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Help, which curriculum uses these?


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Also, Diana Waring... but as you probably already know, there's not a reading schedule with Diana Waring/History Revealed.


As pp said, I think a bunch of programs recommend Adam and His Kin, but not sure how many actually schedule it.


ETA: The "other books customers bought" look like most of the books used in HOD's CTC. In fact I think it uses almost all of those, except for Adam and His Kin (some are in the extension pack).

Edited by Another Lynn
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When you look at the "customers who bought this" it list several other titles. I now have most of these and I thought I remembered a program that uses these but I can't remember which one? Any ideas?


Learning Adventures

Heart of Wisdom Creation-Greeks


Ambleside Online Year 6 3rd tri-mester

I believe Beautiful feet uses these in their Ancients program.

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