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No More Babies :(

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My baby is 1 1/2 now and I thank God every day for being so generous to me when He gave her to me. I still wonder if He was trying to tell me something when I had my uterine rupture during my section, or if it was just my body saying "I've had enough". My life, my daughters and my uterus were all saved. Regardless, this chapter is coming to a close and it breaks my heart.



My husband is going in for a vasectomy consult next week and then will have the procedure done next month.



I just joined a yahoo group for women who have had uterine ruptures some who have gone on to have healthy babies, some who have had to lay down their babies :(




I would have loved to have more children.



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I'm sorry.

My uterus ruptured during my last delivery. Like you, my life, my son's and my uterus were all saved and I have six beautiful healthy children to be thankful for...but I still grieved for a time.


I love having babies, I love being pregnant, but I am accepting what I believe to be His will and really enjoying the children I have (and appreciating that He let me stay to parent them!)



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:grouphug: It's hard to have the "having-babies" stage come to an end. It really is. I'm sorry you are having to face this.


Just a few weeks ago I had to have a hysterectomy...after hemorraghing (sp?!?) so much that I almost died. So I am also going through a bit of this grieving process--the realization that this stage in my life is over is so hard sometimes. I think I will be one who always looks at babies and feels a longing in my heart.


However, something that has helped me recently is trying to look at things in the future--look ahead to what good things may come to you/your family in future stages as the kids get older. Finding ways to cherish each day with my family and be happy with right where we are...not looking back and wishing for what used to be or even what could have been. Finding ways to be grateful for each day and each moment we have to be together.


I hope you can find peace in your heart!

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I'm so thankful for what He has given me. I just really am going to miss the whole thing...seeing those 2 pink lines, hearing the first heartbeat, the first ultrasound, the little kicks from within, then holding and smelling that little newborn and all those wonderful things. Its really hard for me right now as my DH's appt gets closer and closer each day. I'm so sad.

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I'm so thankful for what He has given me. I just really am going to miss the whole thing...seeing those 2 pink lines, hearing the first heartbeat, the first ultrasound, the little kicks from within, then holding and smelling that little newborn and all those wonderful things. Its really hard for me right now as my DH's appt gets closer and closer each day. I'm so sad.


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I didn't have a uterine rupture, but I had a very bad pregnancy with #2, and I asked dh to get a vasectomy, because I knew I'd want more babies, but I couldn't go through another pregnancy like that. Now, many friends are having babies around me, just when I'm realizing that my two are not so little anymore, and I'm going through that grieving process a little, too. I would love to have another baby, but I know it's not in the plans. For other reasons, I don't think adoption is in the cards for us, either. So, lots of :grouphug: and sympathy.

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I am so sorry. I know how difficult it is knowing you won't have any more babies. :grouphug: My uterus hasn't ruptured but after 7 children my dh has said no more. He is adament. And I am grieving. So many new, young mothers in my church and so many new babies. It is very hard to get through. I will be praying for your peace in this circumstance and God's comfort. :grouphug:

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I'm so thankful for what He has given me. I just really am going to miss the whole thing...seeing those 2 pink lines, hearing the first heartbeat, the first ultrasound, the little kicks from within, then holding and smelling that little newborn and all those wonderful things. Its really hard for me right now as my DH's appt gets closer and closer each day. I'm so sad.


This is when you start dreaming about all the beautiful grandbabies you are going to have!!!!! You will get to love, love, love them and still get to sleep at night!!!!!

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I also cannot have any more babies and often find the sadness overwhelming.

As others have said, being actively thankful and joyful in my children helps.


Praying that you will find peace and revel in the lovely children that God has given you and your DH!

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Thank you to each and every one of you for the support. I really needed it. I am looking forward to the grand babies a LLLOOONNNGGG time from now. But when the time comes, it will be magical.


Today is a better day then when I wrote this thread. I figure its going to be that way. Some days are good, some are not so good. Tis life, right.

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