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GREAT book for kids that gives "the other side" of the Global Warming issue!


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This one was recommended in a thread I started about this awhile back, and we bought it and LOVE it! I'd say it's for middle school level for independent reading, but could be read to a younger child. It has appealing illustrations and does a great job of addressing the issues from a conservative viewpoint.




No debates please-just listing a resource for those who are interested.


P.S.-the book does mention "millions of years" and we are Young Earth, but we are used to that and thoroughly discuss that topic often so we don't let it bother us when we see it in books; just wanted to mention it, in case that bothers you. Don't let it be a deal-breaker for the book though-tons of good info!

Edited by HappyGrace
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It is kind of a brief overview, and you won't agree with everything in the book (I didn't), but it provides a good jumping off point for discussion and more in-depth study. It also tries to talk with a "cool" tone to appeal to young folks, but I was happy that it was appealing to dd and whetted her appetite to learn more from other sources. I have "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming"-an adult book-for *me* to read, and she has jumped into it in a few places too to learn more on topics that interested her from the "Real Deal.." book.

Edited by HappyGrace
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