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Outlining Question

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I never outlined anything in my life, just took notes. How important is it to have everything all set up "in the right format". I tend to think, well, I made it through grad school my way but there must be some reason the "right format" exists. Do I really need to figure this out and teach it to ds or can I just let him continue to take notes from his reading? Thoughts? He's in 4th now so logic stage looms.

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We're aiming for 3-point outlines a la TWTM. But, if we fall short, he'll have learned much about main points, sub points, etc.


I learned outlining in 7th and 8th grade. I remembering using some in college/ grad school, but it came in handy the most in writing -- especially since I was a history major and wrote a *ton* of papers. And, it was extremely helpful writing my grad. thesis.


What's that saying, "Always aim for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."


Just my .02


FWIW, I thought Susan WB did a great job breaking down the outlining process into manageable steps.

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I don't think I ever had explicit instruction in outlining, but I used it extensively in grad school and while I was working. I really wish I had used it in college and high school - it's an excellent way to organize any information, especially class notes. Outlining makes so much sense for the way my brain works :D. Also, outlining is an excellent tool for times when the student is staring at the blank page, struggling to get started writing something.


As for whether "the right format" is necessary, I'm sure you could teach it on your own if you wanted, just with what's in WTM. The right format merely helps differentiate the levels - I don't think it matters how you label the levels if you know what you mean by them. On the other hand, if one wanted to create an outline that was being distributed to others for some reason, or turned in to a teacher, the traditional format might be more significant.


If you're looking for more, there's this little workbook that my dd9 started just this week:

http://www.amazon.com/REMEDIA-PUBLICATIONS-OUTLINING-GR-5-8/dp/B000QCBC2M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1296707134&sr=8-1 I read about it here :)

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I think SWB has a little outlining workbook she recommends. Really, it's pretty simple at the 5th/6th gr level, just basically creating topic sentences for paragraphs. Now I have my dd outlining her BJU Life Science text (a 7th gr book) and that's MUCH more meaty and challenging. Outlining opens it up in a way I hadn't anticipated, and it has made her more able to see the structure (and do-ability) of other challenging books. So I definitely think it's worth doing, but I don't think you need to belabor it, especially at the early levels or with a dc who catches on quickly. We outline on the computer, so it doesn't even use letters and numbers, just bullet points going in and out. Suits us fine. The relationships are what is important. My notes in college were like that, so it's a useful skill.

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If you're looking for more, there's this little workbook that my dd9 started just this week:

http://www.amazon.com/REMEDIA-PUBLICATIONS-OUTLINING-GR-5-8/dp/B000QCBC2M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1296707134&sr=8-1 I read about it here :)

These are absolutely great. We just got these, having heard about it here. My dc are learning so well. Very user-friendly. I love these boards. I learn so much. :D

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