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Need ideas and suggestions on Study Skills

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Not sure how to word this but I realized that my son (6th gr) does not have the best study skills! For instance, he listens to online courses and doesn't take a single note! He reads books for his VP history for example and there are some complex reading there that I immediately start wanting to underline or highlight but he never does! He doesn't write down assignments, it's almost like these things need to be taught as common sense isn't clicking in.


I have failed to direct him on these things but now I'm not sure what to train him in and how? Does this question make sense?


He sits in Classical conversations Essentials class. I'm a director so I'm often running around cleaning up and taking care of other things. I don't have a chance to sit with him often. Other students are taking notes, but he doesn't at all. He just sits there. Then he comes home and doesn't remember anything the tutor taught and he often forgets to write down his assignment. :bored:


So, here is what I want him to learn:


1. Listening skills - listening for key things

2. Ability to highlight key thoughts, themes, etc in his reading

3. Taking notes - how and on what

4. Keeping track of assignments

5. Learning to ask the right questions

6. Being an active thinker / listener


So, how do I do this? :confused:

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If he doesn't take notes when he listens to lectures, then he would relisten and hand them to me. He is a little young, though. So you might need to show him how by sitting and listening to a lecture and each of you writing things down. Then compare notes. Did either of you write down things the other one didn't?


When my boys got into 7th grade and started the "real" science textbooks, they were/are required to highlight the book. I check. They do all the on your own and end of module questions. Then there dad requires them to do a study sheet before they take the test that has the vocabulary and outline of major concepts. ( DH did this throughout medical school.) They must show it to him before they are allowed to take the test.


I'm working on the concept in their literature books. Although they can pick out important passages when I read aloud, they have trouble picking out good quotes and symbols on their own. They are only 8th adn 10th, though.. I think they will get better with practice.



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