classical roots C & D


Latina Christiana II and the first three chapters of Henle


Fallacy and Detective and the Thinking Toolbox of beginning logic




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Our current eighth grader's curricula:


LA: Rod & Staff English 8, Abeka Spelling 8; Vocab from Classical Roots


Creative Writing: One Year Adventure Novel


Math: Chalk Dust Algebra I


Science: Prentice Hall Earth Science by Tarbuck and Lutgens; supplemental videos by TTC's, "The Nature of Earth: An Introduction to Geology"


History: Hewitt's Syllabus for A History of US


Spanish: SOS Secondary Spanish


Bible: One semester of Young Peacemakers; one semester of Discovering Our Amazing God


Logic: Perplexors and Critical Thinking Co. books (on occasion)


Music: Flute in Band; private piano


PE: Swimming; volleyball; dance

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This is the plan so far.


Bible: ?

History: Mystery of History - finish Vol. 1 and start Vol 2.

Science: Apologia Physical Science

Language Arts: CLE 800 (this is subject to change b/c she is almost ready for LU 709)

Vocabulary: Caesar's English II (maybe)

Literature: Excellence in Literature English I

Math: CLE 700 (I'm really hoping to get her caught up a bit more with Math before we are done this year)

Writing: Essay Voyage (maybe)

Foreign Language: I need to discuss this with her. :)

Music: Piano lessons

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I've just started planning 8th grade for next year. Here is the plan so far:

Math: MUS Pre-Algebra

Grammar: Growing w/grammar 8 (although I may drop grammar for next year)

Literature: Lightning Lit 8

Writing: Still trying to find that writing program that will turn my acts as if I just asked him to remove a limb ds into someone who at least willingly does the assignment.

Vocab: Vocabulary from Classical Roots

Spanish: So You Really Want to Learn Spanish Book 1

Science: Will most likely continue with Oak Meadow since he is really enjoying it this year.

History - History Odyssey-Modern TimesPhilosophy Class


Every year I say I am going to work in art and music appreciation. I am hopeful to get in more then 3 weeks of it next year. Phys Ed: Swim Team

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Math: Videotext Geometry

English: Magic Lens/Word Within A Word (online class, fall), British Literature (online class, spring), maybe something for actual essay writing

Social Studies: US History (online class)

Science: Earth Science (a mom made course)

Foreign Language: Latin 200 (online class)

Foreign Language: Japanese (Saturday School)

Music: Recorder Lessons

Elective: Linguistics (online class)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Science- Apologia Physical Science w/ Red Wagon Tutorials and living books. Also she wants to do Gods Design for Physical world with this (she is an absolute science NUT!)



Had to ask if your dd is in Mr. R's General Science class this year. My dd is in his Monday am General science live class and absolutely loves it!


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Everything's still very sketchy here, since we've recently made some major changes in my oldest's hs life. She's been even less focused than usual, and doing the absolute bare minimum to get by (even less than the minimum, in some cases) and she lacks a teachable attitude. Add in my own failures with her lately, and you get a big mess.


I found a place about 30 min. away that offers outside classes one day a week. So a couple of weeks ago I signed her up for four classes, including math. The others are state history (box checked off - yay!), a fantasy lit class that she really wanted, and group voice lessons.


This has made a mess in some other ways, but so far, it's been a good experience for her. HSAT, I want to see how she's doing in math before I decide to move her up to 8th grade next year. She had been in SM 5A since March of last year :glare: but she tested into Saxon 76 at the cottage school.


I'm anxious to see what the cottage school will offer for next year, so I can know what my options are.


Anyway, here's what I'm thinking about for next year:


Math -- ?? Saxon 87 or Alg 1/2 at the cottage school, or back to SM


History -- Modern History, either with K12 HO, or the cottage school's offering


Science -- Physical Science; I have several different Physical Science texts here that I need to look through; or I might use CPO (loved Earth Sci), or I might farm this one out to the cottage school to make sure we actually get some experiments done, LOL.


Grammar -- Finish Grammar by Diagram; this is a thorough, meaty grammar course, and I can't imagine what else she'd need to learn after finishing this book.


Writing -- I'm hoping to do IEW SICC-B this semester, then start Lost Tools of Writing next year.


Latin -- GLA 2, probably. She finishes GLA 1 this week.


Greek -- I would love for her to take up Greek next year, using either Elementary Greek or Mounce.


Logic -- ?? The logic course from Classical Legacy Press looks good, but I also have Intro. Logic here already. But I might have to start off with some pre-logic stuff first. Suggestions, anyone? We've only done logic workbook stuff until now.


Vocabulary -- Please, Lord, convince my dd to let go of Megawords. There's too much on her plate.


PE/Music/Art -- Ugh. Don't even remind me.


If there's anything I've missed, it's because I've stuck my fingers into my ears, singing, "La la la la, I'll think about it later."

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I'm having a really hard time putting together next year's plan. Here it is so far:



Biology - 1cr (Kolbe plan which uses the Miller and Levine text)


Geology - 1cr (Teaching company DVDs and text)


Algebra 1 - 1cr (Art of Problem Solving Algebra 1 and Algebra 2)


Ancient Greek History - 1 cr (Kolbe history with TC cds and additional resources)


Ancient Greek Literature - 1cr (Kolbe lit with TC cds and additional resources)


Composition - .5 cr (online)


Latin II - 1 cr (online)


Geography - .5 cr (online)


Religion - no credit (online)


SAT prep/review - no credit (prep books of some sort)


extra-curriculars - Sea Scouts, YMCA volunteer

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I am just solidifying my plans...


Math, Reading, LA: CLE


Writing: IEW, Pattern based Writing, Sentence Composing for Middle Grades and other Mommy assignments


Bible, History/ Geography: MFW ECC


Science: Apologia


Logic: Memoria Press with DVD's


Weekly Art Lessons.


Looking into weekly dance class


deciding on foreign language.



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