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Mac users....which one?

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I LOVE my MacBook Pro 13.3". I got the basic model but it is plenty for me. I will never go back to a PC. Eventually, I want to change our whole whose over to Macs. Right now mine is our only one. The extra money I spent is sooo worth it. Biggest difference for me? No viruses. NONE. Great customer service too. My cord recently stopped working to charge my computer (only 6 mos. old). I called Apple and they told me to take it to an Apple store and have it exchanged. No questions. You won't regret it.

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I broke up with my PC last year and bought an iMac (refurbed). I love it! What kind of Mac you want depends on what you need it for. Do you want a laptop or a desktop? How much are you willing to spend? How much memory and speed do you need (is just for surfing the web or for gaming/streaming lots of content)?


I love how neat and tidy the iMac is - the brains of the computer are contained in the flat panel monitor and the mouse and keyboard are wireless. It is a beautiful computer.

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I'd personally never go back to a desktop. I have an older iBook G4. I only have two complaints: my hard drive is a bit small (60GB), and it's a big sluggish when playing video (youtube, etc.). Dh is planning to buy me some more RAM, which should help speed it up. But it's a great computer otherwise.

My dream is to get a MacBook (probably a refurbished one or used from Craigslist or ebay).




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I want an Ipad, but am holding out for the rumored camera version. Dh thinks I should get a Mac first. What do you think? Which one. I don't know where to start. Right now we are PC users.


It all started with an iPod Touch...


When my laptop died (Dell) I was insanely happy - I got an iMac the very same day! LOVE IT!!! Will never go back to a PC.


For Christmas I got an iPad. Love that the most! But don't tell the "others"... ;)

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Here, it was ipod touches....then dh got an iphone.


Then I bought an ipad.


Now i have a 27" imac desktop and I LOVE it.


The truth is I don't use my ipad so much but I intend to keep it because when I do use it, I really appreciate it- for downloading kindle books, and for when we travel.


I use my desk top for hours every day. It is so beautiful to use.

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Oh, Apple...


We started with the iBook, ipod, itouch, iphones, MacBook and now we have an iMac. I personally love the iMac (which we bought for my ds). I use the MacBook most because I can take it all over the house. But the iMac has the most beautiful screen. And it is so compact we keep it at the end of our kitchen table most of the time (and are able to just move it around when needed).


We have the basic models of all the items we have and they have been sufficient. Unless you are into gaming or maintaining an insane amount of info on your computer I think the basic is always sufficient.


I could NEVER go back to pc. Work through trying to configure what you would like online. And don't forget that their is a homeschool discount as well :D

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