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Teachers Lounge! 2-11-2011

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Good afternoon, Lovely Ladies!


What's for lunch today? Me, the kids, and hubby: Hubby is home today so he's making mini paninis, using baguette slices for sandwich bread.


Anyone taking some time off from school soon? Me: contemplating taking the first two or three days of next week off to look through some curricula and changes of schedule.


What are your plans for the weekend? Are you ready for Valentine's Day?

Me: tomorrow I have a slew of spa appointments with clients, and then church on Sunday. May even play Scrabble with some friends Sunday afternoon. I'm not quite ready for Valentine's Day! :001_huh:


Talk to me!:bigear:

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Lunch today was apparently a couple of Enteman's chocolate donuts. Maybe I should get up and make something with actual nutrition to accompany the calories...DD is at her enrichment program.


We've taken the week off lessons for sick days (DD has had a cold since Saturday, and I came down with it Wednesday) plus War prep (i.e., gearing up to go camping for a week). Next week is Estrella War, so no school then.


So far today I dropped DD off, went to the bread outlet to get rolls to go with dinners at war, went to midwife appt., and then came home and caught up on most of the e-paperwork I needed to do for the Youth Center at Estrella next week--assembling the list of class descriptions for youth classes, getting those off to the Collegium coordinator, assembling a list of volunteers (okay, not quite done with that), and contacting some more volunteers, then letting the Main Event Steward know I'd done it...


Fortunately, my deputy is going to be able to attend after all, so if I want I can just stay home and have this baby...yeah, right. :tongue_smilie:


Now I'm either going to eat or take a nap, maybe both...

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Lunch? will be a chicken salad


Time off from school? In 3 weeks we will have finished another "quarter" of school. I'm hoping to take time off then. Dh keeps hinting that we need a vacation. I ignore him because I'm too busy to plan one;)


Plans for weekend? Tomorrow - I will be puttering around the house while dd9 fills a baking order for chocolate chip cookies for her bakery business. Ds13 has a friend coming over to help him work on his homemade electronic laser tag set.


Sunday night has been set aside for dd9's grand Valentine's celebration. She has planned a night of twister, a Valentine's themed tic-tac-toe game, and a special spaghetti dinner with heart shaped pasta. I need to remind the "boys" (dh and ds13) to fill out the blank valentines she put out for each of us to write to each other.

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Lunch: Scrambled eggs with sauteed veggies. Trying to make up for yesterday's Doritos. ;)


Time off: My older son goes to the public high school and next Thursday-Monday is mid-winter break. I will give my younger son the same days off.


Weekend plans: My father-in-law turns 90 today. We are having a birthday party for him tomorrow evening.

Sunday we will go to church, then I will visit my dad for a few hours. On my way there I will stop and deliver a dinner to my cousin, whose entire family is sick. Sunday evening my husband and I will be having dinner with four other couples. It's a mexican theme and I haven't decided what to make.

I have no idea yet what I will be making for dinner for my Valentine on Monday.

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French Toast...ds the chef's gourmet french toast which I refrained from since I am trying not to eat any simple carbs or grains, sausage links, huge bowl of mixed fruits topped with toasted coconut, and yogurt.


Next week, the 18th, we'll be taking the day off for a family field trip to the Detroit Institute of Arts.


As for Valentine's, meatballs in barbecue sauce, squash, stuffed red peppers, and something called "fluff" which isn't really good for you food but absolutely YUMMY plus chocolate pie covered in whipped cream and dotted with pink and red M&M's. That's the evening meal plan. I'll have something small for each of the kids, we'll each say something we love about each member of the family, and we'll watch a movie together as a family. They'll want Nanny McPhee Returns. I'd like Enchanted because I think it's a hoot. But the menfolk believe they are being TORTURED to have to watch it.


The wind is going to be too strong here on Saturday for the rocketry team to do practice flights. So, I might actually have the time to do some quilting and sewing. But, Sunday after church, the rocketry team will be here for three hours working on their competition rocket.



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next time, have him make it with whole wheat, and top it with peanut butter and natural applesauce, or with warm strawberries, or blueberries and cream cheese...


I had two fried eggs on rye. Now I wish I'd had french toast!


This weekend I have to finish packing, I work in the AM's, plus my SCA household will be descending upon my driveway with a trailer that's been living in the Baron's side yard, to inventory trailer contents and repack for the event. I assured the head of household my driveway was a safe spot to leave the trailer for this process based on how often our garage door gets left open with nothing ever stolen out of it.:tongue_smilie:

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