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Thank you for letting this board be ad-free!

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I like being able to chat with *lots* of folks, and I like that this board is not slowed to less than a snail's pace with inane advertising! All the places I used to enjoy are so bogged down with ads for frozen foods and canned soups!  I admit it, if I want internet, I want it at warp-speed.

Vive les proprietaires!

Edited by LibraryLover
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Me, too!


My daughter recently got a tarantula and my husband has been visiting this tarantula board. Same basic layout as here, but I found it to be in stark contrast to this site. It's so much more cluttered with large photos and I find it unorganized enough that it's annoying to me.


I appreciate not only the lack of ads here at the WTM forums, but the organization and small avatars, as well.:thumbup:

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I like being able to chat with *lots* of folks, and I like that this board is not slowed to less than a snail's pace with inane advertising! All the places I used to enjoy are so bogged down with ads for frozen foods and canned soups I can't think! Who on earth has patience for that in this day and age? I admit it, if I want internet, I want it at warp-speed.


I don't always agree with many folks here, but it is an awesome place to chat, discuss ideas, various hsing approaches, eat virtual pie, and not be bombarded with garbage adverts.


Vive les proprietaires!


:iagree: How lucky are we??

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I like being able to chat with *lots* of folks, and I like that this board is not slowed to less than a snail's pace with inane advertising! All the places I used to enjoy are so bogged down with ads for frozen foods and canned soups I can't think! Who on earth has patience for that in this day and age? I admit it, if I want internet, I want it at warp-speed.


I don't always agree with many folks here, but it is an awesome place to chat, discuss ideas, various hsing approaches, eat virtual pie, and not be bombarded with garbage adverts.


Vive les proprietaires!


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