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Homeschooling high school books...

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Do you have a favorite book (or books) that have helped you in preparing your high school student for college? Something that holds your hand and helps you know what is important to cover in high school, and how to go about college admissions, etc.


It's funny, but I have actually graduated two children who are doing quite well for themselves. They had zero aspirations of going to a 4-yr university though, so it was pretty easy to get them through high school and on to community college. I mean cc takes ANYONE! Youngest ds really wants to go to University though. The ONLY way to get him there is with some type of scholarship/merit award. I have no experience with that. None.


He starts 9th grade next year! Eeek. Help? Anyone?

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Do you have a favorite book (or books) that have helped you in preparing your high school student for college? Something that holds your hand and helps you know what is important to cover in high school, and how to go about college admissions, etc.


I'll tell what I have NOT liked ... just too general and basic. I like structure, specific suggestions, and product reviews, etc. I like very practical info.

This is what I did not like: College Prep Homeschooling


I would say that so far I love:

TWTM (obviously :D)

Cathy Duffy's 100 Product Reviews or whatever it's called

These boards :D



Eager to hear what others have to say. A month or so ago, I started copying and pasting what others here (and on another board) say about the various books. Thought to share. I haven't had much time to really look at it since.


The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Teens by by Debra Bell

Apparently, this book feels like reading the best of this very board in a well-organized format. It is a rigorous approach to home education, and her four children are great examples of successful homeschool graduates. She has a Christian approach.


Cafi Cohen's Homeschoolers' College Admissions Handbook

Homeschooling: The Teen Years: Your Complete Guide to Successfully

Homeschooling the 13- to 18- Year-Old by Cafi Cohen

Anything by Cafi Cohen is absolutely terrific!

Each book has a slightly different perspective and emphasis. Each will add to your understanding of the overall process.


Barb Sheldon's Senion High: A Home-Designed Form+U+La

Lots of forms, how to create classes, what a Carnegie unit is, etc.

She explains how she graded her three children.

There are forms and examples.

Some say that it's worth reading.

She has a web site, homeschooloasis.com.


She has a lot of information there, too.

At first, they will seem overwhelming just looking at the amount of type. But once you dig in and understand her philosophy, some say that it can be extremely freeing. They find the use of the forms very helpful.

Others can't seem to make heads nor tails of it. ;)


Homeschooling High School by Jeanne Gowen Dennis


Countdown to College by Kim Anderson at http://www.mother-lode.blogspot.com


Someone said that her absolute favorite is Home-Designed High School. Covers the whole process, is very doable, moderate, and reasonable.


What Colleges Don't Tell You by Gross

Someone said that she HATED this book. The book is written by an overachiever for overachiever-type parents. BUT the book has lots of helpful suggestions for how parents can help their kids make the most of the high school years.

"But do have some mellow music playing in the background when you read it, and plan on having coffee with a supportive friend after you have finished it!" :lol:


Another person (or maybe it was the same person ;)) wrote that she found these two books helpful in figuring out what is required for high school graduation/college entrance, AND for figuring out "what makes a unit/credit", how to "create a high school course", and how to put together transcripts:

Mary Schofield's "The High School Handbook: For Junior High, Too"



Vicki Bently's "High School 101: Blueprint for Success"



I'm looking forward to hearing what others have to say. :)

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Not a book. . .but I LOVED Lee Binz's Preparing to Homeschool Highschool DVD! I haven't picked up any books yet, but this DVD presentation was very informative and enjoyable.


You can see my review on Amazon or on my blog (link below).


I watched this, pulled my state requirements, and printed off sample transcripts from several places.


She also offers some "convention packages" which I think includes a selection of books and dvd's. Oh, and here's a webinar she recently did with Andrew Pudewa that you can watch for free. . .


Go to:



Click on Andrew Pudewa and then the webinar entitled,

January 3, 2011 ­ Grades, Credits, and Transcripts, Oh My! (interviewing

Lee Binz).

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TWTM book and boards - print off a course of study so you have starting place.


Barb Shelton's Home School Design FormULa - agreeing with Negin. Go slow. There is a wealth of practical info in there!


Grace Llewelllyn's Teenage Liberation Handbook - soo fun. Out of the box thinking with flair.

She's also written: Freedom Challenge: African American Homeschoolers, Guerrilla Learning: How to Give Your Kids a Real Education With or Without School


Colfax's Homeschooling For Excellence -though the Colfaxs' call themselves "Unschoolers" they are, in my mind, classical educators who "unschool" by default (and they unschool "classically- as in the John Holt way).

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If you do a tag search on high school planning and high school prep, you'll find lot of good suggestions.


One of my favorite books is Homeschooling High School: Planning Ahead for College Admission by Jeanne Gowen Dennis.


And here's a thread with lots of helpful advice (and a few laughs): Whine!! I didn't sign up to be guidance counselor!


Some other valuable reads:


What High Schools Don't Tell You - 300+ Secrets to Make Your Kid Irresistible to Colleges by Senior Year by Elizabeth Wissner-Gross


and her other book: What Colleges Don’t Tell You by Elizabeth Wissner-Gross


Another I'd recommend is How to Get Into the Top Colleges by Krista Klein and Richard Montauk. This book is a helpful overview of the entire college application process and is particularly helpful if your child is aiming toward any moderately selective college.


I listed some other books that I like as regards selecting a college in this post.




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