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I feel like I "woke up" today

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I don't know what's gotten into me. I've been in a complete fog for about a month - ever since I shipped off copies of my novel to my lovely readers. I've spent countless hours fooling around online. I've gone through my annual "be depressed about the past" phase.


And then I went crazy yesterday getting the house ready to show.


And today - BAM! I woke up.


I've figured out the rest of the year's curriculum for ds15 complete with online sites for test prep/further study/ etc.


I read two chapters of Story of the World to my 11yo and he begged for more.


I had my daughter read to me and then read to her.


I don't know - I suddenly feel like myself again, LOL!

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Isn't it reassuring to know that often the fog will lift all on its own if we just give it time. Though we all wish life to be filled with clear skies and sunshine, clouds and fog are equally important to the whole cycle.


But, man, doesn't that sunshine feel GOOOD!!!!????!!!!!





"I can see clearly now the rain has gone!

I can see all obstacles in my way...."

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