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Things I Will Never Like

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LOVE your son's list. It works for me, with some ammendements:


I came home yesterday to find this list on the table, written by my 8 y.o.


Things I Will Never Like:

1) Taking out the compost, especially if there are creepy crawlies in the bin.

2) The alarm going off is OK - being woken by a child is NOT.

3) Negative people can be ignored. Perky people are not allowed - this is why we do not watch Hi 5 in our house.

4) Mushy Bananas, unless used for banana bread.

5) Worms on the sidewalk, or any living thing other than a human in the house.

6) Hard butter gives you an excuse to slice huge lumps off and eat them with warm fresh bread. I will never like the guilt that goes with eating hard butter and warm bread, though.

7) Raisins when stepped on are icky. Raisins in cinnamon buns are good.


:lol: I think he's got it pretty well covered!


What are your Things You Will Never Like?



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-clammy hands or feet, mine or anyone elses.

-my belly button being touched, I have repeated nightmares that someone is poking their finger in there. ugh.. just thinking about it...

-thieves and liars


-dinners that are sweet


Love OP's sons list. I'd hold on to that!

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More or less in order.



  1. beets
  2. those who place profit or other forms of personal gain above dignity
  3. corporation = person in terms of being a legal entity
  4. hyperbole in any other than an ironic or fun sense, particularly when used to fan the flames of hatred or fear
  5. those who think their religious beliefs should limit my choices or rights
  6. massaged data
  7. Radio Disney and Disney Princesses (well, anything Disney, but these are the worst)
  8. Gwyneth Paltrow
  9. food products that aren't food


Edited by nmoira
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