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(Cancer related) Who takes Modified Citrus Peel and/or Mushrooms "Cordyceps"

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Hey Y'all :)


I was wondering if any of you take these for cancer prevention or because you've dealt with cancer. I'm looking into taking both. I'm already taking the calcium from the second place, due to my mom's verifiable results from a "before" and "after" bone scan, so I tend to trust the company. I'm thinking of taking the Modified Citrus Peel (different than just "Citrus Peel") due to my high risk for cancer.


Any thoughts/experience??



Modified Citrus Peel Article


Medicinal Mushrooms/Cordyceps:

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I was wondering if any of you take these for cancer prevention or because you've dealt with cancer. I'm looking into taking both. I'm already taking the calcium from the second place, due to my mom's verifiable results from a "before" and "after" bone scan, so I tend to trust the company. I'm thinking of taking the Modified Citrus Peel (different than just "Citrus Peel") due to my high risk for cancer.

Any thoughts/experience??

Cancer is always a concern, since we all have cancer cells in our bodies. Does not mean that we'll all get cancer, we just happen to have the cells. 1 out of 3 get cancer, but that means that 2 out of 3 won't.

Never tried MCP, but have read wonderful things about it.

PectaSoll is a form of Modified Citrus Pectin and works wonders for all cancers. It’s the best supplement for any new cancer patient.

It works wonders in patients with breast and prostate cancers – it’s the first supplement suggested by some for any new cancer patient. It can’t hurt you and could give you remarkable results.

MCP can travel into the bloodstream and target cancer cells – by preventing cancer cells from clustering, MCP stops cancer from spreading

It also stops new blood vessels –which deliver cancer’s food supply – from forming. Without food, cancer cells starve to death.

There’s a particularly close relationship between breast and prostate cancers. The treatment that works for one frequently works for another.


• Reduces the size or growth of primary tumors

• Prevents or slows metastasis

• Prevents or slows angiogenesis

• For detox: to reduce heavy metal load

• Before a biopsy when cancer is suspected, to reduce chance of metastasis

You may want to consider using MCP if you have had cancer and are concerned about having a relapse.

You can use MCP safely along with other cancer treatments, including chemo. There are no known contraindications.

If cancer runs in your family, or if cancer is prevalent in the area where you live, consider MCP. If you live in an area that’s heavily sprayed with pesticides and insecticides, you can protect yourself against the many environmental pollutants that have been associated with cancer by taking MCP.

Not all MCP products are alike. Some don’t work very well, if at all. Regular apple or citrus pectins are really bulking agents and won’t stop breast cancer. It could stop colon cancer, but that’s all.

Unless MCP can get through your intestines, it can’t fight cancer. A high-quality MCP has uniform molecules between 10,000 and 20,000 daltons.

Also, the only form of MCP that was found to work in clinical studies has a low degree of esterification – 10% or less.

For serious conditions, take 5 grams, 3 times a day.

For prevention, or for long-time exposure to toxins, begin with the full amount and then reduce it to 3-5 grams a day after the first month.

It’s best to take MCP in divided doses and not just once a day to keep it circulating in your bloodstream. Get the powder rather than the capsules to save money. It’s less expensive, dissolves well in water, and tastes just fine. Use the capsules for convenience when you travel.

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MUSHROOM EXTRACT - dh and I take this. Fungi Perfect has many different types.


Here's the info I have on mushroom extract.





Eating mushrooms and drinking green tea daily dramatically lowers the risk of developing breast cancer.

Australian researchers from the University of Perth compared the diets and lifestyles of more than 2000 women who attended a breast clinic in China. Working with detailed registers of their consumption of a variety of foods, they observed that, all other factors being equal, women who consumed an average of more than 10 g of fresh mushrooms every day had 64% less risk of developing breast cancer than those who did not eat mushrooms. Those who ate 4 g of dried mushrooms saw their risk diminish by 47%. When consumption of green tea was added (more than 1g of tea-leaves infused per day), the protective effect of the two factors combined reached 89%!

Japanese farmers who have a large consumption of these mushrooms are up to half as likely to develop stomach cancer (which is frequently observed in Japan) as people who do not eat them. Several large cancer centers in Japan now systematically deliver standardized extracts of these mushrooms to accompany chemotherapy treatments. Japanese researchers have observed that patients who receive these mushroom extracts see the number and activity of their white blood-cells increase sharply, including in the interior of the actual tumor. At Kyushu university researchers have observed that when chemotherapy is accompanied or followed by consumption of these mushrooms in patients suffering from colon cancer, they considerably extend the patient’s survival.

Although the effects of mushrooms on cancer were already partially known, what is surprising in this study is their potentialization through the consumption of green tea. The principle of the synergy of different food products is a constant feature when we explore the action of our natural defense system against cancer.



If you suffer from bouts of bronchitis, pneumonia, severe colds and flu, or just have a severely weakened immune system, Cordyceps and Shiitake mushrooms really help. They stimulate the immune system and strengthen the lungs.


By taking a mushroom formula morning and evening, you will greatly boost your immunity



Medicinal mushrooms are one of nature’s best detoxifiers. They act like sponges, absorbing and removing toxins from chemotherapy agents, pharmaceutical drugs, and heavy metals, including mercury.


Avoid mushrooms containing heavy metals or other contaminants, especially some grown in China. Be sure that any medicinal mushrooms you buy are organically grown with water tested for heavy metals.

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Improves stamina and may help to fight cancer

Enhances effect of chemotherapy and radiation while removing toxic debris left in the aftermath – cancer patients on chemotherapy were dramatically less fatigued after using this formula; when they stopped taking it, their fatigue returned

Strengthen immune system

Act as anti-tumor agents while destroying small tumors, often preventing them from growing into dangerous cancers

Increase resistance to stress

Enhances overall health

May also help fight hepatitis-C, Candida, bronchial inflammation including asthma, environmental allergies, and frequent colds and flu

Cholesterol-lowering properties


You can buy a pound of dried shiitake mushrooms at an Oriental market and soak a handful of them in warm water until they’re soft. Add slices of them to a stir-fried dish or soup. Don’t throw away the water they’re soaked in. If you like, you can freeze this mushroom-water in ice-cube trays and add some to soups and sauces.



Strengthen immune system by increasing white blood cells and cells that fight tumors

Specifically help the lungs by regenerating lung tissue

Prevents bronchitis

Strengthens adrenal glands (glands that handle all types of stress) – very effective for nervous and anxious people who suffer from adrenal exhaustion

Anti-viral effects

Anti-cancer properties

Widely used in cancer treatment

Protects against radiation and helpful as part of any cancer protection plan

Great feelings of "well being" and spiritual calm

Assists immune system health

Reishi Mushroom tea (two to three cups) or Reishi mycelium powder in capsules (2500-5000 mg)

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IMHO I would not be relying on any particular supplement to prevent cancer. I would be making sure my whole diet and lifestyle is very good, and its often what you don't eat that helps more than what you do. Don't eat processed foods or sugar and you are a long way ahead of most people.

Lots of greens, lots of cruciferous vegetables- a largely plant based diet with meat and dairy as the side serves rather than the other way around. Dairy is particularly implicated in breast cancer.


For supplements yes I think cordyceps is a very good one. The Chinese really know a lot about this stuff. I take Reishi mushroom which is one of their main longevity medicines. If you have access to a good Chinese Medicine practitioner I would recommend having a visit and talking to them- they should be able to help you- I think its one of the areas I would rather go to a TCM practitioner. They specialise in longevity and prevention of problems and their tradition goes back over 5,000 years and is all recorded.


I dont know much about citrus peel in this context- I am reading the info Negin has given with interest.

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Helpful for respiratory problems, poor circulation, liver support, weakness, exhaustion, and to strengthen the life force (Chi)

Lowers cholesterol and increases excretion of bile, a substance we need to digest fats – thereby helping fat digestion

Anti-tumor properties

Supports immune system

Blood-sugar balancing properties

Cancer-fighting properties



Excellent for anyone over the age of 40

Regulates immunity

Helps with both immune and autoimmune disorders – diabetes, lupus, cancer

Increases energy

Helps you recover more quickly after exercising

Helps with high cholesterol, high triglycerides

Helpful for frequent colds, bronchitis, asthma, flu

Helpful for irregular heartbeat, arrthymias (heart palpitations) – cordyceps is a valuable nutrient whether you have heart disease or want to prevent it

Helpful for kidney failure


Cordyceps is an adaptogen – which means that it helps regulate and stimulate your body’s functions


You can buy Cordyceps alone or in combination with other medicinal mushrooms in most health food stores.

Plain cordyceps is more expensive than a combination product

For maintenance, take 1 capsule of mushrooms that includes Cordyceps twice a day

If you have problems, you want to correct, you can take as much as 4-6 capsules twice a day for at least a few months.


Look for a formula that combines the immune-boosting and anticancer properties of reishi mushrooms, the blood-sugar balancing and cancer-fighting properties of the maitake mushrooms, and the cholesterol-lowering abilities of the shiitakes—talk about a trifecta.

Fungi Perfecti or Mycophyto Complex


I read this a few years ago and thought to share. You're definitely on the right track. :)


3 Most Important Supplements

Fish oil

Take a good brand such as Carlson’s or Nordic Naturals. Fish Oil is essential for healthy skin, reducing inflammation in the body in check, which helps prevent degenerative diseases and cancers. So many health problems are due to inflammation in the body. Fish Oils also contain properties that helps reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. It helps make beneficial HDL cholesterol

Vitamin D3

If you're under 50, take at least 2,000 IU per day.

If you're 50 or over, take at least 5,000 IU per day of vitamin D3.

Always take your vitamin D with a fat-containing meal to ensure absorption.

Your need for vitamin D3 is affected by age, skin color, and the severity of any deficiency.

Vitamin D3 is the like the Vitamin C of before. It helps everything – your bones, your emotional well-being, your mind; and it even helps prevent cancer.

Mushroom extract

Look for a formula that combines the immune-boosting and anticancer properties of reishi mushrooms, the blood-sugar balancing and cancer-fighting properties of the maitake mushrooms, and the cholesterol-lowering abilities of the shiitakes—talk about a trifecta. I like Fungi Perfecti.

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Hey Peela and Negin :)


Just a side note:) Yes, I'm not taking supplements while eating processed foods and a chunk of candy, thinking the MCP and Shrooms will keep me safe. I've been pretty healthy for a long time, I'm just trying for not much dairy... and organic foods (more) now. I also am Vitamix "ing" everything :) Gotta think the more greens the better :) I've also read convincing things about raw beets, especially, and carrots. (Although not crazy like as they do detox you, and you don't want to be too hard on your liver all at once)


I told my mom that while I may enjoy foods that aren't healthy, I'd rather BE healthy than eat foods that "just taste good" :)


Off to make a drink :)... well... a healthy one :)

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Hey Peela and Negin :)


Just a side note:) Yes, I'm not taking supplements while eating processed foods and a chunk of candy, thinking the MCP and Shrooms will keep me safe. I've been pretty healthy for a long time, I'm just trying for not much dairy... and organic foods (more) now. I also am Vitamix "ing" everything :) Gotta think the more greens the better :) I've also read convincing things about raw beets, especially, and carrots. (Although not crazy like as they do detox you, and you don't want to be too hard on your liver all at once)


I told my mom that while I may enjoy foods that aren't healthy, I'd rather BE healthy than eat foods that "just taste good" :)


Off to make a drink :)... well... a healthy one :)


Sounds like you are on the right track!

And healthy food can taste good too :) I prefer the taste of a green smoothie to a coke anyday.

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I would be making sure my whole diet and lifestyle is very good, and its often what you don't eat that helps more than what you do. Don't eat processed foods or sugar and you are a long way ahead of most people.

Lots of greens, lots of cruciferous vegetables- a largely plant based diet with meat and dairy as the side serves rather than the other way around. Dairy is particularly implicated in breast cancer.

Peela, thank you for the great post and much-needed reminder. :grouphug:


The Chinese really know a lot about this stuff. I take Reishi mushroom which is one of their main longevity medicines. If you have access to a good Chinese Medicine practitioner I would recommend having a visit and talking to them- they should be able to help you- I think its one of the areas I would rather go to a TCM practitioner. They specialise in longevity and prevention of problems and their tradition goes back over 5,000 years and is all recorded.

My knowledge of TCM is very, very basic, but just the little that I do know, I am so impressed with.

I'm also quite interested in the Ayurvedic approach. This all started when I saw how effective Triphala is :D. I'm considering this book.


I dont know much about citrus peel in this context- I am reading the info Negin has given with interest.

Peela, if you have time and do get to read up on the info, I would love to hear your feedback. This stuff is certainly not cheap and I wouldn't want to waste $ on unnecessary supplements. After all, who would? ;)

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I'm also quite interested in the Ayurvedic approach. This all started when I saw how effective Triphala is :D.


Hi Negin- I LOVE triphala. I am quite familiar with Ayurveda (much more than TCM) because I had an "ayurvedic phase" a few years back where I read a lot of books and practiced on myself :). I love the Ayurvedic lifestyle approach. But I in particular I love triphala. In fact I would say its done more for my health than anything else that I can think of other than a healthy diet. I always have some around and will often take it for weeks at a time just as an easy method of cleansing the body. Glad to know someone else who knows what it is :)

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Hi Negin- I LOVE triphala. ... In fact I would say its done more for my health than anything else that I can think of other than a healthy diet. I always have some around and will often take it for weeks at a time just as an easy method of cleansing the body. Glad to know someone else who knows what it is :)

Peela, do you take it in capsule form or powder? I don't take it, but dh does. I'm considering giving to our dc, since they've recently started breaking out. Maybe I should be taking it also, although I don't seem to have a need. Just re-reading the following info below - particularly liver detox benefits, I think I will take it. :)

Here's what I read about tripahala, in case anyone's interested:


Triphala – Take two to four 500 mg tablets just before bedtime. Triphala is a bowel-regulating formula. In Sanskrit, it means three fruits. The combination of the powdered fruits is a rich source of antioxidants with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anticancer, and immune-enhancing properties. Triphala treats the entire digestive system, helping with constipation, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, indigestion, bloating, and liver detoxification. Because it operates as a bowel tonic (helping to maintain proper function) rather than a laxative, it’s safe to take every day.


I am quite familiar with Ayurveda (much more than TCM) because I had an "ayurvedic phase" a few years back where I read a lot of books and practiced on myself :). I love the Ayurvedic lifestyle approach.

If you know of any books or other info on the Ayurvedic approach, please do share. Thank you. :grouphug:

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Peela, do you take it in capsule form or powder?



Hi Negin- it is wonderful just as a cleansing agent and apparently in India there is a saying "you dont need a mother if you have triphala- it takes such good care of you". Something like that ") It works on many levels and if you take it long term, cleanses the liver and deeper tissues and can even bring up emotional issues to be cleansed.


I take capsules. Sometimes i buy powder since it is cheaper and I put it in capsules myself. Last time I bought 3 bottles of capsules from the Himalayan herbal company in India (through ebay).

IN India they put the powder in a glass of hot water, stir it and let it settle, and then drink off the liquid but not the sediment.

I have tried that many times but it tastes very bitter and I just don't like it- and although I am sure it is better take as a powder because the taste buds get involved- I cant do it :) And it works well in capsule form anyway.

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Hi Negin- it is wonderful just as a cleansing agent and apparently in India there is a saying "you dont need a mother if you have triphala- it takes such good care of you". Something like that ") It works on many levels and if you take it long term, cleanses the liver and deeper tissues and can even bring up emotional issues to be cleansed.

Thanks again, Peela. :)

I need to remember to stock up on more of these next time we travel or when someone we know is visiting and can bring it down for us. I WISH there was a good health store here. It can be so frustrating when we need things like this. We have enough for now, but dh's needs take priority, so the rest of us are going without, which is still okay, but not ideal.

I keep wondering if I should get either of these two books or not.

The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies



and this one


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I keep wondering if I should get either of these two books or not.

The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies



and this one



I have the home remedies one and i do refer to it sometimes- but it does tend to have a lot of herbs in it that are hard for me to find- but it does also has more down to earth kitchen type herbs and things like honey and ghee. My favourite for learning the general and also deeper concepts of Ayurveda is Perfect Health by Deepak Chopra- in fact he has written several good, basic, down to earth books on the subject. I also have Secrets of Healing which is by Maya Tiwari- she is great and I have all her books now including Womens Power to Heal which is also excellent.

The other book looks good too.

So many books, so little time and/or money :)

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Peela, thank you soooo much. :grouphug:


So many books, so little time and/or money :)

Exactly. Time and money.


Makes me think we should keep a thread going about Women's natural health!!! SO many of us are looking for true healing of the body through natural methods, or at least tweaking the mainstream medical when we do need Dr intervention.


Brilliant idea! :D

In a few months' time, I hope to start a blog about health issues.

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