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High School electives?

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I'm trying to come up with a list of electives for my dd to choose from for her next 3 years. She is doing Logic this year (.5 credit) and will likely do Health in 10th (.5 credit) and a finance course in 11th or 12th. Her main curriculum is MFW and we will likely stick with that as she is doing well and enjoys it. What other choices for electives are out there? I'm not counting For. Language b/c that is a given. :D

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anything she wants to go deeper in. a few examples:

Science electives can be

astronomy, ecology, geology, nonlinear physics, relativity, botany...


math electives:

fractal geometry, topology, number theory...


History electives/literature

French poetry of the 19th century

history of science, art, architecture, warfare, medicine


PE electives

horseback riding, rock climbing, triathlon...


Fine Arts electives

drawing, instrument, the great works of Michelangelo, Gregorian chant...

music theory








the list is endless.

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Electives that my oldest did:

Digital Imaging (at the cc)

Drawing I and Drawing II (at the cc) actually these were for Fine Arts

Intro to Psychology (at the cc)

Personal Finance



electives that my middle dd has done:


Philosophy of Mind

Piano - for her Fine Arts credit


electives that my middle dd will definitely do:

Intro to Psychology - at the cc

Personal Finance

not sure, but probably a programming class and something else related to psychology/philosophy/ethics/justice - at the cc




I've seen several other people add in things that aren't quite electives, but might vary a bit from kid to kid.


My oldest chose Japanese for her foreign language. She took 3 semesters at the cc. She went to the gym with me 4x/week for 1.5 years and also did Tae Kwon Do for 2 years and kickboxing for one year after that. I figured all of that was worthy of a p.e. credit.


My middle is taking Spanish for her foreign language. She is using Visual Link I and II for Spanish I at home. She will start taking Spanish at the cc in the fall. She bikes and works out for her p.e.

Edited by AngieW in Texas
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Just a couple of other thoughts on the math and science:


I took logic and stats as my two math courses (a journalism major headed to law school). Loved both and felt like they were useful to my plans. You might want to check with the colleges to see whether they want to see chemistry and physics on the high school transcript. If so, you could choose algebra-based physics and there are several levels of chemistry as well. If they just want four years of science, then by all means let your ds choose according to his interests: geology, zoology, marine biology, even pyschology (thought there is definite worldview there) might work as a science.




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For my son I'm working on:

Science of Cooking


Religions of the World




Art History

Music Appreciation/Exploring Music


Cinema and Film


Computer Science


I start out really strong, but we rabbit-path a lot, and follow his interest, while trying to work on a framework. Some of these will likely end up just a large unit study, some half a credit....not sure which will become whole credits, except for Art.


Good luck,


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My son will start 9th grade in the fall. He will definitely take the following electives in high school:


Japanese I and II

Music History (Discovering Music curriculum)

Art History (not sure which curriculum yet)


Bible (part of MFW)



Other possibilities for him are:

zoo teens volunteer program with some extra research

computer graphic design, game design, or animation





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I've noticed that some schools ask for these, so I plan to include them:

- PE

- fine arts (apparently MFW gives some advice about this in WHL)

- health, which you mentioned


I also think this is expected these days:

- computer ______

(local high schools usually just have computer basics, but ds is working on intro to computer science using the two Computer Science Pure and Simple books)


P.S. I wanted to add that with foreign language and Bible, I don't feel pressured to pile up the electives. The usual credit load in our area is 6, which my ds has, unless a student does a "zero hour" which is usually because they are in band, choir, and foreign language.

Edited by Julie in MN
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