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RoughCollie Had a Heart Attack

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you asked what else you could bring to the hospital.


my mom really liked having a deck of cards so she could play with visitors, or solitaire if no one was there.


she also loved any and all pictures drawn or created by dc.... hospital walls are pretty dreary and she looked at them alllllll day long.


she also liked having a helium heart balloon tied to the end of her bed. i just got one every day. (they're only about $1.50 this time of year). check with the hospital staff to make sure its okay.


:grouphug: you're doing great!


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This is one of her other sons - DS2. The one who made this thread was DS1; I tried to tell him what to say over the phone, but it doesn't seem like he did it very well, hehe.



I can't wait for my son to grow older and make a post like this ... not that I want an MI for it to happen.


Send Rough our hugs, kudos on all the quick thinking, yea! for quick caths, and tell those collies not to tell the cat what for, but to eat the cigs instead.

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OMG< sorry I came in late. I am so glad she has you boys to take care of her , she is lucky and blessed.


I am praying for her, she is home soon and we will all support her on her Quit Smoking campaign. We dont want any more scares. Geez , she is my closest friend in PA.


Pleeeez tell her I am praying for her Jet in Pitt is thinking of her and praying for her.


Stay strong boys and keep in good spirits. God is watching over all of you.

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Praying here -- and please, let's all keep bumping this thread for RC.


I can't believe I didn't see this thread until now. I've been praying for Frosty the dog every day, and I feel terrible that I wasn't able to start praying for RC last night. (I'm not saying that my prayers carry any sort of special weight with the Big Guy Upstairs, but every little bit helps, right?)


And I want to thank RC's ds for keeping us up to date on what's happening. I know the family is so worried and stressed, and it means so much that they would take the time to let us know what happened so we can pray for her. She is such a wonderful person, and I am so worried about her.



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Oh, my. I haven't been on in three days and I log in to find....this! Sending my prayers, thought and good wishes for RoughCollie and the family. Thanks so much for the updates, DS2. You are doing a great job!! :grouphug:

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Just went back and read the whole thread after posting my initial response to the prayer request. I would be remiss if I did not take the opportunity to praise DS1 for getting the word out quickly so that we could be praying and DS2 for bringing us such a thorough update (how did you know that I LOVE THE DETAILS??). Your Mama must be very proud of you.


I, a perfect stranger, am proud of you and hope that all of you kids and your dad do well while Mom is away. Praying for you guys, too.


DS2, you sound like a remarkable young man.


I will keep the prayers coming for all of you. Hope and pray Rough Collie comes home soon and that her recovery will be speedy and complete. I'm also already praying for ALL of you as she makes life adjustments (quitting smoking, etc.) as I'm sure it will be an adjustment for all of you.


Rough Collie--praying that you will have the strength and courage and tenacity to implement the necessary life changes. We need a healthy Rough Collie here at the boards!!


Wishing all of you well,

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