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Need reading list ideas for 6yo dd

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She's very advanced in reading ability, but doesn't always get content if the topic is for older kids. She reads the same books my 12 yo reads, but complains that a 200 page book is too short. Any suggestions for BIG books that have content at a younger level?

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Well, these are 'little' books, but when my 8 yr old was 6/7, she adored anything by Cynthia Rylant, particularly the Cousins series. She also loved The Van Gogh Cafe and The Islander. Rylant is a very engaging, gentle writer.


Has she read the Narnia books yet? Or perhaps she would like a big fat anthology of fairy tales, myths or or folk tales? You can get the biggest, heaviest ones you can find from the library. Or better yet, a great pile of them. What about a giant children's bible?

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Usbourne has a great Shakespear one out called.....Stories from Shakespear. The Lambs wrote a book with Shakespears tales which has been tamed down for the innocent.



Have you seen the Burgess Bird Book and others in the series? Very wholesome and also a bit of Science.



Dare I suggest the "Little House Series". That is only for the strong of heart......the obsession almost killed me. Did you know there are three other series based on Ma's life and Rose's life and Margret's life and ....:tongue_smilie:


What about the Boxcar children? Lots of those.


Dd read a few Bobbsey Twins.


Fairy Tale suggestions.....Random House Book of Fairy Tales is good. But my all time Favorite is the Reader's Digest Fairy Tales from Hans Christian Anderson. It is breathtakingly beautiful but less that $25.



I'll keep thinking as Dd has been in the same spot. It can be a challenge.




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Hm... Well, dd just spent the last week reading all 8 Ramona books. Each one only took her a day, but because there were 8, it kept her for a bit. The American Girl books are quick reads, but again, there are so many, they've kept her busy for a while. The Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter (and yeah, I stopped her older brother for a few years between 3 and 4, but for some reason I'm less concerned about it with her)... Roald Dahl books (Matilda is a great reader and very young, so that's sort of fun)... Lately she's been reading Toliver's Secret, and it's either less interesting than the others she's been reading or it's a little tougher, because she's going more slowly with it.


I'll ask her tomorrow what else she's been reading lately. I can't believe a child who still moves her lips when she reads can read so *fast* (and still recount the stories with such detail), lol...

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